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Young Bard

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Everything posted by Young Bard

  1. Hmmm... Araris, your point on Orlok is interesting, and my paranoia means I can't fully trust Orlok on anything. However, looking back, Orlok's been fairly suspicious of Terminal since more or less Cycle 1, which leads me to believe this isn't just Orlok bussing a team-mate, unless he really planned ahead. As such, I think it's better to try and vote for those who are far more likely to be guilty by association with Terminal, which, in particular, means Rathmaskal, for seeming to at first bus his teammate, and then turn around and try to save him when they realise they can tie the vote. As for my praise vote, Araris does seem to be very villagery this game. He's more active than I generally remember, but that's something that should be encouraged. Wyrm's writeup with the death of Terminal briefly scared me - the way it was suggested that the Spikes may have been implanted as a device to frame Terminal made me really paranoid about the existence of some kind of 'framer' role like from ToS, but I got confirmation from Wyrm that there are no secret roles or alignments, which is a relief. (Jon, that also means that there isn't a role that could have caused Elandara's death - it must have happened naturally.) Shqueeves' post Night 4 is interesting - they barely contribute in the thread, but then they ask in the Night turn whether there are still tineyes around, meaning he's presumably active in PM's. That could be a sign of an Eliminator trying to avoid posting alignment indicative posts in thread, though that's probably just my paranoid brain. @Shqueeves - do you have any thoughts on the game right now? Who's your top suspicion? Sorry for my thoughts being kind of all over the place - it sometimes feels like I can be active, coherent, or accurate, but never, ever, all three at once.
  2. I'm really, really sorry to everyone for not being active the last cycle or so - I got distracted and kept meaning to check back in, but something else always came up. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. OK, I'm pretty sure we're lynching Ark or Rath this cycle - I want to read over the thread properly since I've only skimmed the last day or so to confirm I agree with Orlok and others reasoning before I vote, though it seemed fairly solid on an initial reading, especially now knowing that Terminal was an Elim. Normally, I'd try and reread first so I was more certain of these things, but I want to post now or else I'm worried I'm going to get sidetracked again - hopefully, by posting now, I'll get in the right headspace again. Losing two of the more active members of discussion is really worrying - hopefully, I'll be around more from here on out, but we're seriously at the risk of this discussion turning into a graveyard right now. I feel like I haven't said anything useful yet, so I'm trying to go through the thread and find something to analyse that's a bit more productive... Xinoehp seems a little suspicious to me - bandwagonning on to the Terminal lynch at the last minute. His last post before that also seems to be wishy-washy about Terminal - possibly a mark of an Eliminator trying not to get their teammate killed, but trying to distance himself in case Meta is lynched - it also throws suspicion at Orlok without any kind of reasoning - possibly a way of trying to create mistrust in Orlok's reasoning, and possibly get a major analyser lynched. Huh. I got ninja'd by Rath who's also suspicious of Xino. I... really don't know how I feel about that - I'll try and figure that out when I wake up tomorrow.
  3. Could you elaborate on that, Gancho? Why do you feel suspicious about Ark? Steel, Araris Hmmm... Itiah - asking the Coinshot and Seeker to claim are red flags for me. Yes, it worked in AG3, but I can just as easily point to a game like LG12(?) where Rae had a vig role and relied on Burnt for advice, who was an Eliminator, and who got led astray as a result. Also, I strongly disagree that one of Orlok and Fifth would have to be an Eliminator like you suggest, and it feels like that thought process might be a way to get rid of one or both of the better analysers early on in the game. The fact that Orlok seems to find Itiah suspicious as well gives me a little more confidence that I'm not just tunnelling, as well. On top of that, I don't view Fifth as suspicious currently, so I'm happy to go along with it (part of me wants to vote for someone else so we don't end up giving the Praise vote to the same person multiple cycles in a row, but if I'd wanted to do that I should have gotten online earlier - I don't think there's time at this stage of the cycle.) As for Rathmaskal - it read to me like they were trying to do some genuine analysis - it didn't read like him trying to distract the village or anything like that. (Particularly since, given discussion today, there doesn't seem to be much to distract from - with luck, tomorrow will be more active.) And Ark... Is it just that Snipexe voted on Ark and then Snip died? That feels tenuous at best. Hmmm... Tonight or tomorrow, I'll try and go through and do a player by player, because when I do that my thoughts usually solidify at least slightly, and right now I just feel like I'm grasping at straws.
