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Rhythm of War Full Book Reactions


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Hmm... so do you guys think Adin's going to become a more prominent character in the back half? Another child PoV character... people are already annoyed with Lift (sorry guys!). He got a PoV in Part 5 but his name wasn't mentioned in the Part 5 PoV characters list. The list did however mention two groups: Bridge 4 and the Knights Radiant, so he's pretty much set for Radiancy, like he so desperately wishes.

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So I’m assuming the place where Wit tells Kaladin the story of the Dog and the dragon is Damnation?If so it’s satisfying that he pulled Dabbit from there figuratively and he in return literally pulls Kaladin from Damnation. 

Also another author I enjoy posted a gushing review of RoW. His thoughts seemed a bit more scattered than usual but it was fun to hear him talk about it and his interactions with Brandon throughout the years. If anyone is interested:


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3 hours ago, Honorless said:

Hmm... so do you guys think Adin's going to become a more prominent character in the back half? Another child PoV character... people are already annoyed with Lift (sorry guys!). He got a PoV in Part 5 but his name wasn't mentioned in the Part 5 PoV characters list. The list did however mention two groups: Bridge 4 and the Knights Radiant, so he's pretty much set for Radiancy, like he so desperately wishes.

Adin will be an adult by then, as will Lift. 10/15 years is quite a bit of time.

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On 2020-12-07 at 7:47 PM, Ookla the Mok Turtle Soup said:

Welcome to the shard! 

Nice analogy with the lead balloon by the way. 

The general consensus seems to be that most people like RoW. I too was a bit surprised by this, but everybody comes at this things from different angles and I guess what bothers me isn't so much of an issue to other people. 

I pre-ordered RoW, but I have yet to receive my book (crazy right?), so I listened to the audiobook instead of reading it my first time through like I normally do, and maybe that has something to do with why I liked it less. Kate Reading and Michael Kramer sounded a little tired or something, you could almost hear Kate's eyes glazing over when she was mentioning another facet of Voidlight/Towerlight/Anti-light, etc. 

I actually haven't liked much that Brandon's released from Skyward on, and funny enough I liked Dawnshard more than RoW, but Dawnshard is my second to least favorite SLA story. Again, the Akinah setting seemed underdeveloped. 

It is an interesting place to be in, not dying from anticipation for the next SLA book or not even really caring to speculate about what's going to happen in the next SLA book. I was all in before, but I think I might be drifting out. There's never been a better group of fans than those on the Shard, intelligent, creative and just marvelous people, but that's really all that's keeping me here. Just wait, Lost Metal will come out and I'll be an effusive fan boy again. Haha, could happen. 

Thanks for the welcome.  I pre-ordered it too.  And Skyward- which I absolutely loved because Dad was a lifelong  pilot, and the love of aviation is in our blood. I just felt like he wrote that book for me. But, I didn't love Starsight.

Normally I like Kate Reading and Michael Sullivan's narration, but you could hear Kate's  boredom in parts of this book.   I missed the humour of Rock and Lopen, and wish we'd have had a few funny parts in such a serious book. You need that sometimes.

On 2020-12-08 at 5:27 PM, Laramie Shaffer said:

This is my first time posting and I like reading these forums to hear peoples ideas about plots, theories and little details that I may have missed in my own reading. That being said I literally felt the need to create an account just to say to the people who keep bashing on Sanderson's writing and the direction he is taking with his books, keep that crap to yourself. You are entitled to an opinion on what you would like to see for the books and the series, but your opinion does not matter more than anyone else's and the fact that many of you seem to think you can do better as far as plot, pacing, etc then go be a successful writer who completes multiple great books every year and doesn't make his fans wait decades for a series to finish. Sanderson spoils his fans by how fast he writes and while not every book he writes goes the direction that I would like to see it go they are all great books in m opinion, which again doesn't really mean anything lol. So quit posting super long threads like [redacted] did above complaining about a bunch of things that ultimately don't really matter to people who want to know more about SA or the Cosmere in general. Go create a site that is a I can do better than Brandon Sanderson forum.  This criticism will have no effect on how Brandon writes I am sure and it is just plain annoying having to skip over all of them trying to find good posts that I can learn something from. The end.

