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Lightsworn Panda

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Everything posted by Lightsworn Panda

  1. And now I'm a Panda Seer.

    1. Surgebound Rainspren

      Surgebound Rainspren

      You should probably update this.

  2. No. I would not. Perhaps the fact that Devotion prevented me from being lynched should show some of you that I am good. Besides, you can't even vote for me! Loudly proclaiming one's innocence is far from the best way of affirming yourself on Team Villagers. Also, leaking information and plugging it just as quickly is often regarded as suspicious behavior. Being invulnerable to lynches doesn't make you good, either. It just means Devotion has taken a particular interest in you. Finally, could we all please use blue text? I know some of us may have computer issues, or are using the Mobile version, but could we all at least try to use blue text? Edit: Ha Ha, Colour editor.
  3. I shall duly prepare for the deluge of complaints and downvotes that will follow that post.
  4. You're about to pass that in upvotes too...
  5. At this rate, we'll solve the Great Question of Life, the Universe and Everything without knowing it.
  6. Welp. Not sure what to think about that. I expect a heated debate between you and Antillar soon. They? Are you aware of group plotting, Bort? Edit: COLOUR
  7. So you finally included that minotaur, huh? Great job with the RP.
  8. As repeated by the other players, Odium would probably never invest in an OC. There's no point. Even if someone did claim to be Invested in, the OC's would probably just jump on the poor chap and lynch them, under the excuse that the player could possibly be an OC. Unodus, a Shard or Hoid could simply reveal their roles before we sccidentally lynch them. It's been done before. I can't properly emphasize how important the lynches are. It's one of the few places where the Eliminators can slip up in. Without it, the Eliminators could just play passive and kill us off slowly. Yes, I know I should be blue_texting, but I'm on a phone right now.
  9. An Epic I just created because I was struck with the strangest bolt of inspiration: Ostrich Primary Power: Ostrich has the ability to transform into an ostrich when he feels threatened, and will promptly try to bury his head. Leads to interesting if not painful situations when his ability activates whilst standing above asphalt. Secondary Power: Occasionally, when Ostrich is transformed, he has a chance of taking flight, breaking the laws of science in a most spectacular way.
  10. I find it a strange coincidence that one of my friends uses that as a Wiki account name. I find it an even stranger coincidence that I'm currently re-reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a book that has coincidences as one of its main topics.
  11. I've always wondered if we have a member that comes from Vatican City (A state with a population of 842)...
  12. 14th of February. Don't worry, as of yet, I also have not had anyone send me roses (without a joke in mind).
  13. I would like to promote a new form of Hemalurgic Spiking that is far more enjoyable, and also uses a bamboo spike instead of a metal spike. Lightsworn Panda is not responsible for any cases of sudden pandafication caused through bamboo spiking.
  14. Thank you, dear sir. Some retribution in the name of panda at last! This year's going to be particularly busy for me, so don't get your hopes up. It's definitely not going to come out before Valentines' Day, since I have a letter to finish. Once again, I apologize for my pathetically slow rate of writing RP. (Goes and cries in a corner)
  15. There's still the possibility that she isn't the AAA, since Nazh "get's the worst end of the deal", but I kinda doubt that.
  16. Welcome, lwd! Great to see you again! As I have said to Kobold, I plan to have The Panda retreat to the ground whilst giving Vondra a death-stare, cursing him to have nightmares about cute'n cuddly baby pandas. The pandafication of a few unlucky humans that I planned for this chapter shall be delayed for the next chapter.
  17. Unodus, lynching is the only way for us Villagers to gather information. It's a trialed-and-tested method that has been used in countless games. We can't just sit back and hope the Witness or Awakener pick up something. It'd just take far too long, and too many innocents would die in the process. Yes, we'll get plenty of mislynches. We've only hit an Eliminator once on the first day. But it's from these mislynches that we gain information. We start to see who's behind the lynches, and our lynches become more and more precise. We NEED the lynches. As for the Shards getting in contact with each other and setting up communications, I highly doubt that they'd be able to achieve that until Cycle 4 or later. I highly doubt any of the OC will admit in getting invested in. In fact, I don't think anyone will, in fear of getting lynched. Besides, Odium most likely won't invest in a Non-OC.
  18. But hey, at least you win the other half the time! In all seriousness, though, I have also played against a prodigious sibling. It's painful, I know.
  19. There generally isn't enough information at this point of the game to connect someone with Team Evil. However, remember that in Sanderson Elimination, it's always good to stay suspicious of everyone.
  20. He just wants you not to reveal the identity of a Shard, as that is some very delicate information. We don't really want to lose our PM Power just yet. Also, manipulation tends to be... different from that. Manipulation only occurs if there's a valid point behind it. If you wanted Snoopy to not reveal Cultivation's identity you could have just told him so. To go as far as trying to lynch him puts you in my Suspicious Book, Clanky. Edit: Bit that got cut out for some reason. Snoopy, stop hinting your knowledge. Doing that normally ends with a knife in your back or a noose around your neck.
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