  4. My assignments are all done now, so hopefully that means I'll be able to contribute more now, though hopefully we'll get more people contributing than just those who have so far. I already mentioned last night what I thought of the whole CadCom lynch, and how that relates to the meta of SE. I feel like repeating those points here and continuing a fairly NAI conversation would be useless, though it might be worth bringing up in the meta discussion thread after the game is over. To me, it looks like everything said here was what Fifth and Orlok actually believe, so there's no game-relevant information to be gleaned there. Orlok seemed to think Fifth was being strangely hyperfocused on the lynch between the thread and PM's - I didn't particularly get that impression from the thread, and I don't have access to their PM's, so it's hard to say. There's an interesting effect in the rules - a Seeker can't tell when they get Roleless Noble whether it's someone who's been Smoked or whether it's an actual Roleless Noble. However, if a Seeker were to scan a Roleless Noble, and then, through some sort of collaboration, a Soother/Rioter tried to vote manipulate that person the next Day, then it can be confirmed whether a player is or is not being Smoked. As such, to the Seeker(s) (probably singular, but who knows) out there, if you scan a Village Soother or Rioter, I'd claim to them in PM's and set some sort of system up. Village Smokers, it might be better for you to not Smoke people, or at least be prepared to claim if a lynch train arrives on someone you Smoked, blocking a Seeker scan. As for suspicions... I now know that Snipexe is innocent, so my analysis from last night doesn't count towards anything. It could be an attempt to protect an Eliminator Orlok, but neither Araris nor Aonar's votes seem out of character for me, nor did Orlok's vote seem like a vote that had much chance of gaining momentum or needing a bandwagon to save Orlok from the lynch. In place of actual thinking and analysis, since it's 4 in the morning, I'll pokevote Steeldancer to do the analysis for me, since he said last night that he was going to post his thoughts later, and he hasn't done so yet. (I'll try and form an actual opinion when I'm awake tomorrow - I couldn't find anything that stood out to me looking at the thread - neither Devotary nor Snipexe posted anything that seems likely to cause an Elim to want to murder them, nor did anything else strike me as particularly off.) Since I need to give a Praise Vote, I'll Praise Araris, because they posted as I'm typing this and they seem to have decent points. Jendred leant against the lamppost, eyes slowly skimming over the paper. Seems like some of the competitors of the competition had gone and got themselves killed. That was just too bad - but, Jendred supposed, if they didn't know how to handle themselves, then that was their own fault. Plus, it meant less competition for him. With any luck, the rest of the competition would get themselves blown up too, leaving him an open pathway to that inheritance. Slowly, Jendred folded up the paper and began to stroll on his way.
  5. OK, two assessments down, one to go, due tomorrow night. I'm taking a break from working for a little while to catch up on this, though, especially since these kinds of things can be hard to catch up on. OK, that read like quite a bandwagon on CadCom at the end of the cycle, which makes me suspicious that the next biggest candidate for the lynch, Snip, might be a Spiked that their Elim buddies were trying to protect, especially considered how little CadCom got lynched over. (To me, CadCom just seemed to be trying to figure out different kinds of playstyles, and if anything, I'd suspect they'd do the opposite if they were an Eliminator, and try to play it safe. Part of me worries that we're too eager to lynch anyone who strays too far from the default SE playstyle, but that's more a conversation that might be better for the meta discussion thread. To cut a long story short - we've had people like Stink, "chaotic players" here historically, and while Stink tended to get lynched more than a standard player might, I worry that lynches like yesterday's mean that we're getting more homogenous and less tolerant of differing playstyles, which I think would be detrimental to SE as a whole.) I generally believe Orlok's and Fifth's votes seem genuine and well thought out, but Xino, Elandara, and MetaTerminal seemed to bandwagon on. Especially if Snip flips Elim, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one or two of these people are also Eliminators.
