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RoW Chapter 4 & 5 Discussion


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2 hours ago, Karger said:

I think that is kind of the point.  She has done nothing and yet Kal is still treating her like an Amaram level threat

What would be the point of that. Amaram at least was a renowed general and warrior, who distributed beat-ups to various people in Alethkar while the highprinces where on the Shattered Plains. The guy also had a Secret Society at his back, the support of Gavilar, and, at the end of OB, two Shardblades and ten surges, which allowed him to best Kaladin. The most impressive thing Leshwi has done is flying well. 

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Ugh so much interesting stuff this chapter, waiting for the book is so hard!

Kaladin usually fights like a force of nature, and I think this is why his team kept coming up to him during the fight. We of course know he's depressed, but they must have seen him fighting as if he were just going through the motions, and it worried them enough to ask after him. 

I think that's partially what's going on with Leshwi. He respects her and doesn't seem to really want to kill her, or any of the flying Fused, on top of being depressed. 



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9 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

What would be the point of that. Amaram at least was a renowed general and warrior, who distributed beat-ups to various people in Alethkar while the highprinces where on the Shattered Plains. The guy also had a Secret Society at his back, the support of Gavilar, and, at the end of OB, two Shardblades and ten surges, which allowed him to best Kaladin. The most impressive thing Leshwi has done is flying well. 

It shows Kaladin's mental state.  He is treating an unimportant enemy like a boss battle.  He is trying too hard.

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I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one whose mind went to Kaladin x Leshwi ship while reading the chapters.

That being said I feel like currently Radiants are a bit overpowered compared to the Fused (one on one). The Fused seem to have numbers advantage and they can keep coming back but that seems to be more specific to the current time and they were supposedly a big threat even back in previous desolations. The Windrunners don't even have shardplate yet and the casualties seem low, if the one on one duels keep being a thing I don't see the Heavenly ones being much of a challenge for full Radiants. I think the fused may have more things under their sleeves, especially the ones who don't come to fight.

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2 minutes ago, lol_king said:

I think the fused may have more things under their sleeves, especially the ones who don't come to fight.

I agree. We've seen WoB's showing the differences between Heavenly Ones and Windrunners and their strengths in accessing the same core surges. However, I imagine that there are certain Fused that are better at fighting Windrunners than others (and we know that not all the Fused types have shown themselves yet). I think the red sliver teleporty Fused is likely the Fused counterplay to traditional Windrunners. How do you beat people who can fly? Teleport around more quickly than they can fly there. 

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“You should know, I have connections to Dalinar Kholin’s inner circle. I can feed you information about his plans, 


“We already know,” the man said, chuckling. “We have a source far closer to him than you.”

My problem with this is who exactly is Dalinar's inner circle - his family + Kaladin + the Coalition right?

I hope Jasnah has wrangled the highprinces and we don't have to deal with them much. I also want to be as surprised by the "spy" as Shallan, so that makes me hope it's not Taravangian. But Taravangian is the only person I can think of that has plans in place to benefit if Dalinar is ousted.

Or what if it's someone else from the Diagram, Androtagia maybe? Now I'm really off in the weeds, but it might be interesting to see Taravangian have to denounce her, his last real friend.

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5 hours ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

because they would otherwise use Aluminium to decimate the Radiants.

I'm pretty sure the metal Kaladin saw wrapped around Leshwi's spear is aluminum. Kaladin says she can block shards with her spear and the metal is described as silvery and that's the same way people describe nightbloods sheath so they do use aluminum.

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My mind went to a Jasnah has gained control somehow for a SoH mole but that makes no sense as she should know Shallan's mission.  Perhaps it is the suspected Herald Liss?  She has access to Jasnah...

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13 minutes ago, Kalaksbreath said:

I'm pretty sure the metal Kaladin saw wrapped around Leshwi's spear is aluminum. Kaladin says she can block shards with her spear and the metal is described as silvery and that's the same way people describe nightbloods sheath so they do use aluminum.

What Truthwatcher was getting at is that they're not using the Aluminium hemalurgically. It's not made into spikes that deprive their victims of their powers, it's just being used to block Shardblades.

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The spears are not just made of aluminum they are also fabrails that drain stormlight.  Perhaps Aluminum somehow conducts investiture?  The way metals conduct electricity?  I am thinking normal when investiture hits aluminum it is moved into the spiritual realm by this process and they have found a way to use this property to pull power into gemstones?

Edited by Karger
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2 hours ago, Clarity-Art said:

Windrunners, Fused, perpendicularities, Sons of Honor. These chapters were jam-packed with everything I've been looking forwards to in RoW. I enjoyed the new information and plot details immensely, and the characterization was amazing. Keep the hype train going, Radiants! This show is just beginning, and it's swiftly shaping up to be a blast. 

Stormfather, this is exactly the feeling I've been getting from reading these chapters. It's like the culmination of all the worldbuilding that has occurred so far. And I absolutely love how we dive right into things without any unnecessary exposition.

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19 minutes ago, Karger said:

The spears are not just made of aluminum they are also fabrails that drain stormlight.  Perhaps Aluminum somehow conducts investiture?  The way metals conduct electricity?  I am thinking normal when investiture hits aluminum it is moved into the spiritual realm by this process and they have found a way to use this property to pull power into gemstones?

