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*Godzilla's dad enters the chat room*


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Wrong franchise. Unless there is a chasmfiend called Godzilla I’m not aware of ...

Good evening, fellow Splinters! :3 My name is Chris. I just finished RoW and had to find a place where I can talk about it. I’ve started reading Sanderson a few years ago and read WoK first because I liked the cover art. Since then I’ve read all the other Cosmere books but none of them come even close to WoK (a book that rekindled my love for reading) despite being really good. 
When I’m not reading Sanderson I’m working on my master thesis while trying to handle a walking and climbing toddler of destruction (something that feels more difficult than fighting 13 Inquisitors at the same time). Because of this I won’t be as active as I would like to be but I hope I can find some free time to fangirl about the Cosmere with all of you. :) 

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Hey you two. ^^

My favorite Stormlight character would be Adolin. In the beginning I disliked him very much but since he got himself imprisoned next to Kal he grew on me. Yes, he is no radiant or something like this but he is my precious little boy. :wub:

When talking about Cosmere characters I can’t decide between dirty old man Breeze and Sazed. I love both of them and hope to read more from Sazed in the future (can Sanderson please continue Mistborn!? >_<). 

What about your favorite characters?

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4 hours ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Oooooh. My favorite characters are probably Hoid or Rock. 
Because: ‘Wit is. . . Well, wit. And you’re. . . Well, you, rock.’ 

Hoid and Rock are also great. Just like the Lopen and all the other fantastic characters Sanderson came up with (like Steris). That’s why it’s really difficult for me to decide on one character alone. ^^
Uh! Who’s your least favorite character? Mine are Sadeas and Moash. F*ck Moash. :D

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6 hours ago, Khaz said:

Hoid and Rock are also great. Just like the Lopen and all the other fantastic characters Sanderson came up with (like Steris). That’s why it’s really difficult for me to decide on one character alone. ^^
Uh! Who’s your least favorite character? Mine are Sadeas and Moash. F*ck Moash. :D

Storm it, Moash!

5 hours ago, Khaz said:

@Honorless Yes I did and I’m a Lightweaver, the perfect order for myself because I’m really good at lying to myself and I love to draw. That said I can’t wait for my WoK Kickstarter swag pack to arrive. 

I am eagerly awaiting these also. I haven’t gotten my leatherbound yet; it’s not due to arrive till April. :(

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35 minutes ago, Bearer of all agonies said:

Storm it, Moash!

I am eagerly awaiting these also. I haven’t gotten my leatherbound yet; it’s not due to arrive till April. :(

Oh no. That’s a long wait but at least you will get it one day. Thanks to the birth of my daughter and all the stuff we had to buy I couldn’t afford the leatherbound and had to buy the swagpack and poster instead but yeah, waiting sucks. Hopefully I will be able to buy it later down the road. ^^

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Welcome to the shard @Khaz it is nice to have you here! OB is my favourite book and Kaladin is my favourite character. Least favourite was Moash and Taravangian. But now I think Taravangian will have to be struck off the least favourite. Storm it, you Sanderson! 
Most and least favourite shard world?

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