  6. Ha. That was great. Many thanks to Wilson, Orlok and El for running this. I was Darkness, which was great fun to be brooding and dramatic. I'll have to do RP more often in future games. Congratulations in particular to the "Eliminators" of this game - you came exceedingly close and I thought for a while that you were going to succeed in starting the Desolation, which would have been interesting.
  7. OK, I don't have a lot of time to do this - I have three major assignments due for uni between tonight and next Monday, so won't be around as much as usual for the first cycle. Here are some quick thoughts, though: I agree with most of what's said here - something about Point 1 just feels... off to me, like Fifth is trying too hard to make themselves feel villagery. It's probably me trying to read too much into things Day 1, though, and I think I tend to tunnel a bit on Fifth's kind of playstyle as well, so it's probably nothing. I'll try and keep an eye on their posts in particular, though. Hmmm... A few people have commented on this - to me, it feels like a new player that's still trying to figure things out, though I'd be OK with lynching them if it came down to it. CadCom's mixup between Devotary and Orlok makes me slightly more inclined to trust them - I feel an Elim would probably have been a bit more careful to try and not make that mistake. I feel like the Praise mechanic has the ability to be a source of information that isn't being used right now. Often, it can be easier for people to figure out who they trust than who they don't trust, and having a discussion on why that's the case can be interesting as opposed to "that's what everyone else is doing". As such, CadCom. For my lynch vote... I might move over to Fifth depending how things are at the end of the cycle, but in the interest of keeping discussion open for now, I'm going to vote for Gancho Libre - I'd love to hear your thoughts on the game so far, and who you trust, or who you find suspicious.
  8. From memory, the only Wyrm game I played in was LG28, and I died Night 1 there, so... I'm too tempted not to sign up for this. (Also, by the way, Wyrm, the commentary beside the signup names cracked me up.) Jendred considered himself an enterprising figure. Eighth son in line to his house, it was unlikely he'd get much of an inheritance from there (not without a long string of unfortunate accidents, anyway), but Jendred had no intention of becoming a small footnote in the history books. A competition like this could be his chance. High risk, high reward, who knows what hanging in the balance - Jendred may even find himself enjoying this...
  9. Thanks to DA and Joe for running this game! I enjoyed it a lot. Also, congrats to the spirits for your victory - especially after Aanden and Karata were killed/converted in the same night, the village didn't stand a chance.
  10. OK, it seems like I'm going to die, so... ideally, I'd like another Baron to confirm everything said here just to make sure Fifth isn't in cahoots with one of Alv or Terminal. @I think I am here. - have you put your action in this cycle? (Sorry to nag you, but I think your scan results could make or break the game for the villagers, and the more scans you reveal, the easier it will be to find out if you've faked one - I'd go for the Wildmen.) Everyone's going to ignore this this cycle, but for next cycle, once you know I'm a villager. Assuming Dashe hasn't been converted (and therefore has no reason to lie), there are two Independent Spirits - currently - I'd consider a Fifth-Terminal pair being suspicious. (Actually, yeah, Terminal - that way, you might get useful information if Terminal survives, or if they flip village.) - Failing that, depending on Meta's role tonight, I'd vote Devotary, followed by Drought, who PM'ed me and who I'm generally leaning towards being a villager. I want to work on a final RP for Kaido for the rest of this cycle (I never wrote the RP where he realised his son died), so hopefully I can get that out before rollover, or in next cycles writeup if Darkness and Joe prefer. If Dashe has been converted... Lynch Dashe, obviously, but I'd be looking in the Wildmen, since the Spirits have almost certainly got a mole in the Wildmen to try and find Shaor. And... good luck.
  11. @Straw and @Walin- You've both been online recently, and if my process of elimination is correct, you both started the game as Barons. Can you confirm whether the Barons have ever healed Alvron or MetaTerminal, and if not, place a vote on one of those two for being a Spirit and having survived being attacked due to the healing they get from conversion? @Droughtbringer - you still haven't responded, but have been online recently - do you have any thoughts to add?
