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New Book by Brandon Sanderson Released


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That's right, check your calenders. It's not April 1st. Brandon just barely released a new book.

"What?" you ask. "How on earth does he have a new book out?"

Easy. It's an ebook. As part of their promotion for Inifinity Blade 2, Epic asked Brandon to write a book for them- and he did!


Here is an attacked image from the iTunes store.


(Note: This is NOT a cosmere book. Unfortunately.)

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Hehe whilst the game was fun it did not really let you understand the story very easily, honestly until I read this book I had no real idea what it or the cutscenes were about lol but then that's just how the sacrifice feels!

The book was a nice introduction into a large world that clearly will take explaining exploring and more to understand hehe. I generally prefer longer books but If it explained Everything I guess that may just ruin the game lol.

I don't know how much of the story was Brandon and how much was already there before he joined them but it is put together really nicely and was fun to read (well I only bought it a couple of hours ago lol so didn't put it down much!). The only thing about it I do not really like is (typical Brandon Sanderson in my opinion) it gives you soooo many more questions then answers, at the same time this is one of the things I love about his writing :/ the story is alot more obvious then his other books but it is only a short book and it works well.

Also most people here won't care about the price being avid readers! But £2 is rly nice for those of us that are poor! :) I would recommend it for a little light reading,mdefinately worth picking up (considering where I'm posting I'm guessing it will be most peoples style of book hehe).

Edit: ah ye it really worked from siris' point of view as well (if you've played the game you understand as much as him, which is sweet f all), I do like how it all unfolded altho now I kinda wanna play the game to see what happens in it (guess that's the point lol)

Edit edit: just wanted to put i rly enjoyed it too lol

Edited by Wispsy
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Soooooooooooo, did anyone read it yet?

I enjoyed the preview so far. The problem is getting a copy to read. Any epubs for us non-iOS, non-Kindle, non-Nook readers?

FYI it seems to be gone from B&N (using link from Brandon's blog post and via search).

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The Nook version hasn't ever been up, but when it is, that link will work. They're having some problems on the backend.

There will be other vendors eventually, but right now you can buy the iBooks version using iTunes and then read it anywhere else. There is no DRM so you are not locked to iOS. (However the Kindle version mistakenly was released with DRM; they're fixing that.)

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The Nook version hasn't ever been up, but when it is, that link will work. They're having some problems on the backend.

There will be other vendors eventually, but right now you can buy the iBooks version using iTunes and then read it anywhere else. There is no DRM so you are not locked to iOS. (However the Kindle version mistakenly was released with DRM; they're fixing that.)

Thanks for the info. I also just saw the twitter post about this. I think I'll wait for the (EDIT: DRM-free) kindle version (thanks to the Chrome web interface) or one of the other vendors. I've had enough annoyance with previous times I've put iTunes on a computer that waiting seems the better option.

I really appreciate how open Brandon is on these things (Warbreaker, DRM free ebooks, etc). TOR giving away a DRM-free ebook of Mistborn was what got me started reading (and buying) his books

Edited by Ed Page
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I finished it Sunday. It was a neat short story.

I will say I'm very frustrated that I can't put this ebook on my nook. I have both the kindle and nook and I'm running into the DRM issue when I try to convert it. That only leaves me to pay double to have it on both of my devices.

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It is 2.99$ on Amazon based on 5.99$ on Itunes. Is this right? I didnt mind because I had a gift card that I would have never used anyway, but it is useful info. Anyway. Really liked it, was kind of depressed when it stopped. I didnt really like the game that much, Im more of an RTS person (Warcraft and Starcraft). I liked the book better than the game. But I like everything brandon has written so thats not a surprise. Makes me want to give the game another try.

It should not take that long to fix compatibility. That is a 10 minute fix. A big publishing company like that should already have a program.

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It's supposed to be the same price no matter what platform. $2.99USD in the US, different prices in different companies based on exchange rate.

ChAIR is not a big publishing company; this is their first book ever. Their focus is video games, so you can't expect them to be really good at book backend stuff.

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I just want to point out that I had no idea that iBooks was DRM Free and it is one of the most refreshing things. I think I have found my default ebook outlet.

Unless they have terrible, terrible practices that I don't know about. Like not paying authors or dumping poison in lakes. Something along those lines.

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iBooks is not by default DRM-free. Publishers/authors have to choose it specifically (like ChAIR did for this book). And there's no good way to tell before you buy something whether or not a book is DRM-free.

iBooks does have the best terms for paying authors of the major stores out there, but the DRM thing is not something you can rely on.

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Ah, thanks for the heads up.

When you say DRM locked do you mean locked to the iPad platform or locked to the user (in that I would need to enter a password to put it on a new device like how songs used to be)? Because if it's the latter I still may use iBooks over the B&N Nook Store.

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I quite liked it.

I'm a bit medieval in how I judge books, rarely going beyond "me like" and "me don't like" sentiments (with BS's all going in the "me like" category so far), but I found the concepts discussed here to be well treated.

While I haven't played the game, the advertising blurb and what I got from the book painted a fairly simple picture, which BS worked within and expanded upon quite admirably.

*SPOILERS - Seriously, just buy it and convert to PDF, or use the free eBook reading app for Google Chrome. It's worth it!*

I found the treatment of the "reluctant hero" here to be quite well done, in particular. It is not simply a case of a simple farmer thrust into great events: Siris has embraced his destiny, and conquered it. It is not even just the case of a hero who can never manage to stay retired, always pulled back into conflict whenever he tries to settle down: Siris has never even had even a taste of a life of his own, and thirsts desperately for it when it appears to be in his grasp. This thirst comes through in the text, tying the reader to Siris's frustration and yearning instead of just being shrugged off a few chapters in when more important things pop up and the hero has to "stop whining."

Not only has he proven himself willing and able to do what needs to be done, but his success has opened his eyes to the joys of life that he has heretofore denied himself. This makes it all the more bitter for both the hero and the reader when the real world intervenes and forces action upon one who has already gone far beyond the call of duty. As the scope and strength of the enemy is slowly revealed, the reality and impossibility of what Siris will have to do in order to ever fulfill his list sets in for both him and the reader, and we care because the book has made us care to care, as it were.

Even though the novella is relatively short, we see a complete and believable character arc: from an excitable youth with his life unexpectedly ahead of him - to a paradoxically listless colossus of a killing machine, thoughtlessly and ineffectively following through on the last command inputted (Kill: Deathless) - to a mature man knowledgeable of his own shortcomings and with a clear goal, chosen of his own free will, in mind.

tl;dr: I wax poetic because I really enjoy innovative retooling of tried-and-true tropes in writing, as well as believable character development, especially from a unique starting point.

Edited by Kurkistan
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