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Long overdue


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Hey y'all 

Just thought I would finally do one of these,im very awkward and not confident whatsoever at making posts so that is probably why this took over a year of being a member to do, starting to come out of my shell a bit more with all the RoW chapters coming out now lol, I dont have any "cosmere aware" friends to talk with so that may have something to do with it. I've read all the cosmere books so the group has kind of become an obsession with me in between books, I swear I could mindlessly scroll on here for hours searching for answers to questions. Anyways just wanted to finally say hello to all of you and that I absolutley LOVE being a part of this, makes me feel good that there are people as obsessed as I am haha

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2 hours ago, Shard of Reading said:

Greetings, and welcome to the shard!

What is your favorite book/character/magic system?

Thanks! Fav books are stormlight archives, my favourite characters are Vasher, Jasnah, Hoid and Kelsier.least favourite is probably Shallan. I honestly don't think I can pick a favourite magic system, probably mistborns allomancy though if I had to choose

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Ahh I love the title Long Overdue just like my library book status! :P

Welcome to the Shard Doneil! We are absolutely delighted to have you finally come post so we can get you properly welcomed! This is a perfect introduction so I think you can boost that confidence up as high as it can go! A ton of us don't have any CosmeFriends (Cosmere + Friends... *sigh* that was bad :D) either so you are in the perfect spot. 

I can totally agree on being able to scroll through here mindlessly for hours (and sometimes do lol)! So happy that the chapters have helped you start to come our of your shell (and hope you do so even more! :D) and that we have become your obsession. We love that you are a part of this and that someone as obsessed as we are has come to join us!!

Edited by Scout_Fox
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We're glad to have you here! How did you originally find out about 17th Shard? I know I probably wouldn't have found it without my Cosmere aware friend. Would you want to bring the Metallic Arts onto earth? 

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