  12. Dammit. Right. I'm sure I'm going to be lynched this cycle, which is disappointing, since I genuinely am innocent. I'm surprised at two Independents - one I'd expect, but I thought the Spirits would be targeting the Wildmen to try and find and convert Shaor. There's the chance that Itiah is converted, but I don't read it that way. Which means I'm going to have to go with Drought through process of Elimination - Fifth could have been converted last cycle or the one before that, but certainly not before then, so isn't the first of two. I read Devotary as good, though my paranoid self is starting to doubt that, and I may try and do an analysis of their posts before the end of the cycle. Coop is dead already. Meta I again saw as village, and I honestly can't see them being converted (though that might be an IKYK), and I know I'm not an Eliminator, leaving Drought - @Droughtbringer. If I had to pick a second... it's hard to say, especially since it might have been a convert from last night, but I'd guess Devotary or Meta, with the possibility of Fifth being converted last cycle. (Oh, and Dahad (or whoever the roleblocker role is) roleblocked me last cycle. That's fair, I suppose.) EDIT: Huh. I missed the number of attacks. And Steel/Dahad died. As did another Wildman. That's... not good, in the number of possible Shaors left, and no-one to stop the conversions. EDIT 2: Drought, Alvron. You are a Wildman, and started out injured. How did you manage to survive an attack? Did the Barons ever heal you?
  13. Hmmm... ish? I might push for it harder if CadCom flips Elim, since we'll know that by posting the Wildmen lynch, we're not narrowing down the list of possible Shaors for the Spirits. As for why I'm voting on CadCom, a couple posts (particularly their first vote of the last cycle, which felt to me a lot like an Eliminator who knew they'd almost won) felt very off to me, and it matches sentiments expressed by others independently, and historically, that's been a sign that I've been on the right track. On top of that, I feel like he would make a good convert, since it would allow the Spirits to have a spy in the Wildmen doc, and have someone to try and influence the vote in that doc (the effects of which I feel we're seeing a bit now.) OK, this is interesting - I have more votes on me now, but the only one that actually gives an explanation (beyond not being suspicious of CadCom) is Fifth, which I think I forgot to respond to. Some of my posts were exaggerated in tone last cycle, but that's because I was paranoid last cycle that the Spirits knew who Shaor was and were planning on converting him that cycle, ending the game. Since that hasn't happened, my paranoia has eased (slightly). As for me trying to pocket you... I have openly stated I trusted you, but I think that was backed up with very good reasons (namely, you led the lynch on Shqueeves, and couldn't have been converted the cycle after). So I feel my posts were justified, and I stand by them. This may be my last post before rollover, because my laptop doesn't have a lot of battery life left, so if I get lynched (and supposing the game doesn't end with Shaor's conversion), please look at CadCom and Drought as my biggest suspects.
  14. Fifth, I'd like that reasoning if possible - I do find it a little frustrating when I have someone voting on me and I have nothing to respond to. Lopen, Dashe scanned the Children, and found only one villain in that group. So, unless Dashe was also immediately converted in the first turn (which... would be fairly extraordinary if true), Dashe lied about the number of converts in the group, and then Fifth bussed Shqueeves, which seems to unlikely to be true. As such, I'm going to go with CadCom - I see your point, but I don't see any better candidates currently. If I were after an Independent specifically, I might go for @Droughtbringer, as someone who's neutral, but otherwise, I don't see it. (I trust both Devotary and Fifth at this stage, and MetaTerminal just seems like a new player to me. Actually - Coop got referred to as an Independent/Baron "ambassador". @Fifth Scholar - are you referred to as an "Ambassador" in your GM PM? And if there's an Ambassador for the Children, and an Ambassador for the Baron's, I'd be surprised if there wasn't an Ambassador for the Wildmen. Has anyone claimed as much in the Wildmen Doc? If so, (particularly if they haven't claimed as much to anybody), then they become a lot more suspicious to me.
  15. Less a gut read, and more a process of Elimination - Karata was converted, and Elan is the only possible Karata. CadCom. I don't believe you, and I don't see a better candidate (well, besides Elandara, who's being lynched.) I give an 80% chance to there being a fourth Eliminator beyond Shqueeves, CadCom, and Elandara, since they might have wanted to save their conversions for later. I doubt there's a fifth (meaning, four alive now) - if there is, though, we've lost already. Hmmm... I'm good with revealing all the factions and Independents at this point (both as they were last cycle and as they are now), mainly because I suspect that the Village would gain more from that info at this point in the game compared with the Spirits. Quickly, going over the Independents: Fifth - Absolute Trust, at least for this cycle. Devotary - Moderate Trust, I'm getting a good gut read from Devotary. Bard - Hi. Drought - Neutral - if Maill reads Drought as suspicious, then I trust Maill's reads to a certain extent, but I personally don't see it. Coop - Neutral - On the one hand, Coop's posts Cycle 1 felt to... unfiltered to be from an Eliminator, if that makes sense - I think an Eliminator would be looking over their posts more. But they could have been converted since, so I don't know.
