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High prince of geeks

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Everything posted by High prince of geeks

  1. Okay, my thought is for a trained fighter the blade would be better, heightening Yoour killing potential. As a newbie, like me, a plate makes you nearly invulnerable while still heightening you danger factor with spread and strength.
  2. Since you are friends with a ligh eye who recently won a duel you are given some shards, the catch? You can only have either the plate or the sword. If given the choice which would you choose and why? P.s. my choice would be plate, because if I had a shareholder I'd cut off either my hand or a friends hand, in three hours tops
  3. Spoilers below now i know what your going to say, of course he knew! He had the whole secret room full of flack stories to make him seem more evil. But here's my question, steelhead really hated not being fear, that's why it was his weakness. But what if he never put 2 and 2 together, he just knew that somebody had once been able to hurt him. What if he made himself seem more evil because that's just they he was?
  4. Take a rock, lash it twenty or so times towards an enemy some twenty feat away. Fight someone on a ledge, simulcast the edge into something slippery. Make someone frictionless and have a friend push them down a slanted hallway long enough so that they run out of starlight before they reach the end but are still going fairly fast. Cover the last felt feat with sand paper. Japanese bamboo torture to the extreme! Simulcast a bunch of people into stone and make your enemies think that if they lock at you they will face the same fate Push somebody into a shallow pool, enough so they are mostly covered but not enough that their face is under. Simulcast the water into stone and leave. Cut of a dude's arm simulcast it to stone and beat him with it. Full lash something onto a enemy then lash that objet straight up just enough so that the are not sent flying but have to struggle to move. Use liGhtweave to fake evidence against enemies. Lightweave a weapons then proceed to freak a captured enemy out by pretending to stab him and using a fabrial to make it real like he was stabbed
  5. So in the Rithmatist there was several occasions were a rithmatist was not touching the Chalk but it still held Rithmatic powers. The Scribbler draws with the the end of his staff. And Professor Nalizar uses a piece of chalk on his shoe. So the rithmatist doesn't actuality have to touch the chalk. Any ways people could use this
  6. It was said it would be thematically appropriate, but what
  7. expanding on this. Some of the only times the cola is mentioned is when Tia is in a bad mood. perhaps if they new profs weekness they would keep it in supply as well
  8. okay stay with me here. Both move into large wild lands finding creatures of huge wealth. The land is taken advantage of immediately while a war is started with the natives. The creatures of wealth population is hunted so much that their number decrease to almost dangerous levels. A that point the occupation of the new lands becomes more about destroying the natives
  9. He seams to be able to do a vast array of things. Making certain things glow, warm vast amounts of war r. Make glowing plant grow with no help whatsoever. Making radios work without power and near instantaneous communication through fortune cookies. Do his powers boil down to anything specific or are the people right in worshiping him
  10. My thought was that he is like super tuber far away, enough that you need NASA telescopes to sea it. Tia was in NASA and Regalia icon her and prof were friends. Manley the were hanging out with Tia when she was doing work and they discovered he was a man
  11. I just realized how slimier these two groups were. the monks are required to shave their head, most Ardents do it themselves. Their are both servants, ardent more literary both allow marriages while being monks both do not fit general description of monks(by that i mean the stereotypical locked in a small room starving themselves) Ardents seam to be the major intellectual force in roshar, as well as being chefs and weponmaster. There are some that you sea who talk about the almighty all the time but not much. Austrium monks seam to have no religious obligation then to helop others
  12. he will write a book about it... when were ready
  13. Regalia is powerful, extremely so.. She just doesn't have defensive powers. She is able to move thousands of tons of water and keep it there all day everyday while still using her other powers a good amount. Stealheart may have transformed a city as well, but he didn't have to do it constatnly
  14. Brandon Sanderon doesn't need to write down his stories. He tells them to a room full of empty pages and the word just spear on the page
  15. Excel said in the base that radios worked in the city without needing to plug it in, and that nothing else did the same
  16. Why in the world would a little kid rather have radios be able play all the time rather then t.vs or something like that
  17. In firefight it is hinted that there is a reason some people get powers, and profs seam to be super strong. I mean able to hold back an explosion that took out entire city's. And an unknown portion of his power was able regenerate half of David's body being disintegrated. My personal thought, Prof Tia Lincoln and Regalia were able to contact Calamity using N.A.S.A. stuff or whatever he granted them all, except Tia for some reason, massive powers. Think about it beside dawnslight prof and Regalia are the two strongest epics we've seen. Each with massive amounts of power.
  18. The reason that it is so understated now is that it is just starting. like "I heard a few people in south Africa have Ebola". its foreshadowing. Mabey in the next book it will be more prominent. I think that that Taravangian will show up with doctors, but it is voidspren, and will use this as an opportunity to study them.
  19. There should be a gemheart assault app. You could chose from different highprices which would give you different perks. Sebrial more money, sadeas give your their quicker, Dalinar gives you better soilders. You would tap on the bridges to send out soldiers a they would attack the parenshendi forces. If you win you get money wich would allow you to hire men.
  20. But the way the watchmen are all of Althkar made it seam like countries would be "the flock" not just the comminers
  21. In one of the visions Dalinar mentions that he didn't have to do anything because it was a visions and not real life, But he had to because of his honor. My guess is that this was a test
  22. In one of the earlier visions Dalinar is talking to a Knight Radiant and she says So who are the herdsmen and flock, and are there jobs?
  23. Are you a slider because ever Mon nth with you deals like it's over to soon. Are those braclets metleminds because your my cheek of ages. Their really is a drunk monkey choosing God titles because truly you are the real goddess of beauty Nightblood thinks your pretty, and since the only way he knows what things look like is my perception of them...
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