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I play a lot of Ark Survival Evolved. Which is a game absolutely full of bugs. One of the funnier visual bugs is when sometimes half of your character's hair just decides to stick straight up. There's also one where "sleeping" characters just randomly stand up and they just... sleep stand I guess. 

What's your favourite comfort food on a rough day? 

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I'd want to be In a book, with magic powers just casually living my life inside of an unspecified fantasy world. (I don't want to have to choose just one.) If it's just in real life I think I'd want to be in a nice isolated area reading a good book with no distractions

If you could choose one way to change your life for the better, what would it be?

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I think I had like 40 in use tabs one time. They were all essential. Of course, that's if you don't count the time I just kept clicking the new tab button just to see how many tabs I could make.

What is the most extreme injury you've had?

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Hmmm. That has to be either when I broke my shoulder or when I got run over by a pick-up and had trouble walking because my hip hurt. By logic alone I'd say the bone breaking was worse but that thing broke and healed without me ever noticing so it couldn't have been that bad. 

If you got one wish, but you knew it was a trap wish, what would you ask for? (assuming that rejecting the wish is not an option) 

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It's been ages so I don't remember clearly, but I think it was via the link on Brandon's website. I remember going through a period of reading everything he had on there. Short stories, news, annotations, essays, etc.

On a scale of "frying an egg" to "ruling the world", how much responsibility are you comfortable with?

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2 hours ago, RaeTheRaven said:

Purple flying hippos that fart love hearts. 

Do you prefer honey or sugar in tea?

I've only had tea once, but I would likely prefer sugar.

What is your least favorite pizza topping? 


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When I use my Chromebook, yes. When I use my phone, I did a thing where the shard is basically an app that I can’t have multiple tabs in.

Have you ever had someone you trusted do something bad you thought they’d never do in a million years?

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19 minutes ago, Odiumiumium said:


Do you find really dumb internet stuff funny for inexplicable reasons?


Yes. I can't give an example but yes lol

If you are still in high school and have a school chromebook/laptop, is the 17th shard unblocked on yours too? I'm quite surprised, since mainly everything is blocked on there. Even educational sites that would actually be useful are blocked somehow :/

P.S.- soz for the specific question, I'm curious


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I think I'd want to live on Nalthis if I wanted to just live a calm life in the cosmere, maybe do some worldhopping. If I wanted to have superpowers and stuff and be part of essential conflicts, I think I'd want to live on Roshar

What is the best card game to play? 

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