  16. ...Huh. OK, that's interesting. Re: The bodyguard, it doesn't seem like the redirection applies to conversion, so that's still a 50/50 toss-up just for that, and highly unlikely overall. But it's In regards to how suspicious I am of you... I don't know what to think, though if it were a choice between you and CadCom, I'm more suspicious of CadCom. But I'll have another look at this again when I have fresh eyes and it isn't 4 in the morning. I have to be honest, that definitely feels like a backtrack - to people in CadCom's doc I'd be curious to hear exactly when CadCom changed their mind - before or after I accused them in thread. I'm off to bed. Night, everyone.
  17. Oh dear. Two out of three leaders converted or killed in one night - I find it very likely this will be either the last or the second last cycle in the game, especially if they know who Shaor is, in which case, it's impossible for the village to win (more on this later). Elandara. (One quick note: as I understand the rules, Karata would also have been moved to a non-spirit doc, but that reads like a genuine mistake, not an attempt at manipulation.) I spied on a PM last night (yes, this is me claiming Independent) which had [Fifth - I'm 90% sure, unless Maill is even more trollish then I remember him] claiming to Maill that Elan is Karata - they should both be able to confirm this conversation when they both get online. Also, process of elimination says you're Dashe, Itiah - what were your scan results? (Normally, I wouldn't reveal your role like that, but I don't think it matters right now, and if you claim here in the thread - and if you say you are Dashe and no-one counterclaims that, it lends a lot more validity to your statement and does actually rule you out as a potential Karata.) First off, to dispel this rumour, Fifth revealed Shqueeves last cycle, so there's been one turn to convert him. Except, we know that they converted Karata last cycle, so unless Fifth is Karata (for reasons I've already stated, that's unlikely), Fifth could not have been converted last cycle, and is one of the few players we can trust absolutely this cycle. Now, Crimsn and CadCom's posts strongly read to me like Eliminators who know they're a cycle from winning, so are barely trying to hide it. Which, if they know who Shaor is, the village can not win. Actually, it's possible to put it up to a 50/50 coin toss/IKYK mania, depending on whether the Spirits target Shaor or the Bodyguard this cycle (leading to Shaor being unprotectable next cycle), and whether the Bodyguard correctly guesses who will be targeted, and even then, we would need to have no mislynches, and have the Wildmen attack the correct target over two different cycles, and have Aanden's gang heal Shaor in case the Spirits attack him and the Bodyguard is protecting themselves. So, basically, if they know who Shaor is, we've lost. Assuming I'm right, well played to CadCom and Crimsn.
  18. Oops. This is what happens when I craft a post over two different days - I forget what I said/did yesterday. (Thanks.) Lopen, Shqueeves I... huh. I could have sworn you did, that's really weird. I'm going out now - I'll figure out what I thought I saw and who said it when I get back. I was trying to get a post out quickly with plenty of time before the end of the cycle, and I guess that backfired since I didn't properly doublecheck everything as much. I haven't just escaped from an asylum, I promise...
