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Rhythm of War & Era 2


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I was not sure where to put this topic, but I thought here would be best. RoW & Stormlight Archive spoilers will be untagged, but I will tag all Mistborn Era 2 spoilers with the appropriate book. 

So, Era 2 occurs during the time skip between SA5 and SA6. Clearly, knowing that Taravangian is the new Vessel of Odium recontextualizes many things - there is one from Bands of Mourning that I would like to talk about. 


BoM spoiler: 


Edwarn Ladrian is killed by what he calls a “Faceless Immortal” (kandra). The big difference that Edwarn notes is glowing red eyes. This is very unusual on Scadrial. . . How likely is it that this is actually a Fused with the surge of Illusion that is working for the Set? A Fused would work especially nicely for a suicide mission, as death is no trouble for them (in the short term). 

Hoid implies in his WoK letter to Frost that he has a grudge against Rayse and Bavadin - although not explicitly stated that this is the same grudge against both, I have always read it as so. In other words, that Rayse and Bavadin were working together. 

BoM spoiler:


Many people have also postulated that Bavadin is the mysterious red force that is besieging Scadrial at the end of of BoM. There are many small hints, worshipping of Trell (a character from Bavadin’s planet of Taldain) being chief among them. Speaking of which ... 


Alloy of Law spoilers: 


Miles, a minor agent (contractor?) of the Set, says this while being executed:

“You are fools!” Miles yelled at the firing squad. “One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. And you will be ruled by them.”

Those are some colors typically associated with Odium. We also know from Rhythm of War that Odium planned to use Roshar as a staging ground for an army to conquer the Cosmere: 


“I need soldiers. For the true battle that is coming, not for one people or one miserable windswept continent. A battle of the gods. A battle for everything.”

“Roshar is a training ground. The time will come that I unleash you upon the others who are not nearly as well trained. Not nearly as hardened as I have made you.”

One last point from Rhythm of War:


“Yes,” Odium said, eyes shining golden. “You will have. And you will give your soul to me. You, Dalinar, will join the Fused. You will become immortal, and will personally serve me. Bound by your oaths. You will be the one I send to the stars to serve my interests in the cosmere.”

This clearly indicates to me that Odium is considering sending agents out into the cosmere, if he hasn’t done so already. I expect he is bound by Honor against doing so. Taravangian winning the contest of champions or otherwise being unchained from the Rosharan system would certainly make it easier for him to influence other planets, in a way that Rayse-Odium could not.


We also know from experience that in our current point in the timeline, with most planets generally unaware of each other, foreign magic systems are much more effective for stealthy purposes. You can’t see through a disguise you don’t expect - much less one you don’t even know is possible. 


Now, if we put all these things together, it would make perfect sense that Odium & Bavadin would continue their plans. Scadrial will be incredibly important in the future, and surely Odium can spare a Fused for some wetwork on another planet.

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7 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

So it doesn’t quite match up.

I think you are assuming that anyone involved with the Set would have to be involved from the very beginning of their organization, and I don’t necessarily agree with that. 

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11 hours ago, lightweaver spy said:

So, Era 2 occurs during the time skip between SA5 and SA6

Ish.  Brandon might have to move it a bit.  My main problem is actually that Trell's insertion into scadrail seems to have started while Rayse was still alive according to Harmony's letter.



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1 hour ago, Karger said:

Ish.  Brandon might have to move it a bit.  My main problem is actually that Trell's insertion into scadrail seems to have started while Rayse was still alive according to Harmony's letter.



That is true, the timeline is a little tricky here. I think the main takeaway from this is that although Rayse may have initially been working with Autonomy, Taravangian seems to be setting up to be far less limited. More able to act than Rayse was. 

I think it is safe to assume that by BoM Taravangian is holding Odium, though. 

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2 hours ago, Karger said:

Ish.  Brandon might have to move it a bit.  My main problem is actually that Trell's insertion into scadrail seems to have started while Rayse was still alive according to Harmony's letter.



Someone in a similar thread mentioned a recent WoB moving MB2 to coincide with WoK, but I don't have it in front of me. I'll see if I can hunt it down.

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4 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

That was me. I think that has more to do with the decision about Thaidakar though.

Even so, it looks like it's had ripple effects with other plot points, as Harmony mentions already having chosen his champion in one of the epigraphs from RoW. In any event, it definitely implies to me that the incursions on Scadrial did take place during the life of Rayse.

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12 minutes ago, AirsickHighlander said:

Even so, it looks like it's had ripple effects with other plot points, as Harmony mentions already having chosen his champion in one of the epigraphs from RoW. In any event, it definitely implies to me that the incursions on Scadrial did take place during the life of Rayse.

That’s my opinion as well.

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3 hours ago, Karger said:

Ish.  Brandon might have to move it a bit.  My main problem is actually that Trell's insertion into scadrail seems to have started while Rayse was still alive according to Harmony's letter.

Yes, but where is the problem? Rayse wanting to turn Dalinar into a Fused to send out shows that Rayse had such ambitions. They are just partially implemented already.

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I suspect Odium's agents abroad are more than traditional Fused.  I think that's where El's research comes into play (with his metallic body modifications).  Compiling some of his epigraphs:

"I look forward to ruling the humans."

I had my title and my rhythms stripped from me for daring insist they should not be killed, but should instead be reconditioned. Repurposed.

"Humans are weapons. We singers revere Passion, do we not? How can we throw away such an excellent channeling of it?"
"Roshar will be united in its service of the greater war."

Sounds like hemalurgy (or something similar) is going to be used to construct Odium's Foreign Legion and the troops will be primarily humans.

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4 hours ago, Theoryspren said:

Also a Fused can't leave the Rosharan system it is tied there.

There is a problem. Rayse wanted to turn Dalinar into a Fused and send him out. Presumably not all alone. We must conclude that Taln and the oathpact kept them there. But a new Desolation has begun and won't formally end.

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