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Hey there!

I've been a Cosmere fan for about 6 years now when I first read The Way of Kings! Lol. Yes. The Way of Kings was my first Branderson novel. And I had no CLUE about the connected universe when I read it. I then read through the Mistborn novels and Elantris and Warbreaker and finally came back to Words of Radiance and then Mistborn Era 2  and then Oathbringer. Lolol. 

I've read all of the Cosmere novels now at least twice except for Oathbringer which I just started for the second time. 

I've been listening to Shardcast for a while and recently discovered the Discord server and decided to take the dive and try and get involved in the forums as well! 

I'm an avid reader. I read so much haha. Mostly fantasy/sci-fi. But, and I'm not just saying this, Branderson has definitely become my favorite author who's currently writing. His books and mythologies bring me so much joy. Haven't felt this way since waiting for The Deathly Hallows to come out while I was in high school haha. And I've been desperately needing other to talk with about these books since none of my friends really read them. Certainly don't know anyone in real life who is as obsessive over them as I am.

So. Haha that's a little bit about me and my journey with Branderson and his Cosmere books. I have yet to read any of his non-cosmere books. But they're on the list. 

OH ALSO. I'm a huge movie music nerd. And if you're curious about the music I listen to whilst I read the books, let me know. I'm one of those weirdos who listens to music while they read haha. But I've got some music that, I think, perfectly captures the feeling I get while reading these books.

ANYWAY. Hope y'all are doing well and staying safe and sane during these weird times! 

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23 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

Welcome! Who is your favorite character?

Ooooh..that's a tough one. But. I think it's either Kaladin or Sazed. Sazed's arc had me ugly crying during my reread of Mistborn hahaha.

22 minutes ago, Mist said:

Welcome to the Shard! What's your favorite magic system? 

Definitely the Rosharan magic system. I love the symmetry and the Orders and the Words and everything surrounding it. I could go on and on hahaha.

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15 hours ago, Scarletfox said:

Hello, friend! Welcome to the Shard! I too, love music (I haven't reached the Music Nerd ranking quite yet though) and listen to it while I read. What music do you listen to when you read?

I listen exclusively to film scores! There is one composer in particular whose music has become my soundtrack for the Cosmere lol James Newton Howard. His soundtracks are incredible. My fav is "Flow Like Water" from The Last Airbender (awful movie, I know, but the music is unreasonably incredible). I listened to that when I first read WoK and it has become "Kaladin's Theme" for me haha. 

If you want specifics, tho, I've been thinking about making a spotify playlist haha

13 hours ago, Adran Oathbreaker said:

Hello, hello. Congratulations on becoming a Sharder! Which is your fave Brando book? Or novella? 

Elsecaller here, btw. What's your Order? 

Thanks!! I think my fav book is...ugh. It's a tie between all of the Stormlight novels, I think. I love them so much. 

And I'm an Edgedancer! I'm ~awesome~. B):lol:


Edit: Stormlight* not Starlight lol

Edited by barold
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2 hours ago, Mistbornwithakitty said:

Heya!  Welcome to the best forum on the internet.:P  I can't believe you started with Way of Kings!  It's like starting a video game on the boss battle.  Are their any other fantasy series you like?

LOL I knoooowww and when I finished I was blown away. I loved it so much. And then I learned that there was a wider universe and the rest is history lol

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