PS don't ban me for this. 

I hope this wasn't directed towards me, also a brand new poster. 

I love Brandon's work in general. I just didn't LOVE Rhythm of War, for many reasons. There's no reason why people can't discuss what they liked and what they didn't like in a book, is there? On a forum created about the universe called the Cosmere?  We're not ragging on the author, just because we maybe don't love a book as much as you did.

You are correct, he doesn't make us wait for...20 years like GRRM does, or never finish a trilogy like Patrick Rothfuss did. (I'm still cross about that, Patrick!) Brandon is a really good, well rounded author who has created an incredible universe we all love. I don't consider what I wrote was crap. it's my opinion, and we all have them, including you. Your opinion is different, that doesn't make me wrong, OR you wrong.

I had to edit and add this.

Brandon Sanderson IMO is far and away the best world builder. His magic systems, the shards, the characters and worlds are mild blowing.

I'm listening to audio books, and they are a different thing from the printed word. ALL the info. I get is via the narrators, and thankfully through places like  here and Coppermind, etc. As a mature (old) reader, I know when I read words on a page, I absorbed it better than I do now being read to, but for someone who loves all kinds of fiction, don't want to live without these wonderful stories brightening my life. Even if I don't think this was his best book in the Stormlight Archive or in and out of the Cosmere, it's still better than most

I'm not a writer, and don't believe I could do better...there are too many poor writers out there right now, try parsing all the SHTF, post apocalyptic sections. Not pretty. Hard to get a non Zombie book unless you go back 20 years.

I'm visually impaired so I don't know how to quote clip very well. so my posts are a mess. (also I'm old) :) Can I stick around and ask questions? (Not snarky ones.)



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Well after one readthrough RoW is my least favourite, by some margin, of the stormlight books to date. I enjoyed the wider cosmere related things we found out about, and I didn't see what happened with Odium coming, so that was good, but too much of the book dragged for me. The longer the series goes on seeing the same scenes (like Gavilar's feast) from different viewpoints is starting to get tedious. Venli's flashbacks didn't grab be all, and I got to the "oh god, not another one" point by the later stages of the book. I also struggled to engage with both Shallan and Kaladin dealing with their mental health issues in the same book. Those sections just went on far far too long for me.

I also notice that Brandon seems to have a favourite word in his books, and in this one it appeared to be "regardless". Overall I guess I liked it, but it certainly felt more disjointed than the others and had way too much unneeded filler in it from my point of view.

On 20/11/2020 at 2:58 AM, agrabes said:

You're right that one thing Odium (Rayse) wanted was to get free of Roshar.  But he has other equally important goals too.  His main overall goal is to destroy all other shards.  So he's made it clear that we wanted to destroy Honor and Cultivation beyond repair (including destroying all their spren) and then leave Roshar to destroy the rest of the Shards throughout the Cosmere.  Odium's end goal wasn't human extermination, but that was a likely side effect of his actual goal.  In the current Desolation, as in all Desolations, he's trying to destroy Honor and Cultivation's investure, which will have the result of freeing him.  He doesn't care about the Bondsmiths' ability to release him from the Oathpact, that's not his main objective.  If it's offered to him, then he would accept because it offers him a chance of early victory.  But he doesn't need to enter that kind of deal to win, the Radiants have to risk a lot in the deal because Odium knows he would win even without the deal.  This is how it's always been portrayed in the books.


Look at this from Dalinar's perspective - what is Dalinar trying to do?  What is the win state for Dalinar's side?  If Dalinar wins the contest of Champions, Odium will withdraw personally, but the Everstorm will remain and the Fused will continue to be immortal and unrelenting enemies.  So in terms of Dalinar's chances to win the overall war, defeating Odium's champion doesn't move the needle very much toward an actual victory.  It is essentially impossible for Dalinar to win the war, at best he can establish a secure perimeter and defend it from Fused incursions for all of time.

