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2 hours ago, Tani said:

Also I feel like just tl;dr-ing this whole thread. It;s too long.

TLDR: Striker used Atium to see that Mat voted on him to be NK’d by Cett. Striker died calling out Mat. General confusion as Mat claims vin and says he used atium, tin, and bronze and saw striker burning copper and targeting Illwei. A bunch of stuff happens. I ping TJ asking if actions fail if the target dies, TJ confirms. Mat gets caught lying and claims Cett Mistborn

aaaaand then there was a lot of joking about Gnormgingn

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20 minutes ago, Biplet said:

TLDR: Striker used Atium to see that Mat voted on him to be NK’d by Cett. Striker died calling out Mat. General confusion as Mat claims vin and says he used atium, tin, and bronze and saw striker burning copper and targeting Illwei. A bunch of stuff happens. I ping TJ asking if actions fail if the target dies, TJ confirms. Mat gets caught lying and claims Cett Mistborn

aaaaand then there was a lot of joking about Gnormgingn

Okayyyy this is entirely possible.



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5 minutes ago, Tani said:

Sooooo there was no coppercloud on illwei last cycle because Striker died? (just clarification here)

Scans happen after deaths, whereas copperclouds happen before (I believe?), so there could have been a coppercloud on Illwei technically but Mat wouldn't have known it with his scan.

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Just now, Quintessential said:

Scans happen after deaths, whereas copperclouds happen before (I believe?), so there could have been a coppercloud on Illwei technically but Mat wouldn't have known it with his scan.

So the coppercloud would still be there... just Mat wouldn't have known that Striker put it there. Correct?

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1 minute ago, Tani said:

So the coppercloud would still be there... just Mat wouldn't have known that Striker put it there. Correct?

Correct. But, since Mat is the only person whose word we have thus far that Illwei was copperclouded, and Mat was obviously lying (edit: as in he couldn't have known), there's no particular reason to think Illwei was copperclouded, any more than there is to think I was copperclouded or you were :P 

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Mat's claimed Cett mistborn, right?

Gneordin can't burn Atium.

Mat, what did you do this cycle? (just out of curiosity)

Edit: Or, well, last cycle actually

Edited by Tani
I wasn't finished typing.
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7 minutes ago, Tani said:

Mat's claimed Cett mistborn, right?

Gneordin can't burn Atium.

Mat, what did you do this cycle? (just out of curiosity)

Edit: Or, well, last cycle actually

I'd presume he tried to burn either Tin or Brass--it would make sense for him to scan Striker, since he'd been attacked + survived and he wasn't up for immediate exe. Mat couldn't have known for sure that Striker was going to be attacked again : P

Edit: Wait Mat said he'd been redirected. And that the person he scanned (with Tin) targeted Illwei. nvm that's probably what happened. @Matrim's Dice right? You tried to target Striker with Tin, he tried to redirect you after burning atium but ended up redirecting your Tin instead of your kill (or you weren't the one who was assigned the kill, whatever the case), and you were redirected onto someone who targeted Illwei. That sound right?

(Mat, in this case, likely wasn't the one who voted Striker for the NK. In either cycle. (edit; wait no he must have... no that doesn't make sense either.... I'm confused now ignore me) Because otherwise he would have known immediately which kill belonged to his team, and wouldn't have bothered to scan Striker necessarily.)

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6 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Edit: Wait Mat said he'd been redirected. And that the person he scanned (with Tin) targeted Illwei. nvm that's probably what happened.

I believe Mat was lying about being redirected, as he claimed that in order to save his false vin claim

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1 minute ago, Biplet said:

I believe Mat was lying about being redirected, as he claimed that in order to save his false vin claim

Right, that occurred to me after I wrote out that whole thing in the edit : P Still, though, I would guess he targeted Striker with Tin.

Edit: but then Striker probably would have redirected him--see, that's the reason I think he was telling the truth about the redirect; assuming that Mat targeted Striker with anything at all, Striker would probably have used steel as his atium-metal to try to redirect him, either not realizing that it only showed a vote or just hoping the kill would be RNGd to Mat. idk though... maybe Mat didn't target Striker at all.

Maybe I should just let Matrim answer this one :P 

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Just now, Random Bystander said:

What the heck? I'm gone for 2 days, and THIS happens?! I'm so confused. 

