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What the Ghostblood Symbol Might Look Like


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I quite like this. Nice find.


We had a thread discussing a bunch of possibilities, but I can't find it now. Suffice it to say that there were a lot of possibilities offered, and we have no real way to prove any of them as being correct. Sort of a poor description on Brandon's part, really.

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I was trying to imagine something similar to the Triforce from the Legend of Zelda games, but this makes a lot more sense. This would actually make a sweet tattoo. Upvote for you!

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Oh my this is perfect! I have never considered the overlap thing, and all I can think about is something like the first picture. Thanks for the inspiration! Must upvote!

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I must've missed the part about the overlap. I always imagined it as the symbol used for section breaks within a chapter.

Here's the relevant Way of Kings excerpt from Chapter 74 ("Ghostblood"):

She set the sheet down. On it was a symbol of three diamonds in a pattern, overlapping one another.

Thanks for the upvotes and nice comments, guys!

Attached is my terrible attempt at creating a vector version of this. It's my first time doing this kind of thing, and I've never even used Inkscape before, so pardon the imperfections. Hey, perhaps someone else might want to do a better job. :)

Edit: Created a version that only has three normal diamonds instead of the three "hollow" diamonds. Which one do you guys think is the better Ghostblood symbol candidate?


Edit: Added some colored versions.





Edited by skaa
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I REALLY like this it really looks like the sought of symbol you would see on signet ring form a secret society, I like the double diamond more and really like the reasoning behind, soul+blood= Ghostblood. That also Implies that the suspected worldhoppers started on Roshar, or that this is the Rosharian unit of a larger organisation, going by a unit name and symbol. But nice find my upvote is yous!

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I like the first black and white version visually but I have hard time parsing it into the three diamonds so I quickly through together a colored version (using your black and white one as a base) where the diamonds are different colors (As opposed to all being red)


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This just showed up in my Facebook feed. I can remember where I've seen the central logo / sigil, but if the leaf shapes were converted into diamonds (obviously without the circle around them), it could turn into another interpretation of the Ghostbloods tattoo.

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@Weiry: Yeah, that does help to see the individual diamonds better. *upvotes*

This just showed up in my Facebook feed. I can remember where I've seen the central logo / sigil, but if the leaf shapes were converted into diamonds (obviously without the circle around them), it could turn into another interpretation of the Ghostbloods tattoo.

I've seen that before when I was reading about Borromean rings. It's called a triquetra. Converting each leaf to a diamond creates a triangle symbol similar to the Triforce symbol in Zelda. As Chrono pointed out above, that is another possibility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am with Rshara. From it being described as simple for Eylita to draw off Luesh's tattoo, and also as triangular with three diamonds. I doodled it on to my hand while re-reading WoK right  after reading WoR and was like.... 'why is this symbol familiar'... 'OMG it's the Mitsubishi logo' and laughed manically for 15 min.  I got infatuated with a theory that it was a wink and a nod to the Mercedes-Benz logo that appeared in The Wheel of Time.


I was trying to ask him about this theory in my question to him at the DC signing... but I got kinda flustered and fanboy-shy.


I also have a theory that the three diamonds represent the three shards of Roshar.

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I like that!  I was thinking something like the Mitsubishi logo, but yours makes a lot more sense :)


Actually, that's exactly what I always pictured it like! Except with a little more overlap in the center, such that it forms a triangle of overlap between all three. So it actually would look a little like the legend of zelda triforce, too.

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  • 11 months later...

Just wanted to announce that, sadly, my idea has already been debunked as inaccurate by Brandon himself. He didn't give any clues. At this point I'll just wait for him to officially reveal the symbol to us.

You guys may continue to use this thread to give your ideas on the Ghostblood symbol. Maybe someone will actually figure it out before Book 3 arrives. :)

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  • 2 months later...

There was something about this in the Great AMA of 2015. I am not fully sure, but I think Brandon confirmed the symbol was something like what you see in the original post of this thread. Feel free to double check me though.

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