If Odium's champion wins, Dalinar has to become Odium's servant and it's implied he will be sent to other worlds to do Odium's bidding there.  So Odium gets Dalinar as his servant and gets one additional agent on other worlds.  But there are many men of Dalinar's caliber that are available to Odium and it's strongly implied he has agents and/or allies in other places in the Cosmere.  So Odium gains nothing significant by getting Dalinar - nothing he couldn't have gotten otherwise.  And Odium himself is still trapped on Roshar, unable to leave and fulfill his actual mission and he still has hundreds or thousands of years of warfare until the side of the Radiants is whittled down enough to allow him to fully destroy Honor and Cultivation.

So neither side really gains anything if they win.  If SA5 ends in either of those states - perpetual war with Odium on the sidelines or perpetual war with Odium on the sidelines and Dalinar forced to switch sides - it doesn't feel like a satisfying ending.


If Odium's champion is defeated, and he can't directly interfere with his forces on Roshar, there is the possibility of an accord between both sides. Now they both have the ability to destroy each other on permanent basis that is not such a stretch as it would have been otherwise.


On 24/11/2020 at 11:03 PM, FudgeHeart said:

About choosing a champion for SA5:

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Why not choose Taln to be the Champion?  Don't mess with Ishi, he's mediocre.  Dalinar doesn't even have a sword.  It's fine that Taln's cra-cra.  He can friggin' catch blow darts out of the air with two fingers.


I'd actually be looking at Renarin. He's the only one that Odium can't see the future for, so it's more of a level playing field. And on that note, I fear for Renarin as Odium T knows that he is a threat, where Odium R didn't.

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On 09/12/2020 at 6:21 PM, cvamoca said:

You are correct, he doesn't make us wait for...20 years like GRRM does, or never finish a trilogy like Patrick Rothfuss did. (I'm still cross about that, Patrick!) Brandon is a really good, well rounded author who has created an incredible universe we all love. I don't consider what I wrote was crap. it's my opinion, and we all have them, including you. Your opinion is different, that doesn't make me wrong, OR you wrong.

First time poster here as well. I think those very examples should always be on our minds to put things in perspective before saying anything too harsh

By no means am I saying not to criticize or not be allowed to be disappointed, but maybe dial it down just a smidgen? He's 100% right that BS has absolutely spoiled us from the very beginning. Can you imagine if he just walked away from the whole thing? (scarier thought than Taravangiodium)

Oh, and I liked the book. Pretty sure Kaladin is going to end up with Syl (romantically that is)

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3 hours ago, Penhito said:

First time poster here as well. I think those very examples should always be on our minds to put things in perspective before saying anything too harsh

By no means am I saying not to criticize or not be allowed to be disappointed, but maybe dial it down just a smidgen? He's 100% right that BS has absolutely spoiled us from the very beginning. Can you imagine if he just walked away from the whole thing? (scarier thought than Taravangiodium)

Oh, and I liked the book. Pretty sure Kaladin is going to end up with Syl (romantically that is)

Do you think Brandon would be that childish, to walk away from a series because people had some grumbles about a book?  I don't believe he would, and I do believe he would completely understand when people bring up things they didn't love in a book. Doesn't mean we don't love his writing or this series, just that we didn't love this book or certain aspects in a book. You can't get better at something and grow as a writer, nurse, or president if you cannot accept constructive criticism.  Is he that fragile? Are the readers here also that fragile? I don't know him personally, but he's a writer, writers know people criticize books, and that it's unlikely that 100% of people will love something they write, it's just a case of numbers. 

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2 minutes ago, cvamoca said:

Do you think Brandon would be that childish, to walk away from a series because people had some grumbles about a book?  I don't believe he would, and I do believe he would completely understand when people bring up things they didn't love in a book. Doesn't mean we don't love his writing or this series, just that we didn't love this book or certain aspects in a book. You can't get better at something and grow as a writer, nurse, or president if you cannot accept constructive criticism.  Is he that fragile? Are the readers here also that fragile? I don't know him personally, but he's a writer, writers know people criticize books, and that it's unlikely that 100% of people will love something they write, it's just a case of numbers. 

I never meant to say that he would stop writing in response to criticism but rather a purely hypothetical scenario where he stops writing (for whatever reason, like a mental breakdown - à la Rothfuss). Or if it started taking him 10+ years to release a single book...