  19. My assignment is all turned in now, so I should have a lot more time to devote to this. Apologies for not being here sooner. Also, a fair chunk of this was started yesterday, then I put it aside because I had other things to get done - discussion about this cycle is at the very bottom of the post. This post is fairly eclectic, since I have a bunch of mostly independent things I want to talk about, since that's just the mood I'm in. Sorry about that - if you need clarification on anything, let me know. Hmmm... Cadcom, a quick response - as a couple of people mentioned, I do think it's fairly typical for me to try and post a couple early reads as soon as possible. That's doubly true in a conversion game, as well, since I think it's important to have as many people's opinions and thoughts out on the table as soon as possible, so we can see where they change later, and whether that change is suspicious. (I had planned to urge others to do the same, but due to time restraints I didn't have time to, unfortunately, which could make the late game more difficult. Nevermind.) The fact that I voted against a Day 1 lynch instead of for it is highly unusual for me, but that's because the odds are so much lower due to this being a conversion game that I didn't feel this was worth it. I find Terminal's post much more concerning - immediately jumping on xinoehp after Shqueeves called xino out on not posting (speaking of which, Shqueeves, I haven't seen you post anything at all about your suspicions either, so I'd love to hear more from you), then immediately hopping over to voting on me after Cadcom's vote, and providing little or no reasoning either time apart from "I agree with what the person above me said". They don't seem to be on Wilson's Spreadsheet yet, so I'm assuming that this is Terminal's first game (if so, welcome to SE, Terminal. Glad you could join the madness - I look forward to stabbing you in the back sometime. ) As such, I think I'm putting that down in my head as being a new player. [Me from the future - I can't really see Terminal as a Spirit, so I disagree with Maill's choice of purple vote.] The other post I find immediately concerning is Coop's, particularly since I have a trust read on Maill. It seems like Coop was just in a hurry due to IRL stuff (I've certainly been there), so again I'm not going to treat this as too alignment indicative. However, I will say that from what you described, I don't find Maill's behaviour all that unusual or suspicious - I remember him having a reputation for being good at convincing other players to claim to him. I have a (slightly sore) memory of his final game before his hiatus, LG24, when he was leaving in the second or third cycle, and before he left, he tried to reveal the role/alignments of every player in the game. He wasn't perfect, but he was better than anyone had any right to be, IMO. [Me from the future - I basically agree with what Drought said about this as well.] Oh, and I went back over Steel's posts specifically with fresh eyes, and couldn't find whatever it was that made me suspicious of them - I'm putting it down to sleep deprivation. He's back to neutral on my reads list. I've gone back and looked at Elandara's posts, as well, since two people (Maill and BR) independently seem to have expressed suspicion of him. I don't really see it, but I intend to keep an eye on his posts to see if there's anything that strikes me as off from here on. A brief note on the number of converts we can expect - the Spirits have had the chance to convert twice, but there's a certain amount of advantage in converting late since it means that there's less chance for the Eliminators to have gotten picked off over time. On the other hand, more Eliminators early means more security to prevent an accidental early reveal, and more people to discuss strategy with. Depending on the experience of Raoden and Galladon, then I'd guess they've probably converted once. Speaking of which, here's a rough callout of people who I haven't seen post much in thread - @xinoehp512, @Walin, @Straw, @I think I am here., @Shqueeves, @ElephantEarwax - if you could, could you please post something about who you're suspicious of, and who you think you trust? For now, I'll vote on Lopen as a pokevote. This is where I stopped yesterday, mainly because I felt like my post wouldn't be that useful without some idea of at least one person who I was suspicious of, and I honestly couldn't find anything that struck me as suspicious yesterday. Luckily, I have two more suspicions from todays content. First, Shqueeves. Even if it's wrong, we still get leads, since in meant Fifth or Fifth's contact/group is lying, which is useful information to find a Spirit either way. Second, BR. Something about their post this cycle where they give reads of everyone feels off. Specifically, the posts I find village or neutral gave off the sense of not knowing a large chunk of information and was trying to figure it out, and this didn't give me that sense. Then again, they're also one of the most active posters, which makes me hesitant to vote on them, since they're one of the big drivers of conversation, and there's just more chances for her to write something that seems suspicious to me or anyone else. I'm keeping an eye on her posts, though.
  20. Hmmm... I like to live dangerously - to avoid vote shenanigans by Raoden, assuming this counts for anything whatsoever, and that I'm not about to die, Joe. As for the other players up for the lynch: Steel - probably my most likely candidate due to a gut read, but I don't especially want to lynch him this cycle until I figure out why - maybe next cycle. Slight Elim. Kidpen - Voted on Joe - I got the sense that Kidpen didn't have any reads he wanted to act on, and was just mucking around until he got a better idea. Very, very slight village. Elandara - "Weird vibes" from BR - fair enough, I suppose - I didn't see anything like that, but when I reread, I'll keep an eye out on Elan's posts. Neutral. Drought - Inactive vote - as good as anything, I suppose? Still, Drought can be an active player depending on what he's got on IRL, so I'd like to hear him post at least something first. Neutral.
