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Status Updates posted by TwiLyghtSansSparkles

  1. Sunlit Man: 


    Fleeing Threnody for Canticle must've been like leaving a difficult, dangerous life in Siberia to start all over in Australia. 

    Those poor people just can't catch a break. 


  2. Okay, there's another weirdly specific theme I've noticed in the three Secret Projects I've read so far: 


    Fairly big spoilers for Yumi and Sunlit, not so much for Frugal Wizard. Anyway, the theme is: 


    Scientists behaving so badly that they make life objectively worse for entire populations, if not entire planets. I mean, in Frugal Wizard, you have….


    Frugal Wizard LLC, who allow what amounts to demigods to run amok in technologically backward dimensions with no regard for how that will affect the lives of the people who live there, and 

    Yumi and the Nightmare Painter has the 


    Torish scholars who built a superpowered soul-eating machine and killed everyone on their planet except for bands of nomads, locking the memories of the few Invested yoki-hijo into never-ending tedium while the planet itself was plunged into darkness and the nomads were left to contend with living nightmares attacking at random, and 

    The Sunlit Man gives us 


    the Scadrian scientists, who not only developed a means to end the harrowing sacrifice system and told no one, but straight-up decided to help the planet's only unstable megalomaniac on his way to worldwide domination while they sat back and stared at the sun. 




    1. Slowswift



      I can't wait for the space-age cosmere novels so I can like the Scadrians again, because so far every time we've seen them they've been awful.


    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles




      Maybe it's just the Scadrian government that's evil? I mean, their planet spent centuries under a despot, so maybe they think that it's the government's job to support despots all over the Cosmere. 


    3. Slowswift



      Forgive me for not remembering if you've said whether or not you've finished Era 2. If so:


      It seems Scadrial's well on its way back to good old-fashioned political corruption, so I wouldn't be surprised. I expect that whoever our POV characters are in the future, they'll be more-or-less good people, and that the roles we've seen so far just self-select for callous people.



  3. 62 pages into The Sunlit Man and I've noticed something. 


    Painter is something of a pariah among other nightmare painters, but his artistic ability captures the admiration of the Torish village where he practices it. 

    Runian is a good but not amazing artist, yet the people of his Earth-Lite dimension think he's good enough to control their souls. 

    Nomad is short on Roshar, but he's considered tall on Threnody. 

    The Secret Projects have a persistent theme of people being average or below-average in some respect who are seen as above average or downright amazing when they go off-world. This probably has nothing to do with anything, but it's a weird thing I noticed. 


  4. Major RoW spoilers: 



    Odium approaches Taravangian to demand he be his champion, c. 1175, colorized 


  5. Bondsmiths bond the grumpiest spren because if you can out-grouch the Stormfather, you can definitely stop a war or two. 

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      the storm father and the sibling are tests. 
      I am convinced, tho, that the night watcher is basically just Lift

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      @Thaidakar the Ghostblood The Stormfather needs someone who can beat him at his own grumpy game. 

      The Sibling needed a mom friend. 

      The Nightwatcher needs someone who won't let her hyperactive antics get in the way of cooking gourmet meals, so….I guess that means Gordon Ramsay will become a Radiant in the next book? 

  6. Cosmere theory: Honor once looked to the future and saw that Moash would one day exist. The knowledge drove him mad and made him easy prey for Odium. 

    This is why Vorinism forbids seeing the future. 

  7. The trial of Adolin Kholin: 


    Adolin: Oh dear Stormfather, what is that
    Sekeir: Behold, my next witness! A bear
    Adolin: Are you sure this is a good— 
    Sekeir: *pokes the bear in the tush with a fork* 
    Bear: *does what bears do* 
    Sekeir: See how the creature roars its disapproval at this monstrous human! 
    Bear: *continues to do angry bear things* 
    Adolin: Stop provoking it, you moron! 
    Sekeir: It can't stand to be in the same room as this human! 
    Adolin: It's eating the jury! 
    Sekeir: Because it knows they would rather be eaten than have to spend one more second in this courtroom with you. 



