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Ishar's fighting style


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Does anyone else think that the way Ishar fought was very similar to the way that people burning Atium do? Given that I doubt he has Atium, could he be using fortune somehow?  And if so is this something that any bondsmith could learn to do or is it something else?

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1 minute ago, Jescape said:

Does anyone else think that the way Ishar fought was very similar to the way that people burning Atium do? Given that I doubt he has Atium, could he be using fortune somehow?

For one thing, a few thousand years of experience and a body magically designed to be a fighting machine helps.

We can speculate that you, if you strengthen your bonds to somebody else hard enough, you will learn something from them. Using Fortune would seem to be as un-Vorin as you can get.


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I think it's likely he can Connect to Fortune, but he could also just be absurdly skilled.

3 minutes ago, Oltux72 said:

Using Fortune would seem to be as un-Vorin as you can get.


We have no reason to think Vorinism holds sway over any of the Heralds. They predate it, and Ishar in particular considers himself God, he wouldn't care about any prohibitions.

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45 minutes ago, Prymalfire said:

We have no reason to think Vorinism holds sway over any of the Heralds. They predate it, and Ishar in particular considers himself God, he wouldn't care about any prohibitions.

But the arrow of causalty can run the other way. Vorinism bans foretelling the future bevause the Heralds hate it.

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It seems really similar to Atium, I paused when I first read it: chapter 111


"Despite earnestly trying, none could land a blow. It was as if … as if they were trying to hit where Ishar was, while he was able to move in anticipation of where they would be."

I know the Stormfather says it's experience but I'm not buying it, he has been wrong about other things. I don't think he's an Allomancer but there's often similarities in uses of Investiture across the Cosmere. Maybe he can Connect with them a bit and so knows what they are intending to do.

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1 hour ago, Dreamwa1ker said:

It seems really similar to Atium, I paused when I first read it: chapter 111

I know the Stormfather says it's experience but I'm not buying it, he has been wrong about other things. I don't think he's an Allomancer but there's often similarities in uses of Investiture across the Cosmere. Maybe he can Connect with them a bit and so knows what they are intending to do.

It could be connection shenanigans tbh. We don't really understand a lot of how it functions and it could just be he's connected himself to them and knows their intention?

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It definitely read like someone using atrium and I believe there was an atrium industry in the cosmere. That being said I don't think ishar is using atrium, but could have some crazy bondsmith equivalent.

Of course we can't rule out the fact that the heralds are... the heralds, individuals who have been battling the fused and who knows what else for thousands of years.

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2 hours ago, KSub said:

It definitely read like someone using atrium and I believe there was an atrium industry in the cosmere. That being said I don't think ishar is using atrium, but could have some crazy bondsmith equivalent.

Of course we can't rule out the fact that the heralds are... the heralds, individuals who have been battling the fused and who knows what else for thousands of years.

No, Ishar is definitely not using ‘atrium.’ He was being very uninviting actually. Didn’t even let them in his front door.

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On 12/1/2020 at 3:12 AM, Arch1tect said:

I mean also, while the Windrunners under Sigzil are badassed, well trained fighters, they aren't really veteran blademasters. I'm pretty sure we're just looking at skill here. 

Naln catching a great arrow from Cord, Taln catching a dart without looking at it, Taln recognizing that Dalinar is "waiting" for him after opening the Perp.  I think there is enough evidence to support a theory that Heralds are close enough to the Spiritual Realm to have some amount of Foresight. 

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