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"Tashi... Tashi above!"

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18 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

Who is Tashi?

The Tashikki god. The Tashikki faith is explained quite thoroughly in Edgedancer.

Once again, you can just Google these answers. We have the Coppermind, which is like Wikipedia for Sanderson's works.


Just scroll down to subheading Religion, which should be under the heading Culture.

Edited by Honorless
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4 hours ago, Honorless said:

The Tashikki god. The Tashikki faith is explained quite thoroughly in Edgedancer.

Once again, you can just Google these answers. We have the Coppermind, which is like Wikipedia for Sanderson's works.


Just scroll down to subheading Religion, which should be under the heading Culture.

And if there are any obscure ones that are hard to find on Coppermind, you could also put your related ones together on the Cosmere Q&A board.

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9 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

and Cultivation fits in how?

Not all of the Rosharan cultures worship honour and cultivation she doesn't fit in to all of them only some of them and some religions don't involve any of the three shards

8 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

Hold on, the Heralds were also shards? How is Rayse, a Herald, also Odium, a Shard?

The Heralds are not shards. The shards are form Yolen while the Heralds are from Ashyn and the Heralds were given their powers by Honour.

Rayse is just Odium and never was a Herald.

Also it might be good to look up some of your questions on the coppermind It has quite a lot of Information on many of these topics.

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2 minutes ago, Hoid the Drifter said:

So Tashi is a Herald though. His opposite is a Shard... If I was Tashikki, I would convert. I'm having doubts.


The Tashikki shiqua is religiously-motivated -- it's to protect the wearer from the eyes of Nun Raylisi, an evil entity that represents Odium in their religion.[19][14]

Opposing Nun Raylisi is the god Tashi, also known as God of Gods and Binder of the World.[20] He's assisted by the Nine, a group of entities who bound the world together with him.[18] It's believed that Tashi protects the Tashikki in their home nation, which is why they usually forego the face covering there, while keeping it on when abroad.[14]

The Tashi and the Nine are how the Tashikki understand the Heralds, though which Herald corresponds to Tashi is uncertain.[18][19] In Yeddaw, the last of the ten types of pancakes made during the Weeping is dedicated to him, though unlike the others, it's metaphorical, thought about rather than physically made.[21] The name Tashikk likely derives from Tashi.

This is the copperminds description of the Tashikk religion.

Not all of the religions involve all the shards or event eh shards at all (The Irali) but most of them have either Honour, Cultivation or Odium or some combination of them. Some of religions just have the heralds and odium/Voidbringers some just have cultivation. this doesn't mean that they are a true reflection of what is actually happening but it is there interpretation and what the see of what has happened and is happening twisted over millennia.

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