All I'm saying is that how much and how well he writes (as a whole), and especially how reliable he's been for the past 15 years, shouldn't be a reason to pull your punches, but at the very least not try to go for the knockout each time...

Keep in mind that I'm addressing the fans that generally agree that RoW was a very good book (despite its flaws). If you truly hated the book (not you specifically), or have mostly a negative opinion of it, then of course you're entitled to said opinion

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32 minutes ago, Penhito said:

I never meant to say that he would stop writing in response to criticism but rather a purely hypothetical scenario where he stops writing (for whatever reason, like a mental breakdown - à la Rothfuss). Or if it started taking him 10+ years to release a single book...

All I'm saying is that how much and how well he writes (as a whole), and especially how reliable he's been for the past 15 years, shouldn't be a reason to pull your punches, but at the very least not try to go for the knockout each time...

Keep in mind that I'm addressing the fans that generally agree that RoW was a very good book (despite its flaws). If you truly hated the book (not you specifically), or have mostly a negative opinion of it, then of course you're entitled to said opinion

Oh, is that what happened to Rothfuss? I didn't know... I just wondered where the last book was in that trilogy.

I think this is a very good book, I just didn't adore it like I did for The Way of Kings and Words of Radiance. If you add those two to To Kill a Mockingbird, you probably have my three favourite books in almost 6 decades of reading.

I actually am quite enjoying the back half of this book the second go around, whereas when I finished it the first time, I kinda hated it, it completely exhausted me. So, my thoughts on it have already changed.

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Starts pumping fists in air when Kaladin goes Super Saiyan X 4! Oops wrong series I mean Knights Radiant X 4. 

I imagine this book will be to dropping off point for many that are reading this series. As I’ve mentioned in a previous post this series is unique in that you have to throw out all typical rules of pacing, arcs etc in this story. The world is the main character (Not Kaladin, Shallan etc) and these books are trying to fully immerse yourself in it. For the fully immersive aspect of the world and leisurely pace only Tad Williams comes close, but he doesn’t spend even close the amount of time on nitty, gritty aspects of the setting like Fabriel science. I like tightly written books. I think the original Black Company book by Glen Cook and Grace of Kings by Liu to be excellent examples of this; you could fit a entire series of plot in those books. But I also like what Brandon is doing here. I get the complaints but they really don’t bother me. Almost finished so I feel comfortable ranking them now. They are all five out of five star books but I enjoy some more than others.  1. WoR. 2. WoK. 3. OB 4. RoW. I personally find other characters to be more compelling than Navani and all the Science chapters regarding technology I didn’t find the most interesting. Lots of other small stuff but like I said Its a good book.

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3 hours ago, Penhito said:

I never meant to say that he would stop writing in response to criticism but rather a purely hypothetical scenario where he stops writing (for whatever reason, like a mental breakdown - à la Rothfuss). Or if it started taking him 10+ years to release a single book...

All I'm saying is that how much and how well he writes (as a whole), and especially how reliable he's been for the past 15 years, shouldn't be a reason to pull your punches, but at the very least not try to go for the knockout each time...

Keep in mind that I'm addressing the fans that generally agree that RoW was a very good book (despite its flaws). If you truly hated the book (not you specifically), or have mostly a negative opinion of it, then of course you're entitled to said opinion

I didn't love this book, nor did I hate it. It was a 2.5 -3.0 out of 5 for me, which is probably the lowest score I would give any BS book I have read. My major fear is he has set himself a far too ambitious target with the different series and trying to tie them all together and is struggling to stay on point, and for me it is affecting the quality of his story (I almost said writing but that isn't fair). I don't blame him for trying to stick with the grand scope of it as it is something unique. And if he continues to enjoy writing it and others continue enjoying reading it that's great, but I can honestly see him burning out if he tries to keep going with all the things he has said he was going to do.

We saw a similar thing happening with Robert Jordan where the quality of the story telling got consistantly worse as the books progressed, due to trying to do too much.

At this stage I am invested (pun intended) in the cosmere books, so I will be sticking with them, but I do think people should be pointing out if they think the quality is dropping, for his good as much as anything else, if it makes him reconsider how much he has on his plate and what is actually achievable.