Maybe the Fabrial is in the core of the spear, while the aluminum is just a wrapping. 

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3 minutes ago, Innovation said:

Maybe the Fabrial is in the core of the spear, while the aluminum is just a wrapping. 

That is also possible but I would think that that much aluminum would interfere with the fabrail's function.

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Well, compared to the first 5 chapters of OB, RoW is an info dump right now (not complaining though).

All these books usually build up steam over time, so I am now expecting the super spectacular by the end.



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All this talk about aluminium makes me think that if mind controlling Investiture users came to invade Earth, those funny little aluminium paper hats would actually be a great defense.

Kaladin is getting a lot of buildup for the Fourth Ideal. In OB he collapses trying to swear it and the solution turns out to be that someone had to save him this time. And now he's refusing any kind of help, both emotional and in combat. The guy has a huge responsibility over his shoulders when he shouldn't. He gives the others tasks he knows they can handle but overall tries not to let them take risks. Maybe the next Ideal is about making Protection a mutual thing? Protect and be protected? He's not letting anyone in, and unless he does so he can't fully trust anyone. He wants everyone he meets to trust their lives to him but he's not willing to do the opposite.

Teft is looking better I see. I love that. He was always my favorite bridgeman and it was painful seeing him go down in OB.

We had some hints at possible future problems between Shallan and Adolin. Granted, they've only been married a year so it's only natural they don't understand each other completely, but in their case, Shallan doesn't even understand herself, so of course Adolin would have a hard time doing the same, more than a normal couple I'd bet. I don't think these two can be a stable couple until Shallan starts being completely honest with herself. Looking forward to her arc this book.

And looking forward to storming Dawnshard. We're getting clues that whatever happened there is general knowledge for the Radiants. Is Rysn getting close to the action now?

And that battle. Now we're getting to see full-scale Radiant battles as they were being promised since the prelude. Imagine the scope this is going to have in the end if it took three books just to get to this normal state of things. I can't even imagine what Brandon has in store for book ten.

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1 hour ago, Eluvianii said:

We had some hints at possible future problems between Shallan and Adolin. Granted, they've only been married a year so it's only natural they don't understand each other completely, but in their case, Shallan doesn't even understand herself, so of course Adolin would have a hard time doing the same, more than a normal couple I'd bet. I don't think these two can be a stable couple until Shallan starts being completely honest with herself. Looking forward to her arc this book.

Yeah, I'm fully expecting to see a big struggle in their relationship that will continue to worsen until Shallan accepts some truth and they work things out. I'll be angry is Brandon does Adolin dirty and destroys their relationship permanently. Adolin deserves a relationship to work out for once. 

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Some impressions I had;


Radiants seem to deal with Fused easily enough; even when they’re at 3rd ideal. I feel like once they get their Plate they’d have absolutely no problem.  They wouldn’t  be hit by the Light eating fabrial as much, and the teleporting Fused would have a much tougher time stabbing a Plate Radiant in the back with his carapace knife.  I wonder if Fused can advance and get more powers. Otherwise, they goners.

Amaram must’ve only been head of one group of SoH, and Ialai took his place. Because Restares is still out there and obviously ahead of ialai and amaram.  And SoH are fools. To be so full of themselves to think they are directing things. Gimme a break

Can’t wait for adolin to come rushing in to save his wife lol


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7 hours ago, Honorless said:

1) The Heavenly Ones' flight is not Void Lashing? They might have Lashings as a separate power? The flight power is inherent to them and doesn't consume Voidlight?

This part is super throwing me for a loop. So let's recap: 


 Heavenly Ones were ancient, practiced, and cunning. They had trained for millennia with their powers, and they could fly forever without running out of Voidlight. They only drained it to heal, and—he’d heard—to perform the occasional rare Lashing.

But then: 


The Fused met his eyes, then licked his lips, waiting. The creature began to slowly drop from the sky, his Light expended, his powers failing.

So The Heavenly Ones do need Voidlight to fly (and normally they will never run out), but if they are drained by healing or Lashing, they can't fly anymore. Interesting. 

- Of all the Fused we have seen, they appear to have access to a single Surge, if any. Never two, like the Radiants. 
- The Heavenly Ones can fly forever, and only use Voidlight for healing or Lashing (and possibly lashing themselves to gain speed?). 
- That new teleporting Fused we saw appears to be using Transportation or perhaps Transformation, but he did use Voidlight when doing so, because he kept having to refuel. 

So what is the conclusion here? 

- All Fused can use a single Surge, but some consume Voidlight to do so and some don't.  I don't like this, as it feels inconsistent. 

- All Fused can use a single Surge, but certain applications of that Surge are "free" while others cost Voidlight.   This feels right to me, but we need more info. 

- What we have seen from the Fused is a mix between Surgebinding and Voidbinding, and we don't know enough about VB to tell the difference yet.   This also feels plausible. It's so early in the book still.. Need more chapters T.T 

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27 minutes ago, FollowYourMuse said:

Didn't Amaram's plate all break and dissolve as he transformed? I think only the 3 shards were mentioned, the 2 blades and the shard bow.

Good point. Maybe this was the rare case where they couldn’t salvage any of it to regrow. 

I went back through OB ch 121 and most of the plate is described as exploding. 

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