    Maya: Where. Did. You. Get. Your. Law. Degree? 
    Sekeir: Only the finest of institutions. A place of knowledge and boundless resources, withheld by greedy humans from poor, innocent deadeyes like yourself. 
    Maya: Tell. Me! 
    Sekeir: ….eBay. 


  8. RoW spoilers. 

    Raboniel and Navani: 


    Raboniel: Please, Navani, lend me your intellect and help me end this war. 
    Navani: By merging Voidlight and Stormlight to prove our peoples can coexist as a beautiful, if chaotic, mosaic of diversity and love? 
    Raboniel: No, by letting me win. 

    Those storming honorspren: 


    Adolin: I thought you were honorspren! Embodiments of honor! 
    Honorspren: No, we just want everyone else to show us honor while we show them our bare backsides. 
    Veil: Oooohhh, so you're not honorspren. 
    Veil: You're hypocritespren. 
    Pattern: I sense no lies here. I starve. 


  9. Raboniel is a Karen. A murderous eternity Karen from Planet Hell. 

    Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I’m not saying she ain’t a Karen, I’m saying she’s a Karen who is cool as a hobby.

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      @SmilingPanda19 Sure, but in my opinion, being a Karen and being cool are usually mutually exclusive. It's not impossible for a Karen to be cool as a hobby, but she's gonna have to be Hoid-on-a-Ryshadium-worldhopping-over-to-Earth-with-Lopen-so-he-can-make-rude-gestures-to-the-evil-Librarians-with-his-other-hand cool for her coolness to overwhelm her Karen-ness by even the slightest degree. 

      I work in customer service. Karens are my mortal enemy. Mortal enemies must work ten times as hard to earn any measure of coolness. 

      In the words of Ivory, this is. 

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Rabiniel stole it from Lift.

  10. Spoiler

    "They're just letters! At least read them!" 

    "By reading these, we imply there is an argument you could make to persuade us." 

    God Beyond, the honorspren use the same logic as internet shut-ins arguing about politics in comments sections. Run, Adolin! Insult them and run before you spend the entire day arguing over the socioeconomics of baked tubers! 


    Also, I think I've guessed what was up with the deadeye Cryptic and the communication cube being repeatedly moved. If I turn out to be right, I will be very proud of myself. 




    1. Slowswift



      The honorspren are, on the whole, completely insufferable. Makes me appreciate Syl all the more.


      No comment, if only because I've forgotten many details of RoW myself. :P Happy reading!



  11. To make The Stormlight Archive more immersive, I am going to assume all the tunes of all listener Rhythms align with a song from our world. 

    Rhythm of Craving: Hungry Like the Wolf—Duran Duran 
    Rhythm of Agony: Boulevard of Broken Dreams—Green Day 
    Rhythm of the Lost: Welcome to the Black Parade—My Chemical Romance 
    Rhythm of Determination: 




    1. Slowswift



      (Good choices, by the way.)

  12. Currently up on the Secret Projects list: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. 


    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. Slowswift


      A joke I heard somewhere: With the advent of self-driving cars, it's only a matter of time until there's a country song about how your truck left you too.

    3. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      If there's a song about how a man's truck leaves him, then it follows that there would be a sequel song where the truck's rebound driver starts slamming the brakes and leaving fast-food wrappers on the floor, leading the car to leave him as well, realizing that while her relationship with the first guy wasn't perfect, it was full of love and that's what matters. 

  14. Ever think of a new and improved version of a bad fanfic you wrote years ago, but now you're working on an original project and don't have much time to dedicate to it anyway so you just settle for sketching the fanfic out in your head as a pleasant distraction from your other work? 

    1. Slowswift


      Oh yes. I am constantly dreaming up new scenes when there are at least four other projects demanding my attention.

    2. Just_a_Fan


      I am currently doing this, as i type.

      edit: it's a DND campaign now.

