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Everything posted by dendrophobe

  1. Well, Weller send my copy out early. In addition to doing a lovely sketch of Lift and Wyndle, Brandon was kind enough to answer a question for me. I asked if the Tranquilline Halls are a part of any culture outside the Rosharan system: "No, they are not." Oh well, I thought I might be onto something there! But oh, the spoilers!! Khriss gives us loads of information. Autonomy's gender, a Shard for Threnody, details on the workings of perpendicularities... And even Brandon gives one himself, with the reveal that Nazh's name is not actually Nazh! I've read most of the stories in here before, but I can't wait to tear through Edgedancer.
  2. Same, no word on a collection... But the future of volume 4 and beyond depends on how well 1-3 sell... So I'd strongly encourage purchasing (and reading!) each volume in turn. I'm not a huge fan of graphic novels (haven't read a comic book since about age 10, though I used to love them) but I was hooked on White Sand. Not perfect, but pretty fantastic all the same.
  3. There was another Allomancer who did the steel bubble thing in Bands of Mourning, so it's definitely not Wax only, or his "perk."
  4. When Kelsier first sees Ruin, he tells Fuzz that he's a disgrace to "dietyhood" instead of deityhood.
  5. That was my first thought, absolutely. It fits too well to be anything else.
  6. Why does Amazon mess everything up? Seriously? I was so excited when I got to the end of Bands of Mourning and learned about this (thankfully, it hadn't been spoiled by Amazon) but instead of being available, as Brandon intended, I have to wait until the 30th? They really need to get it together.
  7. There's a very large difference between biodiesel and other biofuels. For example, E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) is far less energy dense than gasoline, so requires more fuel to be burned to get the same power out. Fuels like this are not even close to as efficient as gasoline or diesel; their popularity is instead due to their derivation from renewable sources. Rather than burning a millennias old carbon sink (petroleum) and releasing carbon into the environment, biofuels use carbon already found in the atmosphere/environment, thereby being close to carbon-neutral in its life cycle (not use phase). Being that the Elendel basin is such a richly fertile place, if Sazed knew what he was doing, he would have had them using a crop like switchgrass (the roots act as a carbon sink, while the top is harvested yearly) to produce ethanol, to be burned in engines designed and optimized for that fuel.
  8. Weird how they're responding so differently to people. I got a very positive reply, although I now have the new cover with the old ebook. "I'm sorry to know that you did not receive the 10th Anniversary edition for the eBook "Elantris, by Brandon Sanderson". We don't want our customers to face these types of issues. Please be noted that, we are aware of this issue, I've reported this to our technical team, and they're working on taking care of it. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Errors like this are usually corrected shortly after they're reported. Please give us some time so we can resolve this at earliest. In this case, I am personally following up with you and keep you posted with any update I receive from our team in this matter. I appreciate your patience while I continue to work on this matter. I look forward to get back to you soon."
  9. Gah, I haven't gotten to the bookstore yet, and Amazon doesn't seem to have an updated ebook available yet... So frustrating!
  10. Harmony completely rearranged the planet, and changed a lot of things after his Ascension. With his Preservation-given power to see the future, as well as instinctive knowledge (like how Rashek all of a sudden knew about Hemalurgy) he could have seen that they'd need crude oil, and put some in the ground for their use. Heck, he could have even put actual gasoline in the ground, without any need for further refinement. It could also be a remnant of Rashek's reign, since the increased heat and pressures from being too close to the sun could have changed the time required for crude oil to form. Or, it could be as simple as a translation error. Brandon has said that the English we read is translated from whatever language they're actually speaking. Perhaps gasoline is simply our closest word to describe what they're using?
  11. I agree that it probably isn't true, but I somewhat wish that it were! The main problem I have with the theory is that Nightblood has a scabbard, which is extremely unusual for a Shardblade, as Szeth notes at the end of WoR. I think the reason it's the same as a Shardblade per WoB is simply that it's a sword with a large amount of investiture. I do want to see how he explains it in the SA without referencing WB too much though...
  12. Moash seems to realize that he's gotten in way over his head, as Graves is talking about introducing him to the diagram... I do agree that his goal to kill Elhokar was something akin to Adolin's takedown of Sadeas, but... He seemed far too willing to kill Kaladin for me to ever feel good about his turning Radiant. I'd guess that he'll end up on the side of good, but not a Radiant.
  13. I came across this on Facebook (not connected to WoR in any way) and had to post it here! See, even those who haven't read any SA books are followers!
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