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Ask me anything if you care enough to ask me. Or don’t, I’m sure you have a better use for your time. Are you going to post? Why are you still reading this? This post will self destruct if you don’t stop reading. Okay, it won’t actually do that, I wanted to but the shrapnel might have hit other threads, and I’m not an evil guy, just an odd one. Why are you still reading?

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Because I wanted to read the whole thing :P 

How’s your day going? 

What’s your favorite fairy tale? 

How many puppies can you fit in your arms at once? 

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On 8/22/2020 at 0:05 PM, AonEne said:

Because I wanted to read the whole thing :P 

How’s your day going? 

What’s your favorite fairy tale? 

How many puppies can you fit in your arms at once? 

My day is going great except for the itsy bitsy, tiny, minuscule, probably insignificant concussion I got from swimming into a wall (Well, really I dove into a wall, but...)

My favorite fairy tale is Puss in Boots, because I like cats.

I have been fortunate to test this third question, and if I remember correctly than 2 years ago I could hold 16 puppies in my arms at once.

21 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Can you explain why you chose your username?

I have a black golden doodle named Lincoln and an orange cat named Cheddar, so I combined them and became Chinkoln.

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2 hours ago, AonEne said:


It is their nature. I would be an otter if possible. They are perfection. Bow down to the Otter Overlords.

Edit: It is actually legal to have a pet otter in a few states, including mine. The only problem is getting one is very expensive and difficult to find. I am actively trying to get a pet otter. I hope it puts in a good word for me with the Otter Overlords.

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I have been a little inactive on the Shard and just saw this.

On 9/24/2020 at 0:50 AM, AonEne said:

Have you recovered from your concussion? 

Yes, turns out that it wasn't a concussion, just a REALLY REALLY bad lump on my head. The doctor actually thought that I had a concussion when I walked in but then scans said he was wrong. Instead, I threw out my back while doing a standing back tuck, but I have healed from that too.

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  • 3 months later...

I went to check on this, and realized that people had asked me questions. Months ago.

On 11/12/2020 at 4:07 PM, AonEne said:

That's good! How's school going?

Back then, school was fine. Now, school is still fine. I am on track to be valedictorian, though there is one person who is giving me a run for my money.

On 11/22/2020 at 11:19 AM, Bearer of all agonies said:

Do you have an otter? Or are you and otter?

No, I don’t have an otter, but I am trying to get one. I wish I was an otter.

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2 minutes ago, Bejardin1250 said:

Just got one question for you

How do you decide who you want to follow on the Shard @Chinkoln

I assume you are asking because I followed you earlier today.

I don’t really know. My brain can be strange at times. When I do follow people, it is based on strange criteria in my mind. I almost always do it in large groups at a time, based off of that criteria.

The simplest explanation I can think of is that, when I see your name and can instantly recognize it as something I have seen over and over again, I will follow you. My guess is that is it because in the back of my mind I make the connection that they are an active user. 
Pretty much, I look at the list of people who are on the Shard at that moment and if I recognize some names I will follow them.

I think 90% of that is unintelligible rambling.

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  • 3 weeks later...
17 minutes ago, Bejardin1250 said:

@Chinkoln do you get extra rep for being a patreon?

I’m not a patron, so I wouldn’t know, but I assume that they don’t. For one thing, it would be unfair to give reputation to people because of money, and for another, the system required to evaluate the rep for being a patron would be kinda odd. @AonEne, can you offer insight?

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18 hours ago, Chinkoln said:

I’m not a patron, so I wouldn’t know, but I assume that they don’t. For one thing, it would be unfair to give reputation to people because of money, and for another, the system required to evaluate the rep for being a patron would be kinda odd. @AonEne, can you offer insight?

Patrons don't get extra rep points, and afaik they don't get extras to give to others either. 

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2 minutes ago, Bejardin1250 said:

Yeah my mistake it says Popular contributors and had an amount of rep next to it and I thought that contributing was talking about money 

upon further review it seems to be talking about content 

Ya, the popular contributors is just a leaderboard of who has gotten the most rep during a given period of time.

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2 hours ago, More Cynical Than Funny said:

@Chinkoln Do you prefer digital or traditional art?

By “traditional” I assume you mean everything that isn’t digital. 
Is your question asking if I prefer to look at or to create?

To look at, I think that both are amazing. Digital allows for such vivid colors and the computer allows for blending in amazing ways. You can make a mistake, and erase it. There are so many possibilities. Traditional often doesn’t have the same color range and possibilities, but I have the ability to appreciate the pure talent of the artist. I can’t really fully explain what I like about each, but both are amazing skills that I wish I had more of.

To create, I think that digital is easier, but I like traditional more. While I admire digital art, traditional is... something else to me. I have seen more people around me with this talent and I wish I was better at it.

I love looking at both types of art and I love creating both types.

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