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??Bloodmakers?? (not clickbait)


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If Miles Dagouter’s life had gone a little differently, he could’ve ended up working in a gold mine. A place where, in exchange for supplying food, pay, and the occasional metalmind, he would have large chunks of himself ripped off, cooked, and eaten by other miners.  Is this possible? For a relatively small amount of gold you could have a near infinite amount of food ( if you are willing to resort to cannibalism). A gold compounder would be invaluable in barbaric war campaigns or mine cave-ins.

Not that I’ve ever thought about being a cannibal… 

Edited by STAG
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1 minute ago, Frustration said:

Also I think that's a bit on the expencive side for food.

I don’t know. How much gold would it take to regrow a couple juicy things? Especially valuable in scenarios where actual food is scarce. Once again, I’m not actually interested in cannibalism. Just a scientific curiosity I swear.

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You'd need a lot of stored health to recover from such wounds... and it wouldn't be very economically feasible. And this, then, is hypothetically possible for just about any healing magic system.

For example, (Words of Radiance)


If one had sufficient light, and could eat the arm of a Lopen...


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12 minutes ago, STAG said:

How much gold would it take a compounder? It can’t be a lot would it?

Not a lot but it's still gold, so it's not outside the realms of possibility but... it's gold.

besides, the feilds produce in plenty abundance.

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Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What have I discovered? Now, because Stormlight and Feruchemecy heal you, STAG's idea might actually work. As knight said, makes good chouta, gancho. On the other hand, if Elantrians can continuously use the Dor to heal themselves...A: You will never, ever be able to take Elantris. B: Y'all kayana, sules.

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Yeah. Actually, it would be most effective if you used Dalinar to constantly recharge stormlight for the Radiants and use his Perpendicularity to summon Elantrians and Gold compounders so that the actual army would never run out of food. Without resorting to cannabilism, they could also use soulcasters and the Dor to generate food.

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Using progression to grow food is a much better way of using Stormlight for food. Or soulcasting food. Or healing animals. So many options that make it easier to sleep at night.

Maybe you could spike animals to have gold compounding? Train them to use it? I like that idea a lot more than using people.

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1 minute ago, Invocation said:

That sounds like a quick way to have Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjostr (I hope I spelled those right!) canon on Scadrial.

Oh my storms, you’re right! I know there are better ways of getting food, it’s just an interesting topic to think about, at night, when you’re alone, and it’s dark.

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56 minutes ago, STAG said:

Oh my storms, you’re right! I know there are better ways of getting food, it’s just an interesting topic to think about, at night, when you’re alone, and it’s dark.

How could they have intent, though?

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