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Oh, one more thing: I enjoyed reading this book, not just for the plot and the world and the characters, but because it was so well-written. I love seeing how far Brandon's come as a writer since Elantris! :D Sure, there were a couple points where I cocked an eyebrow and thought, "well, I wouldn't've phrased it like that," but that's just stylistic differences (or, if it was "bad writing", the instances I noticed paled in comparison to the rest of the book).

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On 9.12.2020 at 4:40 PM, Honorless said:

Hmm... so do you guys think Adin's going to become a more prominent character in the back half? Another child PoV character... people are already annoyed with Lift (sorry guys!). He got a PoV in Part 5 but his name wasn't mentioned in the Part 5 PoV characters list. The list did however mention two groups: Bridge 4 and the Knights Radiant, so he's pretty much set for Radiancy, like he so desperately wishes.

While I like Lift but felt annoyed when reading her chapters, I, for some reason, adored Adin. We'll see about him.

I typed my thoughts into a word document and when I copy/paste them to the forum, the original formattig stays. Do you know what I can do? I also can't figure out what kind of formatting the forum has soooo I am a little lost right now.

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3 minutes ago, Ernei said:

Have you tried Ctrl+Shift+v?

Hey! :D

Yeah; it looks like this:

Things I miss

Adolin could have gotten an awesome plot. I really hope he gets some more character / screen time, things to do...

Edit: Copypasting some frum post to my word document changes the formatting. That didn't help.

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1 hour ago, Wind_Breaker said:

Adolin could have gotten an awesome plot. I really hope he gets some more character / screen time, things to do...

I think he was underutilized in this book especially. All of his scenes were a breath of fresh air in RoW. He is naturally so upbeat, optimistic and just full of life wherein Kaladin and Shallan spend most of the time in depression, fear and self-loathing. I think he could of had much more page time and less Kaladin and Shallan time to bring a bit more balance to the narrative.

I think Sanderson could of done this and easily kept what I think is the main message of the book. Which is: all these hard things you go through and learn seem pointless at the time and unnecessarily hard. But it has brought you to your current state and these experiences have unforeseen applications in your future that will ultimately be to your benefit.

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2 hours ago, Wind_Breaker said:

Yeah; it looks like this:

Things I miss

Adolin could have gotten an awesome plot. I really hope he gets some more character / screen time, things to do...

Edit: Copypasting some frum post to my word document changes the formatting. That didn't help.

Try copying from Word into Notepad, and then copy it and paste it to the forum from Notepad, that should remove the all of the text formatting.

Or if you are on Mac you can try just clearing the text formatting in Word before you copy and paste, in Word use the menu command EDIT>Clear>Clear Formatting.

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7 hours ago, Ookla the Mok Turtle Soup said:

Try copying from Word into Notepad, and then copy it and paste it to the forum from Notepad, that should remove the all of the text formatting.

Or if you are on Mac you can try just clearing the text formatting in Word before you copy and paste, in Word use the menu command EDIT>Clear>Clear Formatting.

It works!!!! Thank you,


Okay! Some more thoughts on RoW:

Feelings and top moments

So to me, the Sanderlanche got real in part 5.
AHHHH Dadlinar in action, helping Kaladin with his 4th ideal?? I had some tears in my eyes. Daaaamnnnn.
The other big tear jerker to me was Eshonai’s last chapter.
„We chose“ was my number one moment of epicness in RoW. Kaladin’s 4th ideal and him slamming the Pursuer are right after. My top mind blowing moments were The Taravangian, The Epilogue ending, and, place three, We chose.

I actually groaned out loud when people got slaughtered in this book. Because it’s so useless and such a waste of life. Well done, Brandon.

Surprises and things I missed.

I was not prepared for that one Taravangian chapter. I couldn’t believe I had just read it.

My theory was that Rlain would find a spren from another order. I didn’t expect the cremling thing to be the spren. I am immensely looking forward to seeing more of Renarin’s and Rlain’s powers. I need to. I want to know what Truthwatchers can actually do!!! And Willshapers. All of them. So yeah - I pin high hopes on SA5 for this. And I am very curious to see what powers Rlain especially can access with his rythm of war mistspren and if and how they differ from Renarin’s. Is Glys also a mistspren or some other spren? Also, is Venli’s stoneshaping tied to her listener/voidlight powers? That’s how I understood it.

