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Weekly Update for September 13th, 2021: FanX Schedule, Wax & Wayne 4 Progress Update, and Dragonsteel Mini-Con!


Jam-packed Weekly Update this time! Brandon has released his schedule for FanX later this week, and the second draft of The Lost Metal has hit 70%. Cool stuff, wonder if there's anything else. I think that was all of it, right? Yeah that should be the las- fine, fine, I'll stop dragging it out. Biggest news (and reason this article is late :ph34r:) is, we finally have details about the Dragonsteel Mini-Con! You can learn more about that in our article.

Getting the smallest update out of the way first, the second draft of The Lost Metal is 70% done (that's the last draft before the book goes out to the beta readers). Progress will probably be slower this week due to the topic of the next announcement, but he is still on track to finish this draft late September or early October. In case you've missed it, the final version of the book is expected to release fall 2022.

Next up, Brandon's schedule for FanX later this week has been released.

Thursday, September 16th:

  • Writing a Successful Series in Science Fiction and Fantasy
    • 6:00PM in 250A
  • Signing
    • 7:00PM at Booth 1518

Friday, September 17th:

  • Writers of the Future: Learn How to Engage Readers
    • 1:00PM in 355B
  • Intentionally Blank: The Brandon and Dan Podcast
    • 3:00PM in 250A
  • Signing
    • 6:00PM at Booth 1518

Saturday, September 18th:

  • Brandon Sanderson Spotlight Panel
    • 4:00PM in 250A
  • Signing
    • 5:00PM at Booth 1518

Last but certainly not least, information on the Dragonsteel Mini-Con is finally out! As mentioned, we made a separate post about that you can read to find out more.

Will you be attending either of these cons? Which one(s) and why? Feel free to discuss in the comments below, or in the #events channel on our Discord server!

The full Weekly Update video is of course on Brandon's YouTube channel as well as below, and the transcript  will be on his blog when done.


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