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New Dawnshard WoB

Child of Hodor

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With Intent and Command, I've been thinking about how these things would apply to other worlds. On Nalthis they seem kind of folded together into the same thing, but I can't crack the metals on Scadrial and the Aons in Elantris. Because the Aons seem very Command-y, not very Intent-y, right? What about the metals?

Brandon Sanderson

The Aons, you should be able to eventually figure it out. With the metals, when I wrap this in, it's going to be very slight, and you shouldn't assume that every one of the permutations of the cosmere magics are going to require the same levels of... I need the freedom on each one. So Intent and Command can't be a major feature of every magic, otherwise it's too restrictive. You're going to end up with too many that feel the same. You can imagine, on Scadrial, that different metals would not have had to do what they do in the origin of the magic system. That is not necessarily innate, that is relating to the creation of the magic.


How it was built manually, almost, by a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

Does that make sense? You can imagine an in-cosmere magic system that is very similar to Allomancy, where each of the metals do a different thing than is in Allomancy.

Footnote: While the question was being asked, Brandon was nodding the entire time until he first spoke.
JordanCon 2021 (July 16, 2021)


This is a great question by @Argent. We got this WoB about whether each magic system will reflect the Command - intent relationship between Dawnshards - Adonalsium. He basically says each will, but barely. Which to me is another way of saying they aren't really inherent to each magic system other than that every intentional act magical or not has someone intend to do a thing and then a specific way they go about doing it. I don't think this relationship would be an inherent part of all magic.

Adonalsium existed before the Dawnshards, he created them somehow to help him do the coolest stuff he wanted to do. (DS ch. 19) From that we know Adonalsium could create (do magic) without the Dawnshards because he made them somehow.

Then the Dawnshards broke off / wandered off from Adonalsium before the Shattering. They were not a part of the investiture that became the 16 Shards. They were used to create the 16 Shards in that they were used to kill Adonalsium and influenced what Shards he split into, but the Dawnshards are inherently useless without the Investiture of the 16, should all magic systems that spawn from Investiture of the 16 have a Dawnshard - Adonalsium relationship? 

On Nalthis there is a very direct mimicry of the relationship, but that doesn't have to be the case. The Dawnshards and the Shards are separate, the Dawnshards can't do anything on their own. The Shards can do all kinds of things on their own. If the Shards had a Dawnshard they could do what they already do on a whole other level. The Dawnshards are amplifiers of the already existing magic, they aren't a necessary components of that magic. 

Edited by Child of Hodor
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3 hours ago, Child of Hodor said:


This is a great question by @Argent. We got this WoB about whether each magic system will reflect the Command - intent relationship between Dawnshards - Adonalsium. He basically says each will, but barely. Which to me is another way of saying they aren't really inherent to each magic system other than that every intentional act magical or not has someone intend to do a thing and then a specific way they go about doing it. I don't think this relationship would be an inherent part of all magic.

I am afraid that is just not true. If you throw a Shardblade out of a window without knowing where it will land, it will still be fatal to somebody on whose head it lands, totally without any Intent.


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On 7/22/2021 at 9:50 AM, Oltux72 said:

I am afraid that is just not true. If you throw a Shardblade out of a window without knowing where it will land, it will still be fatal to somebody on whose head it lands, totally without any Intent.


I don't think that is at all what they were saying

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Brgst13 said:

I think the Aonic Intent aspect is that you have to draw the aon with the intent of accessing the Dor.  That way, if a child were to accidentally scribble Aon Teo in the air, they won't be transported God knows where.

...You know, you made me think of something funny.

A child Elantrian who just doodles made-up Aons for fun and eventually makes one that actually does something just by chance.

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On 8/8/2021 at 1:55 PM, Halyo_Alex said:

...You know, you made me think of something funny.

A child Elantrian who just doodles made-up Aons for fun and eventually makes one that actually does something just by chance.

Cause of Dominion and Devotion splintering confirmed.  

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