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The Cosmere made me a reader again


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I'm 28 years old. When I was younger I used to read all the time. It was my main hobby as a child and adolescent. But with the advent of the internet and streaming services I kind of just stopped reading for the last decade or so. I think I read a total of 3 books over that time. So back in March of this year when it settled in that we'd be in quarantine for a while I decided to try reading again.

I had never been much of a fantasy reader but I remembered reading the LotR books as a teenager and enjoying them so I thought it was the right genre to get me started. I went into Barnes and Noble and just perused the fantasy section. I saw the cover of Way of Kings, thought it looked interesting enough and I saw it had very good reviews on Amazon. Little did I know I had just set myself on a path of rekindling my old passion.

So of course I'm immediately floored by how good the writing and the world building is. I finish the whole thing in a week (which in the context of my busy life is lightning speed) and I'm like who the hell is Brandon Sanderson? I do a little research and realize I've just accidentally stumbled into a vast interconnected universe which is exactly what I need to get through the quarantine. Fast forward 8 months, I've finally caught myself up on the entire cosmere collection. I've also preordered several books from John Gwynne and I plan on making my way through the Wheel of Time after that.

Anyways, that's my mundane story of how the Cosmere has made me a passionate reader again! Reading this forum after I finished each book was a delight. Now that I'm fully caught up I can hopefully discuss the new releases with you all as they happen.

Edited by ScarecrowBoat716
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Man... what a story! Welcome the Shard Scarecrow, so happy to have you come join us! That is exactly the type of praise you want to hear on a book :D

I think you like many felt the pull of streaming and electronic devices creeping ever farther into our lives. In fact, I would almost say you were in the majority in not reading books much anymore. That day in Barnes and Noble should go down in the history books for you! And the fact that you were attracted off the cover and not scared aways by the length, doesn't get any better than that!

Yes I can agree the first time you pick one of these up you seem to just be incapable of doing anything but inhaling it as fast as humanly possible. Finding the Cosmere too, one of the greatest days you will ever have :P Perfect timing too right at the start of quarantine! That is amazing it has rekindled your love for reading. Chilling with a great book is one of the best feelings ever so glad the books have brought you back to that.

All caught up in 8 months on everything is perfect timing for RoW too! So glad the Shard has been an amazing resource, it is full of amazing people! We would be delighted to have you come join us in discussion and forum awesomeness whenever and wherever as well! Have you gotten to any of the non-Cosmere? Hope you enjoy the Shard!

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I love the feeling of a good book. Reading is my favorite pastime, but sometimes I can't find a good book to read, and I just reread old ones over and over again. When you find THE ONE that you open up and can't put down, it is the best feeling in the world. The only bad part is that you can never have that feeling about that book again. Once you have read it for the first time, you can't read it for the first time again.

Welcome to the Shard!

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2 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

I love the feeling of a good book. Reading is my favorite pastime, but sometimes I can't find a good book to read, and I just reread old ones over and over again. When you find THE ONE that you open up and can't put down, it is the best feeling in the world. The only bad part is that you can never have that feeling about that book again. Once you have read it for the first time, you can't read it for the first time again.

Welcome to the Shard!

True that. 
One of the best things about Brandon’s books and also the worst thing is that I can not put these books down and finish so quickly!!

And then the awesome ride is over all too soon. 
you can re read but it is never the same! 
I remember that I had decided to read wheel of time in 2017 and it took me from jan to august to read till book 11. Last three books I had planned to finish by November end and then I was going to start SA, thinking that atleast by then I will surely have OB. 
But by the time 1st nov came, I had read last three wheel of time books and Wok and WoR and ended up waiting for OB for 2 whole weeks!! 
Brandon has a way of ruining all my plans! 

Edited by The Traveller
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3 hours ago, I Am A Fish said:

Hello, and Welcome to the Shard!

Who's your favorite Sanderson character?

This is an impossible question haha. It depends on how I interpret the question.

Weirdly enough, the first one that comes to mind is Ruin. The one line from the whole cosmere that sticks with me is when Ruin says something to the effect of "I was trapped for 1000 years. But 1000 years isn't a long time. Not long at all." I felt a chill in my bones reading that. Brandon knows how to write a good villainous god. Dalinar's vision of Odium might be my favorite scene in the whole cosmere for similar reasons. He makes the reader understand how terribly vast a being like that would be.

Under the normal interpretation of favorite character I'd go with Kaladin. Not exactly thinking outside the box with that one but how can you not root for him? Other names that come to mind are Vin and Lightsong.

Edited by ScarecrowBoat716
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/18/2020 at 7:46 PM, The Traveller said:

True that. 
One of the best things about Brandon’s books and also the worst thing is that I can not put these books down and finish so quickly!!

And then the awesome ride is over all too soon. 
you can re read but it is never the same! 
I remember that I had decided to read wheel of time in 2017 and it took me from jan to august to read till book 11. Last three books I had planned to finish by November end and then I was going to start SA, thinking that atleast by then I will surely have OB. 
But by the time 1st nov came, I had read last three wheel of time books and Wok and WoR and ended up waiting for OB for 2 whole weeks!! 
Brandon has a way of ruining all my plans! 

Oh wow 

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