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Is the knights radiant symbol based off a vibration pattern?


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Oooh, what an awesome observation! We know from the Kabsul scene in WoR that there are connections between the shapes presents on Roshar and cymatics. I think it's quite plausible that Brandon deliberately styled his logos in such a way!

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16 minutes ago, Rushu42 said:

Oooh, what an awesome observation! We know from the Kabsul scene in WoR that there are connections between the shapes presents on Roshar and cymatics. I think it's quite plausible that Brandon deliberately styled his logos in such a way!

Yeah I was thinking about them and I was wondering what other stuff was based on it, I tried to find a library of the patterns for different frequencies but couldn’t .

I wonder if there is one for the shattered plains or the knights symbols or in particular the different patterns of the cryptically because being representation of fundemental laws of the universe it wouldn’t Kate sense if their patterns come from these.

I just saw this video and was like

hmm that lines up

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15 minutes ago, Honorless said:

The Stormlight Archive TV series opening sequence

Like it would just slowly morph through all the symbols for each order maybe with the characters there, and then maybe all the cities and end on the knights radiant one, that would be an awesome intro

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That first pattern does look a lot like a shrinking version of the double eye and the third like the the symbol for the knights radiants, but you know what else look even more like that pattern?


The symbol for Roshar, symbol which roughly means "lights of the three gods" and define Roshar as an interference/beating of the influence of Tanavast, Koravari and Rayse, a magical cymatic pattern, if you will

1 hour ago, Valigus said:

Yeah I was thinking about them and I was wondering what other stuff was based on it, I tried to find a library of the patterns for different frequencies but couldn’t .

I downloaded the program used too make these and looked at the example files like the person who made the video said in a commentary, the third seems to have been modified but after fidling with it I think I managed to find something close to the orignal parameter

1st pattern : 2D ripple Tank with four speakers of the same frequency, shift per step and amplitude (0.1, 1 and 1 respectively) placed at position (-20,0), (20,0), (0,-20) and (0,20)

(I'm not sure what shift means)

2nd patter : 2D ripple Tank with two speakers each outputting two different frequency, same amplitude for both (1) and no shift, the first speaker is at position (10,0) and use the frequencies 0.1 and 0.3 while the second is in position (-10,0) and use the frequencies 0.2 and 0.4

I have no idea what are the units of the number I just said nor the wavelength/period ration of the material that's being simulated

1 minute ago, Honorless said:

The Stormlight Archive TV series opening sequence

Please be true

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Cymatics/Chladni patterns are determined by the edge conditions (shape of the resonance body, and where/how you vibrate it) and the frequency.  These are morphing as the frequency changes.  

Point being, just as Nevani altered the tone of her plates by filing at them to change the shape, you can change the shape of the pattern the same way, and probably get a pattern that more closely resembles the Knights Radiant Symbol


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Notice how the Glyph for Roshar in @mathiau's post contains the double eye of the almighty, with the points being the same points the Radiants place their orders in. Notice how the glyph for Koradaros contains seven of those points, while--not Tavodovast, but Rasodonar contains the other three.

It might be jumping at shades in the mist, but it is curious, yes?

Edited by The Technovore
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6 hours ago, The Technovore said:

Notice how the Glyph for Roshar in @mathiau's post contains the double eye of the almighty, with the points being the same points the Radiants place their orders in. Notice how the glyph for Koradaros contains seven of those points, while--not Zeradoreh, but Rasodonar contains the other three.

It might be jumping at shades in the mist, but it is curious, yes?

Very curious, especially since the Rasodonar points are sinew (Boundsmiths), blood (Lightweavers) and lucentia (Edgedancers)

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I'm glad to see some conversation about those glyphs from the page of Nazh's notes in RoW. I have stared at those things so many times, thinking there must be a clue there.

One thing I find particularly interesting is the extent of the overlap between the glyphs for Koravari's light and Rasan's light.

I lack the skills and the time to edit or annotate the images, so please bear with my written descriptions.

Looking at the glyph for Koravari's light, there are four sets of squiggly lines on each side; from top to bottom I'll call them top, second, third, and bottom. The top set of squiggles is shared by all three glyphs, so I think that it's fair to assume that that is the part that says "light."

In terms of overlap with Tanast, the Koravari one shares the diamond-looking flareouts on either side of the little central diamond (the one that is in the place where Truthwatchers sit on the double eye) and most of the bottom set of squiggles (the Tanast one just has an extra U-shaped bit at the inner end).

The other six little diamonds that resemble the Double Eye are exclusive to the Koravari glyph, as are the outermost portions of the second set of squiggles (the Rasan one has this set too, but they don't extend as far to the outside and include a little extra U-shaped bit on the inner ends). Also exclusive to the Koravari glyph are one extra bit on the inside ends of the third set of squiggles (the Rasan one has these squiggles too but they have only two bumps on the inside ends instead of the three that appear in the Koravari one).

Everything else in the Koravari glyph - and there is a fair amount left - is shared by the Rasan one.

Looking at the Rasan's light glyph, the three little diamonds that correspond with the Bondsmiths, Lightweavers and Edgedancers (or sinew, blood, and lucentia) in the Double Eye are exclusive to the Rasan glyph, as are the extra U-shaped bits at the inside end of the second set of squiggles. Everything else in the Rasan's light glyph is shared by the Koravari one.

Considering that glyphs are essentially stylized letters connected together, I suppose this similarity in the glyphs could simply be explained by the fact that the phonemes represented in the Koravari and Rasan glyphs share many of the same letters:

For Koravari, it's kor-ada-ros

For Rasan, it's ras-odo-nar

I don't know the why the phonemes in the Koravari glyph have "ada" in the middle instead of "odo" like the Rasan (ras-odo-nar) and Tanast (tav-odo-vast) ones (maybe a gender thing?), but look what happens if you swap the a's and o's. Koravari's becomes: kar-odo-ras, which very nearly mirrors the three components of the Rasan one:

kar-odo-ras | ras-odo-nar

So, similar letters in in the words could be the explanation here. But part of me wonders if there isn't something more to the fact that there is such a significant amount of overlap between the glyphs for Koravari's light and Rasan's light.

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