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7 minutes ago, Shard of Thought said:

Welcome to the Shard, we're happy to have you! What's your favorite Sanderson book/series? Character?

I would have to go with The Way of Kings, Oathbringer at a close second. Character is harder, probably Lift or Vin.

7 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:

Welcome!!! What is your favorite toe?  What books have you read?

If i have to choose one, it would be the left big toe. Not sure why, really. I have read almost all of Sanderson's works. Just need to finish the second Mistborn trilogy. Currently working through The First Law Books by Joe Abercrombie. They are stellar, by the way. I highly recommend them. The Wheel Of Time, of course. David Eddings was my favorite when I was younger, but I have since grown out of them. I used to read a lot of Stephen King. The Dark Tower is also highly recommended by me. That is just a drop in the bucket, though.

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1 minute ago, Mist said:

Welcome! What's your favorite magic system? Why? Would you want to bring it into our world?

So far, I think that the Allomancy is probably my favorite with Lightweaving in at a close second. I like the way Sanderson uses a seemingly simple power and comes up with interesting ways for the characters to use them. Lightweaving is especially like this. It makes the reader constantly second guess the character's abilities, which makes things more exciting. That is of course just my opinion.

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Welcome, welcome! Happy to have you join us!

Nice thinking on Lightweaving! I do think Brandon is exceptionally clever with both his magic system and its uses. It's def not the standard I can fly, I have super strength, I can eat 13 burritos without feeling sick... (ok maybe not that last one :P) strategy where it's the same powers with different heroes. He thinks of interesting uses for it and expands upon their power in ways you wouldn't expect. Absolutely! You never know what they will do with it next!

Out of all the Spren we have seen so far, who would you most desire to have bonded you?


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On 10/6/2020 at 3:07 PM, Scout_Fox said:


Out of all the Spren we have seen so far, who would you most desire to have bonded you?


I don't think I would have a preference, to be honest. I think that being chosen for a bond, would be enough. Now that I really think about it though. Truthseeker, probably, for the aforementioned Lightweaving and Healing people also is pretty great.

4 hours ago, eltruT said:


Favorite ice cream flavor and favorite villan?

Favorite ice cream favor is easy. Chocolate. Favorite villain is a bit harder. Probably due to the freshness, Sand dan Glokta from the The First Law Trilogy. But it is tight between him, Kefka from FFVI and Logen Ninefingers, who I ultimately decided had a shaky claim on being a villain to begin with.

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16 minutes ago, sniperfrog said:

I don't think I would have a preference, to be honest. I think that being chosen for a bond, would be enough.

Wow yknow no one has ever thought of it like that, how true! Just being able to have a bond would be amazing. Although yes being able to choose would be even cooler. What a beautiful way of putting it!

Love your title too btw lol

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1 minute ago, Scout_Fox said:

Wow yknow no one has ever thought of it like that, how true! Just being able to have a bond would be amazing. Although yes being able to choose would be even cooler. What a beautiful way of putting it!

Love your title too btw lol


Also, Thanks to everyone else as well. I haven't been on any forums for a long while. It's nice to see that it is still pretty close to the same! 

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