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Status Updates posted by Kasimir

  1. before the fires

    i saw them, elder and younger,

    standing before skuld’s bier

    as if to ponder the weaving

    cast-off, the last thread snipped


    skuld sleeping, whose hand

    held the shears? who is weeping?

    I saw them, taking their measure

    of her death shroud, every last

    thread where it had always been


    was always meant to be.

    every strand leads us here.

    every strand bears in itself

    the memory of the knife


    recoils with the sharp

    intuition of the parting


    i dreamed last night.

    i watched you drown in roses

    buried one by one in blood-red

    thorns and thought:


    this is right. love lies bleeding.

    love carries in itself the seeds

    of an ending.


    i dreamed you were drowning

    in roses, and then the roses

    were burning, every last

    one of them. you returned

    to fire


    as i must imagine

    even the distant stars, now cold,

    still burning.


    1. Kasimir


      Odd memories seeing this HK drama come back on TV. Watched it as a kid, and it was basically Cantonese Grey's Anatomy, just in 1998, so maybe better described as Cantonese ER.

  3. 料得年年肠断处,


    Here: this night the bright moon
    illuminates the desolate short pine hill
    I swear my heart breaks further each year.

    —<<十年生死两茫茫>>, 苏轼 (Su Shi)

  4. 从明天起,做一个幸福的人
    Starting tomorrow, I will be happy


    Stranger, I, too, wish you happiness

    May you have a brilliant future

    May your lovers become family

    May you find happiness on this mortal earth


    I only wish to face the sea, as flowers blossom in the spring warmth

    —<<面朝大海,春暖花开>>, 海子 (Hai Zi)

  5. my existence viewed as the potentiality of your being—now, in the light of that series of recognitions and in the shadow of the onward march of time, was altered, once and for all, in the following manner: your non-existence viewed as the necessary and radical liquidation of my own existence.

     —Kaddish for an Unborn Child, Imre Kertész

  6. When you have a fever ranging stubbornly between 39 deg and 40 deg, everything is like this...

    1. SymphonianBookworm


      That's... not good. Are you okay?

      I mean, obviously you're not. But still.

    2. Kasimir


      Could be worse. I'll live. Eventually :D 

  7. it is unspoken.

    speaking, speaking
    am I not elder

    are you not wine before you find me
    in your own beaker?

    Slowly: a plainsong from an older woman to a younger woman, Judy Grahn

  8. Warm summer sun,

        Shine kindly here,

    Warm southern wind,

        Blow softly here.

    Green sod above,

        Lie light, lie light.

    Good night, dear heart,

        Good night, good night.

    -Warm Summer Sun, Walt Whitman

  9. At dawn you leave. The river wears its skin of light.
    And I traced love’s loss to the origin of light.

    Of Light, Agha Shahid Ali

  10. Saw it when re-reading a game and had to comment: man that's one very beautiful pfp!

    1. Quivil


      Thank you.

      (I may or may not have stolen it...)

  11. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/meta.12599

    Probably the best paper since the parachute RCT back and forth.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kasimir


      Guess you got trolled by the paper authors :P 

    3. The Wandering Wizard
    4. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      This is an important paper that raises important questions; it demands further study.

      Also this one:


  12. "The Son of Autumn dispatched many men in answer to your prayers, sweet Ista. They turned aside upon their roads, and did not arrive. For He could not bend their wills, nor their steps. And so they scattered to the winds as leaves do."

    His lips curved up, in a smile more deathly serious than any scowl Ista had ever seen. "Now another prays, in despair as dark as yours. One as dear to me as Teidez was to my Brother of Autumn. And I have sent—you. Will you turn aside? As Teidez's deliverance did? At the last, with so few steps left to travel?"

    Silence fell between them.

    Ista's throat was clogged with rage. And more complicated things, a boiling mixture even she could not separate and name. A stew of anguish, she supposed. She snarled through her teeth, "Lord Bastard, you bastard."

    Paladin of Souls, Lois McMaster Bujold

  13. Ista reached for another cord, repeating the gesture of plucking and combing. It was a man, one of the officers; his mouth opened on a beginning scream. I'm not getting it all sorted, she worried. I'm not getting it right.

    You are brilliant, the Voice reassured her.

    It is imperfect.

    So are all things trapped in time. You are brilliant, nonetheless. How fortunate for Us that We thirst for glorious souls rather than faultless ones, or We should be parched indeed, and most lonely in Our perfect righteousness. Carry on imperfectly, shining Ista.

    Paladin of Souls, Lois McMaster Bujold

  14. "It used to rain here more often."

    "Because you sacrificed people to the rain gods."

    "Your system kills, too. You've not eliminated sacrifices, you've democratised themeveryone dies a little every day, and the poor and desperate are the worst injured." He pointed at one of the street cleaners. "Your bosses grind them to nothing, until they have no choice but to mortgage their souls and sell their bodies as cheap labor. We honoured our sacrifices in the old days. You sneer at them." 

    Two Serpents Rise, Max Gladstone.

  15. "Yet you have never been there. You have not seen what it has become. I am dying, Maximus. When a man sees his end... he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. How will the world speak my name in years to come? Will I be known as the philosopher? The warrior? The tyrant...? Or will I be the emperor who gave Rome back her true self? There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile. And I fear that it will not survive the winter."

  16. Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kasimir
    3. Chinkoln


      Ni kar'taylir darasuum te Mando

    4. Morningtide


      Impressive. I like this language

  17. "Alles ändert sich, wenn man ein Ziel hat."

  18. “We like to believe, or pretend, we know what we are doing in our lives. It can be a lie. Winds blow, waves carry us, rain drenches a man caught in the open at night, lightning shatters the sky and sometimes his heart, thunder crashes into him bringing the awareness he will die. We stand up, as best we can under that. We move forward as best we can, hoping for light, kindness, mercy, for ourselves and those we love.”

    A Brightness Long Ago, Guy Gavriel Kay

  19. Seems like they hit on a real gem this year. Happy birthday Singapore :P 

  20. “If a made-up mind (成心) counts as a teacher, then who doesn’t have a teacher? Why should it just be the self-chosen experts on the order of things who have them? Stupid people would have them, too. But to have right and wrong before you’ve made up your mind—that’s like leaving for Yue today and getting there yesterday! That’s like saying what isn’t is. What isn’t is? Even the spiritual sage Yu couldn’t make sense of that.” (Ivanhoe & Van Norden, 2001).

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