XD See Bip's tl;dr if you haven't already.

Would add onto it that regardless of what Matrim's action was, Striker almost certainly redirected it. Because he would have wanted to save himself, and when he saw that Mat was voting him he knew there was at least a chance that a redirect on Mat would do that. (of course, if he rolled steel C1 then this falls apart, but otherwise I'd say it's a pretty reasonable assumption).

Another note: remember how we were saying that Vin could prove herself by burning duralumin and brass to prove that she's Vin (has access to duralumin and can choose her metals?). Well, technically if Zane had been up for exe he could have done the same by burning atium also to get access to brass... but that's a mute point now lol I just thought it was interesting.

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Just read this page and


This doesn't make me feel any better about quinn. Especially this whole post (sorry on mobile)

50 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

I'd presume he tried to burn either Tin or Brass--it would make sense for him to scan Striker, since he'd been attacked + survived and he wasn't up for immediate exe. Mat couldn't have known for sure that Striker was going to be attacked again : P

Edit: Wait Mat said he'd been redirected. And that the person he scanned (with Tin) targeted Illwei. nvm that's probably what happened. @Matrim's Dice right? You tried to target Striker with Tin, he tried to redirect you after burning atium but ended up redirecting your Tin instead of your kill (or you weren't the one who was assigned the kill, whatever the case), and you were redirected onto someone who targeted Illwei. That sound right?

(Mat, in this case, likely wasn't the one who voted Striker for the NK. In either cycle. (edit; wait no he must have... no that doesn't make sense either.... I'm confused now ignore me) Because otherwise he would have known immediately which kill belonged to his team, and wouldn't have bothered to scan Striker necessarily.)

Because you're still trusting Matrim? 

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14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

Because you're still trusting Matrim? 

It's more that I'm trusting Striker's and Matrim's instincts of self-preservation, as well as some amount of logic.

I would assume Striker tried to redirect Matrim--that would make the most sense, yeah? That lines up with part of what Mat said, so I'm willing to go with that as being true.

I'm guessing Matrim was lying as little as possible in this situation, so that there was less that could be disproven. Obviously he didn't use both tin and bronze, not having access to atium, and since he had an excuse for "no results from the bronze" from the start, I'd say that's the one that he didn't actually use. Tin, he gave a result for from the start--and if someone else also scanned Striker with tin, they could theoretically have disproven this or cast doubt on it if it was false.

Therefore, I'm guessing that Mat used Tin, and was redirected by Striker (trying to save himself), and that the person he actually targeted had targeted you. 

Edit: @Biplet better explanation of my thought process here : P

(also I mixed up a couple of the metals originally, I've fixed that now XD)

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You know what I still really think we should let the Straffies kill off Mat.

So Illwei


I wanna try weird stuffs nope it failed i was wrong

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4 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

I would assume Striker tried to redirect Matrim--that would make the most sense, yeah? That lines up with part of what Mat said, so I'm willing to go with that as being true.

Are you saying that you think Striker tried to redirect the NK?

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2 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

I mean, why wouldn't he try? idk, if I knew someone was trying to attack me, and I had a way to possibly redirect it, I'd use it : P

We can assume he did try, but he probably already had too many votes on him, or he redirected the wrong person.

4 minutes ago, Tani said:

You know what I still really think we should let the Straffies kill off Mat.

So Illwei





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forgot to spoiler the image
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4 minutes ago, Biplet said:

We can assume he did try, but he probably already had too many votes on him, or he redirected the wrong person.

He couldn't redirect a vote--that's not how it works. But he knew that if Mat was the one RNGd to carry out the kill, then he could redirect that. He did not know for sure, presumably, that Mat was Mistborn, so he wouldn't have realized that even if Mat got the kill, the redirect might fail (by redirecting the wrong action).

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Just now, Quintessential said:

He couldn't redirect a vote--that's not how it works. But he knew that if Mat was the one RNGd to carry out the kill, then he could redirect that. He did not know for sure, presumably, that Mat was Mistborn, so he wouldn't have realized that even if Mat got the kill, the redirect might fail (by redirecting the wrong action).

Yeah, what I'm saying is if he had too many votes on him, the NK could've been assigned to any of the people who voted on him. Therefore redirecting Mat probably didn't help him

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