  21. That's fair. I've sat down to type out a response three times now, and three times I've had something interrupt me IRL. Also, after tomorrow midnight (AEST time, so about 32 hours from now), a major assignment of mine I'm working on will be handed in, and I'll have a lot more time to devote to this. I'm also against Maill's plan to reveal the players, for a lot of similar reasons as what people have said here before, but also because, even if everything goes exactly as Maill says and we catch Raoden and Galladon, it might happen at the expense of fun. It definitely won't be fun for Raoden and Galladon, who, especially if they're part of the Independents, will get caught out without any chance of being able to try to defend themselves, nor will it be especially fun for the villagers - after the initial "hype" (I can't think of the word I want) for the plan, quickly becomes kind of formulaic and uninteresting for them as well. Admittedly, with the conversion in play, the second half of the game would still be much more interesting trying to catch the converts, but I'm still not enthusiastic about that plan. Also, I remember MR14 - I kind of think lynching Joe is a bad idea... Failing this, I've read the thread, but I haven't done it thoroughly enough to get any solid reads out of it, especially on Cycle 1, and especially in a conversion game where there are only two Eliminators to start out. I hope to reread the thread after tomorrow night and see if I spot anything particularly unusual. In the interest of saying something useful, though, I'm going to say I have a tentative trust on Maill for now, as his plan seems like a villager-y way of getting potentially alignment-indicative information out of people (which, if I read him correctly, was probably more his intent than treating his plan as anything serious anyway.) I've also marked down in my head that I want to read Steel's posts carefully in particular, since something about them seems slightly off to me, but I'm not sure if that's just my clutching at straws, whether Steel's an Eliminator, or whether this is a kinda-but-not-really-a-faction-game. (It's probably the first, but I hope to see if I can pin that down more firmly on the reread, and point to something specifically that Steel can defend himself from.) Kaido saw ranks upon ranks of Hoed in the room, half comatose, but occasionally thrashing as though to ward off their own demons that no-one else could see. Slowly, he paused in front of each one, heard their mumbles, and made the sign of Domi for them, before passing on, and doing the same for the next person down the line. The other person looked at him. "Why do you bother?" "Everyone else has abandoned these people - someone must remember them, and pray for them." There was another reason, of course, which he didn't say, but breathed a sigh of relief when, several hours later, he had finished praying for the entire group. His son. His son was not with the Hoed. Not here, not yet, at least.
  22. Hmmm... That's fair. If anyone wants to do that, again, they're welcome to. (Let me know if you do.)
  23. If someone who's signing up in the last 20 minutes wants to roleplay as my son, they're welcome to.
  24. (Sorry for the late signup, Joe - I was tossing and turning over whether to sign up to this, but this just looked too tempting not to sign up to.) If it's familiar faces you're after, maybe I can provide one more (even if it's only a vaguely familiar one). 2 Years Ago Kaido sat, alone, in the Korathi Church. "Domi..." He paused. He had no idea what to say. It had been 5 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days now, since his son had been taken by the Shaod. For 5 months, 3 weeks, and 4 days, Kaido went to pray in the Korathi Church, to pray for his son, to tell Domi to have mercy on his child. And, for 5 months, 3 months, and 4 days, Domi had ignored him. The gates of Elantris had remained shut. There had been no miracle. But faith and hope inspired many things that rational logic did not. And so, Kaido continued to pray. "Domi. Please, do what you can to help my son. Ease his pains, and see that he is a true and merciful subject to you. Let him be cured from this trial you have sent for him, and walk free from the gates of Elantris as proof of your mercy and forgiveness." Kaido paused for a brief moment. "And if you can not cure his wounds, or will not, then please let the Shaod take me too, so I may see my son on the other side." Kaido made the sign of Domi to the air in front of him, and left the church, to return tomorrow. (On a completely unrelated note, my original character name was Meido, but apparently that has... a very different meaning to what I'd originally intended, so I decided to change it. I'm glad I Googled it before signing up. )
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