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High prince of geeks

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Everything posted by High prince of geeks

  1. Where did the Reckoners get the dowser. If it was one of Profs powers then how could Megan trick people with her illusion powers?
  2. Due to the fact that the powers Alomancy gives you, and as mentioned in other forums can become nearly addicting I can sea a lot of weird ways being used to get the mettles in you body snuffing it and the such. I'm counting on the dark depths of the internet to help me with more ideas.
  3. About hald of the Ceo's and stockbrokers in the world. Well the worlds stormed anyways. Let's cause a horrible economic disaster. Sell Sell Sell !!!!!!!
  4. In exception to the Ryshandium the horses in rasher seam normal, but Roshar is no place for horses without human looking after them. What with the highstorms and grass that actively hides from them. The only healthy place for horses would be Shinovar but I feel like that would have been mention in the trading scene in Wok. I think that horses are not originally from Roshare but brought from another world by a world hopper. Another reason I believe in this is that Cultivation seams to dislike making unoriginal plants and animals, if she is responsible for any horses on Roshar I thik that would only be the Ryshandium horses due to their unnatural intelligence and loyalty. Also in words of raidience the horse tamer (Can't remember her name) states that breading and taming hours is seen as neither a male or female job. The Essay separating male from female traits was very thorough even going into different kinds of foods, but doesn't mention anything to do with horses. My view on this was that either horses were rare or nonexistent at the point the easy (Which is hinted at being ancient) and they slowly became part of the world so there is no books or scrolls talking about the mysterious animals that just appeared out of nowhere.
  5. His weakness would have to be something that he would be reasonably sure that the reckoners would not run into in there missions. Because of how many different places and epics they fight it would have to be something either rare, or a action or state of mind that he was reasonably sure they would ever encounter. This supports the "harming children theory" Though Personally I think it is harming innocents seeing as there is a strict rule in the reckoners about not harming innocents. This seams out of line with there vicious nature in almost all other aspects
  6. In Roashar the ardents tell us that the two greatest jobs you can have are being a solider and being a farmer. This seams to align with Honor and Cultivation as the shards in that shardworld. And in the Misborn the plot is always two groups trying to destroy(Ruin) or preserve (Preservation) an ideal, or a kingdom. so my question is if a humans basic actions, or beliefs can be directly linked to the shard that created them.
  7. In Mistborn we learn that at least ruin and preservation are of equal power. but the Sazed combines them into harmony and he is theoretically twice the strength of an average shard. But in Roshar we can assume the both Cultivation and Honor were shattered, thus the separation of spren as either elemental spren like fire wind and water, and emotional spren, like anger, glory and Honor. It is a big deal that Honor is dead, but nobody seam to make a big deal about cultivation seemingly being shattered as well. And if your going to become a suregbinder you are going to bind with a Honor spren or a Lying spren, or the Stormfather himself, not a flame spren. Infact when These stronger spren weaken they began to resemble simpler spren. Is this because cultivation used more Investor to create the strange planets, or is it because Honor is a bigger part of a whole personality (Andalusian) then the urge to create is(Cultivation). Making a long question simple, were all the shards originally the same strength, or is a shard's strength dependent on how much of Ada;sium that trait originally was?
  8. Since magic in any of the worlds mostly depends on how you think of the magic, Awakening or surgebinding andforgery, or how to use it, Aons and alomancy. If you take a child (8-14) and school them in the magics of the cosmere, while still allowing them to have a vivid imagination they would be nearly unstoppable. Due to the fact of there vivid imagination\ and creativity they would breeze past most problems, of course you'd have to have a more experienced adult nearby to make sure they don't kill themselves. Disagree?
  9. in some board meeting somewhere "Jonson we are not making Steelheart action figures" "But boss, they would sell like hotcakes" "NO!, our emperor demanded tiny lifelike colored statues, not girly action figures."
  10. I think that Mind control would be easier with forgery. With soul casting you changing it completely with out giving it a reason beyond stormlight. Forgery uses much less investor because it offers a reason (Alternate past) why it should change. With something as complex as the human mind I think it would be almost impossible to change somebodies views so completely. Even with forgery, which seams a lot more flexible, you have to know somebody completely before you make changes. Even with the few cases we've seen of the Nightwatcher she didn't change they're emotional views. With one man it's upside down world, and with another its just how smart he is, not his personality(Though that does seam at least partially changed if only due to his intellect). If we are to sea some mind control in The cosmere I do not think we have seen the world it would be on yet.
  11. Before Sazed combined the shards neither one was able to due much because of how they opposed each other, leaving things at a near stand still (Preservation). Now as harmony it is mentioned how it is hard for him to intercede. My question is how this is different then just letting two random people pick up the shards, sure they wouldn't have been able to piece the world together again like sazed did, but otherwise everything is the same, besides a few changes to the magic's
  12. It occurred to me that with a more "modern" society , were beating children would hopefully be seen as barbaric, that finding out you were a misting would be much harder. If you lived in the roughs you'd have plenty of opportunities to snap, but in elendel would you just walk around not knowing if your were or not. And then that implies a dangerous rise in self inflicted harm (Like in wor where people would drop boulders on themselves thinking it would cause them to realize that they where a knights radiant). Plus another general question about snapping, most allomantic mettles are slightly poisonous, after going through a traumatic event are you supposed to subject yourself to poisonous testing to find out what kind of misting you are? Please answer
  13. Is it possible to unshatter a shard, or if odium kills a shard is it permanent. I remember Wit saying something to Dalinar about how if Odium found him he would shatter him and he could never reform. If this is true then the fight against odium is much more desperate
  14. I'm not talking about bonded spren, but do humans have spren for themselves. Jashan turned soulcasted several thugs in wok, that implies that she went at least partially into shardsmear and convinced that thugs spren into turning the man crystal or fire. And in the beginning of wor Jashan lectures Shallen on how you appearance and how you hold yourself can influence how people view you. That sounds a lot like a spren to me. And if human spren do exist is it just how everyone views that person, or how that person view themselves. For example would shallen's spren be more how Kalladin and others viewed her or how she she really was?
  15. In all of Brandon Sanderson's cosmere works there seams to be a set of characters that if are not immortal are close. In mistborn there are atium and gold compounders as well as Kandra. In Warbreaker it's the returned and highly heightened. And I'm pretty sure Enlantrians are effectively immortal. Are there any immortal characters (From Roashar) who are simmilirly long lived?
  16. I just reread Words of Radiance, for the fourth time, and realized something. Though it does mention soulcasted meat it never mentions soulcasting something living, and if it is possible is the reason we haven't heard about it is because soulcasters are only in the possessions of ardents. With forgery we sea that you can influence living things, such as your self or somebody you know very well, and though it is difficult it is possible. But can you do this with a soulcaster?
  17. Exactly what the title says above, I really like this pairing, and would simply like to be informed why other people don't, or do. My personal reasons include the fact almost every time Shallen is described from Kaladin's point of view he either thinks that she is beautiful, or denying it simply because she's a lighteye's. Now that he is a lighteye's himself I'd like to sea how their relationship will blossom (or not)
  18. IT wouldn't be a continuous push, just a quick one, like half a second, to get the extra momentum. And as for shooting the coins at them, every one would expect that, but how would you react if you were preparing to fight a coinshot and suddenly they punched you way harder then you thought possible.
  19. Could a steel pusher put a coin or other small metal object in the hand and push while punching, adding significant strength to there close range attacks.
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