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The siege of Lasting Integrity


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So yeah I was wondering why the honorspren aren't bonding and maybe it's cause they believe humanity is doomed with

1). Humans have little to no knowledge of past events 

2). No heralds to lead them. 

3). No Dawnshards

4). A startup KR organization with amateur self taught members with no one above the 3rd ideal

5).The Skybreakers on Odium's side.

6). The Everstorm and the more dangerous Fused yet to come against the amateur humans. 

7). Honor himself being dead.

8). Heck even the other orders of Spren distrust humanity and are willing to stay neutral or even ally with Odium or be hostile to both sides. 

9). The Sibling being asleep. 

10). The other Spren being hostile towards honorspren cause of thier failed wars of conquest and  imperialist ambitions. 

11). And ofcourse thier own lack of trust in humans. 

12). They don't seem to know much about human tech progress and how it might affect the war either. 

   But maybe they can survive the Desolation by holing up in their fortress.

It's bound to have good defences and 
Odium won't be around forever. Even he will lose interest after Cultivation is killed and will move on .Then they can come back I guess. 

Maybe even rule Shadesmar once the other Spren voidish or otherwise are spent in thier wars.  

The Fused and Odium wanna wipe out humans not necessarily the Spren. 

If the honorspren remain neutral or atleast have no humans to bond with , they aren't a threat .

 Besides the stormfather himself is less than ecstatic about honorspren bonding with humans again and he seems far more bound by Honor than the Spren          and can't refuse to do the task Tanavast asked of him and hence , has bonded Dalinar knowing he will probably die but the honorspren themselves need not do it. Perhaps he even has told them not to. 

Also maybe the Honorspren are autonomous enough to plan thier own stratagies. 

Besides can Odium truly kill Stormfather , like the stormfather existed even before the Shattering or atleast the Highstorm did and once manifested Spren can't truly die. 

Perhaps one incarnation of him will be murdered by odium but he will still survive but without investiture of honor or Tanavast's CS. 

Over a few hundred yrs or so , he might even recover from deadeye status. 

And yes , the honorspren themselves might be Splinters of honor but minuscule ones and Odium is only concerned about large Splinters like ol' Stormdaddy. 

So yeah. I think the Honorspren intend to stay out of the war or atleast be sieged for a while in Lasting Integrity until Odium finally leaves.  


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2 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

The Fused and Odium wanna wipe out humans not necessarily the Spren.

The Fused do, Odium not so much. Shalash sai at the end of OB that Odium always wanted Humans on his side. He wants humanity to serve him and his purposes., not to destroy it. 

He does want to destroy any shardic intent opposed to him. In some way the Spren are his main enemies. 

Edited by Diomedes
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I like this idea!! Yes I think honorspren might not really think that they need to join forces against odium. They expect him to leave eventually and what is time to eternal beings such as spren. 
If, and it probably is, their holding is strong enough then they might think that they can wait out the last desolation. After all it is not like they need water or food to survive!!

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On 9/17/2020 at 11:44 AM, PrinceGenocide said:

Besides can Odium truly kill Stormfather , like the stormfather existed even before the Shattering or atleast the Highstorm did and once manifested Spren can't truly die. 

I'd say yeah, he can. The power gap between the two is insane, if he gets Cultivation out of the way and doesn't have to worry about exposing himself to an attack anymore, the Stormfather is doomed. Hell, Odium could probably break the highstorm, if he needed to do that to kill the SF.

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On 9/17/2020 at 11:44 AM, PrinceGenocide said:

12). They don't seem to know much about human tech progress and how it might affect the war either. 

I'm sure a big part that we will see in RoW & beyond is the humans increasing use of fabrials, which are really the enslavement of spren. Can't imagine the Honorspren will be very cool with that going forward. 


6 hours ago, beewall said:

Hell, Odium could probably break the highstorm, if he needed to do that to kill the SF.

I would imagine that killing the SF would, by extension, mess up the storm. I am thinking that this may be what happens to initiate the endless storm/rain we hear about in some of the Death Rattles. That, or humans using the Dawnshards to break the highstorm...

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3 minutes ago, Realmatic Shadow said:

Maybe as an attempt to get a consistent, omnipresent source of Stormlight, by forcing the entire planet into a permanent highstorm?

I'm thinking maybe it would be more like "we need to stop the Everstorm for good, because the Fused keep respawning too quickly". They succeed in stopping the Everstorm, but in doing so they inadvertently also kill the highstorm, turning it into just constant rain. 

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10 hours ago, _edgedancer said:

I'm thinking maybe it would be more like "we need to stop the Everstorm for good, because the Fused keep respawning too quickly". They succeed in stopping the Everstorm, but in doing so they inadvertently also kill the highstorm, turning it into just constant rain. 

That's an interesting theory.

I don't think any rationally thinking human would do that

Although hmmm maybe they could be on the verge of losing and some guy could be like " yeah , u r gonna go to storms with us ". 

Or perhaps Venli's neutrals could do it 

Not the first time , she has done something terrible and irrational. 

Although perhaps it doesn't need to be a Highstorm. More like a perpetual riddens. That would still devastate the ecology tho. But perhaps there are levels of existance the neutral parsh are willing to exist on. 

They are low in nos and can survive more easily , compared to the more numerous humans or parshendi. 


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