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Shardcast: Patji, VR Experience, and ECCC Words of Brandon


Today, we have a pretty crazy podcast, where Jebus and I descend into madness. We had planned to discuss what he thought of Emerald City Comic Con, the VR Experience (which he got to try), and then talk about WoBs from there. Brandon, however, had a different plan, and instead posting INSANE things on Reddit that we just had to discuss.

We start with discussing the VR Experience, then we talk about, you guessed it, Patji as we descend into madness from Brandon's Reddit post. We hurt our brains, do some sweet theorizing, then we move into some Emerald City Comic Con Words of Brandon. That's fun and all and then we wrapped it up. But then, Brandon continued to post on Reddit right as we ended our recording session, so we then add a good thirty more minutes of more Patji and Shard stuff. Watch us go to the brink of madness and back this time on Shardcast.

Today it's just Eric (Chaos) and Ben (Overlord Jebus). We were going to have Ian but the Stormfather refused to allow that this time.

We will continue discussing ECCC Words of Brandon and the most recent signing next time. Also upcoming is White Sand vol. 2 and other fun topics as well!



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This shardcast was fun for me. I had all sorts of comments- which thankfully Chaos would bring up a minute or two after they were thought of. And it's so nice to be right about Autonomy doing it to expand her power base. It makes so much sense theoretically and story wise. 

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@Chaos, I was actually considering asking an extremely similar question at JordanCon about deadeyes in Shadesmar before gemstones were added to Shardblades, but i probably won't if you'll be asking that in May anyways. There are so many other questions I also want to ask. 

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Great episode as always. I had two thoughts:

  1. If Harmonium can make a hemalurgic spike its possible it stops becoming reactive with water. Remember Atium dissolves in peoples stomaches when used Allomantically, but we can assume that Atium in a spike does not dissolve overtime in a persons blood, since Marsh has had at least one Atium spike for 300 years. Not the same level of reaction but same type of thing. Hemalurgy holds a body together when it should kill people, so its same idea.
  2. If a dead eye does not get pulled to someone when it is summoned, why was Adolins dead eye with him? Was it following him around? Does crossing into Sheadsmar cause them to be united? Since we don’t know if the boat dead eye bonded to a person or one of the missing blades. Just another factor to think about. 

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Re: 12:00

She called the weird spren "Gravity Spren".

According to the devs, they needed a way to restrict people from just wall-walking anywhere. (Mostly just for reasons of vertigo)  So they created a new brand new kind of spren to fix some of the videogamey issues.

I may have spent like an hour chatting with them after doing the VR Experience.

Edited by silasary

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I actually managed to get the correct answer on the incorrect clue, but that's because I got the systems mixed up.

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Lots of Brandon there... Except on Sunday :( #neverforget


@Chaos You can give @Overlord Jebus crap for pronouncing "Adonalisum" out of order when you stop saying Pajti instead of Patji :P 


This was super entertaining to listen to, you guys. I basically agree on all the Patji stuff, that was the way I thought of it too.

So are you saying Autonomy has Shards of her own? Such as Trell, Patji and others? I do tend to think there is a directing 'nexus' left if you want to call it that. But it would be very cool if that's the case.

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6th of the dusk is really really late in the Cosmere timeline, correct?  Maybe by that point, Autonomy has been killed by Harmony, Odium, or another shard. That shattered the Patji avatar, leaving the investiture behind to form a shardpool. Just spitballing. 

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That brings up another point, if you "kill" one aspect of Autonomy, does that kill all of the Avatars?  Or do they act like horcruxes?

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15 hours ago, Fifth of Daybreak said:

Can someone provide a link to the Reddit page? I'm not good at navigating Reddit.

Brandon's comments are a bit further down, but this link is the entire thread. :) 

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I wasn’t expecting it and freaked out. Great podcast!

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