  15. I got a job! 

    It's not a job I can live on long-term, but it pays decently and it seems like a very positive environment. So thank you to anyone who sent out prayers or good vibes. They definitely worked. ^_^

  16. Anyone got the Doctor's number? I need to go back in time and warn myself to learn a trade or work my way up the management ladder instead of getting that Master's degree. :( 

    1. Slowswift


      It's either gonna be 07700 900461 or 95475949. Can't guarantee your carrier can connect calls through spacetime, though. ;)

  17. You know that feeling when you're chugging along on writing a story, and then a scene you could write later in the story jumps right in front of your train of thought that forces you to stop and consider changing the plot trajectory, a few key characters, and most of your themes? #PantserProblems

    1. Slowswift


      Oh, it's not just pantser problems. My outlines fear for their lives constantly. :P 

  18. I kind of hate the My Jobs feature on Indeed. It's great to know when your application was viewed, but when a prospective employer rejects your application within hours of you submitting it, that's just a little depressing. :( 

    1. Orlion Blight

      Orlion Blight

      Ooff. That's rough. 

    2. Chinkoln


      If they rejected you, then they don’t truly know and value the amazing person you are

  19. The one year in recent memory that the UK puts up a decent song, they get a grand total of 0 points. Meanwhile, the winning song is actually….unironically good? With a nice grunge rock kind of vibe? 

    Eurovision is wild. 

  20. Okay, if you haven't already, go watch The Mitchells vs. the Machines on Netflix. It's a fantastic movie and it deserves all the love it gets. 

    1. Slowswift


      I shall add it to the list!

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      I originally wanted to see it because the family's pug Monchi is voiced by Doug the Pug, but it turned out to be a genuinely good movie. Hilarious, wholesome, with great characters, strong writing, and wonderfully quirky animation. 

    3. Slowswift


      I'd expect nothing less from the same guys who did The LEGO Movie. I'll let you know what I think when I've seen it. :) 

  21. Hey, if anybody has some good vibes to spare, would you mind sending them my way? I'm looking for a new job. 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Frustration


      This is unfortunate.

      Vibes and prayers beig sent

    3. Knight of Iron

      Knight of Iron

      I send the good jobs.

      I meant to say vibes but jobs works.

    4. TwiLyghtSansSparkles


      Ideally, the good vibes bring the good jobs. Your approach just cuts out the middleman. 

  22. “Welcome to the Salty Spittoon, how tough are ya?”

     “How tough am I? I once moved across town, packing my things one-handed while my furniture was moved with a screaming, barking pug straining at the other end of the leash.”

     “Er, right this way, ma’am. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Top 10 People Who Could Defeat Thanos Even With The Infinity Gauntlet

      Seriously though, hope the move goes well and is over soon. I know even the smaller ones are a stressful endeavor. :wacko:

  23. Moving today! It's just to another apartment 5 minutes away, but still….

    *screams into the void* 

    1. Sherlock Holmes

      Sherlock Holmes

      Sympathy from me. I have moved an ungodly amount of times in my life.

  24. WARNING: Side effects of listening to the audiobook version of Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom series may include having your own thoughts narrated by Tim Curry for at least three hours after the fact. You will write status updates and RP posts in his voice and accent. Use with caution. 

    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      Do you imagine both male and female Epics singing an upbeat cover of "Professional Pirate"?

      ...not... that I... would know anything about that feeling.

    2. TwiLyghtSansSparkles
  25. Decided to try a new Spotify playlist. The first song to come up on shuffle has absolutely nothing to do with some recent developments in the meta-canon of the Reckoners RP and totally doesn’t fit two rather frightening characters. :mellow:




    1. Kobold King

      Kobold King

      It's good to see I'm not the only one who associates whatever song I'm currently listening to with whatever characters I'm currently writing about. :ph34r: The lyrics are scarily on the nose, though.

      On that note: there are no lyrics to this one, but I'm Undertale trash and this is in my head as the music that plays when some unlucky slontze gets to the Darkrose boss fight.

    2. Kidpen


      I still gotta finish Deltarune.

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