I never thought Jasnah/Wit would ever happen. That surprised me. A lot. But I am not mad, like - okay wow. Why the heck not. I’m happy Jasnah found someone she can tolerate. It had to be a half-immortal worldhopper of old, I guess.

I didn’t notice Kelsier. At all. I needed the forum for this.

Good things for SA5

I’m happy to see that Leshwi will stay part of the cast. I like that they have good relations to Urithiru.
I love Adin. He needs to play a role again. Please.

That epilogue worried me. Like damn, I am looking forward to what Odium is planning. Also to see how scheming Cultivation really is.

Ahh I really loved the new rhythms. That really intruged me, and I hope we’ll see a little more of them. I also wonder if all shards can produce different rythms and lights on Roshar. I think it’s already pretty safe / canon they can.

Open questions

One question that went unanswered to me was who the merchant is who happened to have some things Bridge 4 has lost? Like, okay, people salvage stuff and sell it; fair enough; but I feel like if who the merchant is won’t matter again, Brandon would have put some information there, like „the guy is an old Thaylen man“ or something.

Random Moash idea / theory: so Kaladin will become the inspiration for a new religion, probably. Just like Dalinar. I wondered, pretty randomly, if Moash would gain followers, or become a religious figure.

Also - Did Hoid tell Odium to please wash his hands -because he had no better idea at that moment -because he refers to something that happened and has some significance -because Brandon included some reference to COVID-19?

Also: Dalinar's plot seems to be a constant serahc for who he is actually supposed to unite. He thinks it's the Highprinces in WoK; the Radiants in RoW; the kingdoms of Roshar in OB; and the Heralds at the end of WoR. I am curious to see whether that will lead somewhere. As some people said, he might try to unite the Shards in the end (and never know what Tanavast acually wanted him to unite, which is not that important because Dalinar just keeps being awesome haha).

Things I miss

Adolin could have gotten an awesome plot. I really hope he gets some more character / screen time. Things to do. An extended plot to have.


And yeah I agree about Adolin @Ammanas. He is a character who feels like, huh, a warm bath after a really hard day?? I'll work on my metaphors.

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Finished the book yesterday. I have some really mixed feelings.

I really enjoyed reading it. It had a lot of good scenes, and I loved all the discussions about the magic systems, Cosmere stuff, and such. There was really good character development. There wasn't really a lot of parts that I found boring, it was a really good read. The plot twist at the end was pretty nice.

But. As a part of the greater story, I felt like almost nothing happened - certainly not for such a long book. Things only really progressed close to the very end, with the contract signed between Dalinar and Odium. Up to that point, I felt like nothing was progressing. There was only a lot of info given out and character development, no plot development at all. Which doesn't feel like the other books, or Sanderson in general. So in that way, I am very disappointed.

Still, I can rate it badly, because I enjoyed it as a book. Just not so much as a part of Stormlight Archive. it felt more like one of the novellas, or like a 1200 page prologue to book 5.

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I for one loved this book. Finally finished it at 4AM this morning (which is the time I tend to finish cosmere books, after deciding a full night of sleep isn't worth it).

The plot twists unfortunately didn't really do it for me because two of them (Kelsier as Thaidakar, Shallan's persona killing Ialai) were figured out by the community, and Taravangian becoming Odium was spoiled for me in the coppermind article on the Shards/vessels. 

I loved how this book delved so far into the science of Investiture. Sanderson has clearly planned this out to literally microscopic levels so Navani and Raboniel's interactions were possibly my favorite part of the whole novel.

Adolin's stand against 30 is my new favorite scene of the entire cosmere. This book's Sanderlanche is also my new favorite.

I'll be curious to see how the next book is paced. It's only 10 days until Dalinar fights what I would assume to be El. I can't imagine the whole book will take place over just 10 days so I'm guessing that showdown will come at the end of part 2. My personal prediction is that El will use the anti-Stormlight dagger to kill the Stormfather, but Dalinar will get a hold of Ishnar's Honorblade so he can use his powers to create a new storm by opening a massive perpendicularly.

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