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Does Ashyn have a perpendicularity?



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No, Ashyn should not presently have a Perpendicularity, under normal circumstances, as it does not currently have a resident Shard, as far as we can tell



So we know both Cultivation and Honor have Shardpools on Roshar and we also know that Odium is around somewhere on Roshar, does this mean he also has a Shardpool somewhere on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Shardpools, as they are called, are a natural effect of a Shard spending a lot of time on a world.

/r/books AMA 2015 (June 24, 2015)


Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

There are two Shards on Roshar. Odium's presence is felt on Roshar, but he is on Braize, the third planet in the system.

theofficetroll (paraphrased)

Is that Shard on The Silence Divine?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Oh, you mean Ashyn. Ashyn is mostly barren with small fertile patches

There are two Shards on Roshar; however, Honor is dead.

SpoCon 2013 (July 10, 2013)


Chaos (paraphrased)

How many Shards have existed on Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)


Ancient 17S Q&A (May 1, 2010)



Hi Brandon, just to double check my understanding of things, Odium is still mostly bound on Braize right? Just that he can influence things on Roshar because of proximity?

Brandon Sanderson

I treat Braize, Ashyn, and Roshar as if they were almost one entity for a lot of Identity/Connection related issues. It's more than proximity, though proximity leads to it. We on Earth, I feel, would consider the moon and even Mars to be "ours" so to speak, part of our family of planets. Odium's binding, and that of the heralds/fused encompasses Roshar and Ashyn. There are some subtle distinctions, but for the most part, being bound on Braize is the same as being bound on Roshar.


So Shadesmar is only from Roshar or from the three planets??

Brandon Sanderson

You can reach all three through Shadesmar, with a much shorter trip than to other systems. But the map we provide so far is only Roshar.


Have you come up with a name for their star? It'd be easier to refer to all three by calling it the [???]ar/[sol]ar system instead of the Rosharan/[earth]an system like we do now.

Brandon Sanderson

By people in world, it's being referred to as the Rosharan system. This is kind of confusing to us, because we focus on the suns to orient what makes a system. But in the cosmere, they travel directly to planets, and so the biggest trading planet becomes the source of naming conventions in most places. I agree it's a little confusing for us, but I believe it's the way it would naturally arise for them.


On the topic of the Rosharan solar system, do we get to learn about the significance of the 10 gas giants? We’re they there before the shards ever made their home there? Is that the ‘origin’ of the significance, in the context of the cosmere's natural laws?

Brandon Sanderson

RAFO, I'm afraid.

Rhythm of War Preview Q&As (Oct. 7, 2020)

But that doesn't mean it's impossible that there's a Perpendicularity there. Perpendicularities can be created and Avatars of Shards can also have Perps



Is there any way it's possible that somebody could have gotten to the Cognitive Realm on Scadrial without the Well of Ascension?

Brandon Sanderson



And can we know how?

Brandon Sanderson

Well, how many Shardpools would Scadrial have?


Two, so the Pits of Hathsin would be so? That's what I theorized.

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So you've adopted the term "Shardpool". That was never really my term, but I've started using it. What happens with a perpendicularity is large concentrations of Investiture, particularly purely attuned to one of the Shards, will create an access point. You've seen another one in--


Yeah, yeah I know these.

Brandon Sanderson

You know which one I'm referencing?



Brandon Sanderson

That you didn't see a Pool from?


Oh wait--

Brandon Sanderson

Okay, he knows, so… We'll move on. *general outcry* Okay, fine. Umm, at the end of Words of Radiance.


There has to be one there because Jasnah has to leave somehow, right?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, but Honor's Perpendicularity moves.



Brandon Sanderson

*makes non-committal noises*

Questioner 2

Kind of related to that, I don't know if this is a RAFO kind of question, but you call them perpendicularities, are we going to see this sort of thing created? Could there be, like--

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, perpendicularities can be created. You'd need a lot of Investiture, right? You'd need a ton of Investiture. But, basically what Jasnah does is create a little mini perpendicularity, right? And slips herself into the Cognitive Realm.

