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Status Updates posted by Newan

  1. She's living in the past so you won't last without the proper care

    1. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      I feel like I know that Line from somewhere. is that from a story?

    2. Newan


      It's from the song Nightmare Night. I listened to it like 20 times on Halloween.

  2. Why am I going to wear glasses with cloth over them for Halloween? Because it will be Spooky.

  3. Aaron is evolving! ... Aaron is now 21

    1. Newan


      Crap I meant to hit b

  4. I'm at the San Diego signing. Any questions you want me to ask him?

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      How about "If Vin were an Epic, what would her powers and weakness be?" Alternately, can an Epic's weakness change over time?

    2. Newan


      He said that he doesn't know what Vin's power would be, because he makes those up based on what he wants for the story, but that her weakness would be being alone, which he thinks would be a really cool epic weakness.

      I forgot to ask the other question.

      Also, he recognized me! Ahahahahahaha Brandon Sanderson rememered me! (Of course, I did cheat. I was at the provo release a couple of days ago). But still!

    3. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Wow! Thank you so much! :D And it's incredibly awesome that he remembered you. :)

  5. Has anyone received their numbers for the Shadows of Self signing yet? I still haven't received an email, and I'm starting to worry that there was some kind of problem.

    1. Newan


      Hahaha immediately after posting this, I checked my email and I had received my number.

  6. Do you think Spook and Renarin would be drift compatible?

    1. Slowswift


      That's a question for Feather. ;)

    2. Curious Anamaximder

      Curious Anamaximder

      What would their jaeger be called?

    3. Newan


      Hmm... maybe Farsight?

  7. I'm so jealous of Megalodon.

  8. If some members of this forum were transported to Scadrial, maybe a month before the events of Mistborn TFE, how well do you think we would fare?

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      TwiLyght mortally wounds the Lord Ruler and leaves him to die.

    2. Newan


      Hoid worldhops to the well of ascension to steal some Lerasium and finds himself surrounded.

      "If you want the element," says Kurkistan, "you're going to have to answer some questions about time bubbles."

  9. The best thing about being sick is all the soup I've been eating. I love soup. Soup soup soup.

    1. WayneSpren


      Is there Chull dung in the soup?

    2. Newan


      If it makes me more sick, I will have to eat more soup. Rock, you're hired!

  10. Honestly, I was tempted to say that I had amnesia. Or that I accidentally burned duralumin while burning cadmium. I don't know why I let embarrassment about letting people down drive me away... Will you guys forgive me for giving up and running away? I miss this community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Newan
    3. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      We all understand that life is more important. Of course we'll forgive you! As long as you post pugs and/or ponies.

    4. Mailliw73


      Hey Newan! Welcome back!

  11. 18 hours into the cycle and I just finished sending out PMs.

    1. the winter system

      the winter system

      Ouch. That's a lot of PMs.

  12. Finished calculations. Now to write... up.

  13. Currently working on calculations for Night 5. Write-up will be a little bit late.

    1. Mailliw73


      Do you know how late?

    2. Newan


      Write up: another hour?

      PMs: maybe won't come until tomorrow

    3. Mailliw73


      Alright, thanks.

  14. I just like saying "noted," okay?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the winter system

      the winter system

      The notes of notation are noted.

    3. Alvron


      I note the notations of the notes notated.

    4. Mailliw73


      Being a GM is getting to you, huh?

  15. Hell's Kitchen, Roshar-Style: Put Lift in a room full of uncooked food, strap Nightblood to her, and take away the sheath.

  16. If Lift went to Threnody, could she punch shades in the face?

  17. I remember reading somewhere that Brandon regretted having Kaladin kill Szeth, and that he wished he had written it differently. Now I can't find the reference. Does anybody know where I can find that source?

  18. I'm watching a show called Utopia. It's actually really awesome.

  19. So flipping excited for Twinborn Village.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Ooh, what's that?

    2. Newan


      It's the game of Sanderson Elimination I'm going to run. It's going to be completely insane.

  20. Yay I got my fourth dot!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. the winter system

      the winter system

      Don't you know? That's the rank that Kobold is going to pick up next.

    3. Newan


      Not if I get there first.

      *posts ten thousand posts*

      *accumulates a hundred thousand upvotes*

    4. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Oh, if only it were that easy.

  21. Besides Brandon, I'm the only one in the Top Fifty with less than four dots. I had better cherish these next seven posts.

    1. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Wow, that there is an achievement if I've ever seen one. Good Job!

    2. Newan


      Thanks! You know who is really impressive? Lightflame, inventor of the Hoidbringers. Check this out http://www.17thshard.com/forum/user/2489-lightflame/

  22. Just so you all know, this happens because of my anxiety. It's not like I just decide I don't care anymore. I get overwhelmed, so I drop things, and then I worry that people will be mad so I put off picking them back up, and it kind of becomes a cycle.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      We won't be mad, I can assure you. :) Hope you can get through your anxiety. That sounds rough.

    2. A Joe in the Bush

      A Joe in the Bush

      Don't wory man. RL stuff always takes precedence. Just please come back when you're up to it.

      And let's not repeat the Chidden thing again.

    3. Newan


      Haha yeah I was tempted, but I decided I should try to be a little bit more mature than that.

  23. I just want to apologize to everybody I let down by leaving without warning. Especially the folks at WHIO and Paidia. You guys are great, and I'm really sorry.

  24. Hi everybody! Guess who bit off more than he could chew...

  25. WoB: Pizza delivery is very close in Scadrial's future. However, though coinshots do work as messengers, they're very expensive. So unless somebody needs their pizza *really* quick, they're not going to have it delivered by coinshot.

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Cadmium burners can have their pizza as quickly as they want after ordering. Relatively speaking, of course. :P

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