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A few observations

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I noticed a couple of things while reading Alcatraz vs. the Scriveners Bones that I don't understand. Tell me what you think.

The first one is when Alcatraz is on top of Dragonaught and he says,

"I twisted, looking to the cockpit, and saw Kaz concentrating, hand on the panel. Sweat beaded on his brow" (80)

I don't think Alcatraz would be able to see Kaz's face unless he was directly on top of the cockpit, but the entire thing was transparent so maybe he could from another position.

 The second one is after Alcatraz reads the inscription on the tomb of Alcatraz the first he thinks, 

"I wished that I had something I could write with, but then decided that it was better that I didn’t copy the text. The Curators would take what I wrote, and if they didn’t already know of the inscription, I didn’t want them to." (223)

If he didn't care for the Curators of Alexandria to have that knowledge, then why did he put it in his book?

I hope we can sort this out together if there is a reasonable answer, but I wonder if Alcatraz is still just trying to annoy us.

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I’d bet he’s trying to annoy us. Themst the shole point of the books. He could also have just found a smart way to not let the curators get the books through some trickery. Maybe we’ll see in the 6th book that’s coming out in November Wooooooooo!

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On 9/1/2020 at 2:06 PM, Ruled Subject said:

If he didn't care for the Curators of Alexandria to have that knowledge, then why did he put it in his book? 

Honestly, I think Brandon just made a mistake here. Or maybe Alcatraz did, or is assuming they won’t gain access to his books. 

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