Questioner 2

So it's just a question of skill, not a question of--

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. It's hard to pull off, but some of the powers are built to do it.

Arcanum Unbounded Chicago signing (Dec. 6, 2016)



As you've stated that the magic of First of the Sun is natural and independent of any particular Shard, what is the nature of the pool on Patji? Is it also a natural manifestation of magic, a perpendicularity, or simply a pool like any other?

Brandon Sanderson

It's a natural manifestation, but on a much smaller scale than you might find on other worlds.

/r/books AMA 2015 (March 12, 2015)

Ashynites made their way to Roshar via Realmatic shenanigans



Did humans come to Roshar through Shadesmar?

Brandon Sanderson

It is technology or magic closer to how the Oathgates work. But it was like that. It's not canon but right now that's what I have. It's not canon because there are certain things I have to work out before that can work...

By the way I'll just say to the tape recording that I haven't canonized, like for instance if they traveled to Shadesmar to get to Shinovar from Ashyn. Right now I have that not being via Shadesmar, but the mechanics of that might not work out, and I might have to default to Shadesmar. So there's certain things, you'll see, where I say, "This isn't the canon answer, it's where I have things right now."

Overlord Jebus

So Urithiru might end up being a spaceship after all.

Brandon Sanderson

It's not that. Right now I have them using something closer to Oathgating, but it opens up a huge can of worms, when I'm not requiring direct-- When I'm sending through Spiritual Realm it opens up cans of worms, and I have to just make sure the mechanics on that are tight before I do it.

Emerald City Comic Con 2018 (March 1, 2018)

The humans of Ashyn were probably native to Ashyn as they predate the Shattering and were probably created by Adonalsium



Hi Brandon I don't know if you will answer, but. Did "earth" ever exist in the cosmere? There seems to be humans on all the planets. so where did humans come from? or even the idea of humans?

Brandon Sanderson

Earth did not exist in the cosmere. Humans existed on Yolen (and other planets) before the shattering of Adonalsium, and it is assumed Adonalsium created them.

From a writing perspective, stepping back, I feel like other book series (like the Wheel of Time, Pern, Shannara) really covered the idea of, "This is Earth and/or earth people in another dimension/after an apocalypse/or far in the future." It's been a common enough theme in fantasy that I felt I wanted not to touch on it. So there are no plans to connect the cosmere to Earth in any way.

/r/fantasy AMA 2017 (May 30, 2017)



Are the people from Mistborn the people that came to The Stormlight Archive?

Brandon Sanderson

Are they the people that what?


In The Stormlight Archive, they discover that the people are not... that humans are not the people that [came to land?]. Are they the people from Mistborn?

Brandon Sanderson

No, they're not. They're from a different planet. The people from Mistborn, though, were based on them, in part. See, there's some people that predate what we call the Shattering of Adonalsium, where God was split to all these pieces, and humans predate that. The humans that were on Scadrial were created as an imitation of those.

Tel Aviv Signing (Oct. 18, 2019)



Prior to the Shattering of Adonalsium, were all of the cosmere-centric worlds inhabited by humans?

Brandon Sanderson



Were any of them?

Brandon Sanderson


Firefight San Francisco signing (Jan. 17, 2015)



That WoB left me confused. If there was intermingling between Humans and Listeners "long ago", meaning before the shattering, does this mean we had Humans in Roshar before the destruction of Ashyn?

The end of OB makes it seem like there weren't any humans in Roshar before, doesn't it?

Brandon Sanderson

The way I phrased this is confusing, I'm afraid. I'm pretty sure I was trying to explain that "humans and parshmen" predate the shattering. Horneaters and the herdazians do not. I certainly could have been more clear.

Footnote: Referencing this WoB
General Reddit 2019 (Sept. 30, 2019)



I didn't realize Horneaters had parshmen blood, didn't even realize that was possible. How closely are humans and parshmen related, do they have a common ancestor? Or is one an artificially created version of the other?

Brandon Sanderson

There was intermixing long ago. Horneaters and Herdazians are both a result. (Signs of this are the stone carapace on Herdazian fingernails and the Horneater extra jaw pieces--in the back of the mouth--for breaking shells.)

Humans and parshmen don't have a common ancestor. And as a side note, both of these strains of humanoids predate the ascension of Honor, Cultivation, and Odium.


Are there Aimian-Human hybrids as well? (Either type of Aimian) If so, are the Thaylen people one of these?

Brandon Sanderson



*via private message*

Some of us believe that you are saying that humans and listeners existed pre-Shattering while some of us believe that you are saying that Horneaters and Herdazians existed pre-Shattering (you have mentioned that humans had been on Roshar since before the Shattering recently). What were you trying to say here?

Brandon Sanderson

Humans (other than those on Yolen) existed pre-Shattering, as did parshmen.

Footnote: Blightsong's parenthetical statement is mistaken; there is no source claiming that humans had been on Roshar since before the Shattering.
General Reddit 2015 (Nov. 16, 2015)

Humans didn't all migrate from Yolen after the Shattering, there were humans on other planets


Zach G

Dunno if you can answer this now, but if everyone is from Yolen way back when, is there a migration story?

Brandon Sanderson

Not all humans originated on Yolen, but the first humans were there. Watch the books for myths that hint at more.

General Twitter 2016 (Jan. 3, 2016)



What planet did humans originate on? Or did they originate on Scadrial when Preservation and Ruin got together?

Brandon Sanderson

Humans did not originate on Scadrial, because they were on Yolen, which is a planet before Adonalsium-- the story that takes place before Adonalsium was Shattered. They may have been on other planets, but they-- the very first ones you would care about are probably on Yolen.

Shadows of Self San Diego signing (Oct. 8, 2015)

As for "where are the Ashynites?", a lot of them migrated to Roshar but a few remained behind on floating cities in the sky as per the Silence Divine


Edited by Honorless
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3 hours ago, Honorless said:

As for "where are the Ashynites?", a lot of them migrated to Roshar but a few remained behind on floating cities in the sky as per the Silence Divine

Just a sidenote,

but i believe there are people living on the planet off of the floating cities. Khriss states in the AU that people on ashyn "live in very small pockets of survivability, including the famous floating cities."

Which definitely suggests that people live off of the floating cities. And if not of the ground then where else?

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On 6/28/2021 at 9:49 AM, Oltux72 said:

Did it ever have one? If not, how did people get to Ashyn in the first place?

It could have had one at some point but since we know from WoB that humans on Ashyn predate the arrival of the Shards so I'm inclined to say no, unless Adonalsium had placed one there and set things up to leave it in place. We know Shards can do this so it's not unreasonable to think Adonalsium could have.

That said, there's also no reason to think that there was ever a Perpendicularity or that there needs to have been one. Adonalsium literally created the entire star system from scratch so there's no reason that he couldn't have created the original Ashynite humans already in place based on the Yolish template in the same way that Preservation and Ruin poofed humans into existence on Scadrial. We know from Brandon that his working model for how people got from Ashyn to Roshar involves Spiritual travel rather than Cognitive travel, so right now no Perpendicularity is needed.


If so, where are the Ashynites?

Have you read the excerpt Brandon read from The Silence Divine? It's made clear that some people remained behind after the exodus and are living on floating cities.

Edited by Weltall
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6 hours ago, Weltall said:

Have you read the excerpt Brandon read from The Silence Divine? It's made clear that some people remained behind after the exodus and are living on floating cities.

I have been too brief. Ashyn is still a devastated place. There are good reasons people would like to leave it. Yet at the same time it has, I cannot find another word for it, tourist attractions Khrissalla wrote about. Hence, where are the Ashynite travellers? Going through Shadesmar you meet an Elantrian,  but where are the Ashynites?

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