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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"An alliance would be nice." Ayia shrugged. "Fadran should be back soon..."

"I shall finish discussions with him, then." He paused, then reached his hand to his head. "No," he muttered, "Not yet. I—" he stayed silent for a few moments, head looking down. "I get that, but we agreed that I would—" he paused again. Then turned back to the woman. "We might have a couple Knights wanting to come through and explore. Would you mind? We'll try not to be bothersome."

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15 hours ago, 2EmLee2 said:

EmLee woke up again, but this time hungry. She formed her clothes into a comfy- but practical- pink dress of the same design as the one she wore earlier.

EmLee walked out of the tent and found her brother. “Hey, Enter, do you know where the food is? I want to make some tuna casserole. Also I realized I left my satchel in your backpack.”

@Enter a username

"I don't know. Also, go ahead and try to find it."

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1 hour ago, Enter a username said:

"I don't know. Also, go ahead and try to find it."

“Ok.” EmLee took Enter’s backpack and rummaged around in it. She eventually pulled out a leather satchel with a red fabric rose on one of the corners.

“Thanks!” EmLee put on the satchel and returned the backpack. Then, she went looking for a kitchen (or someone who knew where a kitchen is).

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3 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"You kidding me? Half the Fellowship got here by randomly appearing. You're good."

As soon as she had finished, there was a flash of green light as a man appeared to Stephen's side. He was dressed in a dark gray nylon workout jacket, with bright reflective green lines. He seemed to be about fifty years old, with a few light strands of gray intermixed with his thick, hickory hair.

"Poof!" he said sarcastically, then poked Stephen. "Hey, kid, take care. I can handle myself." He turned back to the woman and smiled. "I'm Professor X. Forgive the intrusion. What an impressive team, this is."

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Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Ayia blinked. “What’s that?”

Professor X smiled. "The most wondrous creatures of my universe. We call 'em Pokémon. Watch."

He chucked the ball to the side, and the orb kind of hovered in the air a bit and opened into two halves. A white essence spilled out, forming a gargantuan draconic creature, primarily dark blue in color, with red on its underbelly and a golden star above its snout. It spread its horned wings, and then relaxed and yawned.

"They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This one's Garchomp."

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"Hey, don't say things like that in front of his face! He's sensitive." He reached up and nuzzled Garchomp's head. He put his hand to his face and continued, "But yes, they're like monsters. But through technologyy, they can fit in your pocket! And trust me, there are some real cute ones, too."

He scratched his head. "Uh, I don't have very many cute and fuzzy ones on me. One second. ISABELLE!!!"

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A flash of yellow light appeared and shortly after a blond fashionable girl appeared next to Professor X with a yellow short chubby rodent-like pokemon on her shoulder. Its tail was lightning shaped with brown stripes across its back.

"Yes, I have very cute and fluffy pokemon." Isabelle pulled out a few similar looking orbs. "Wanna see?"

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"All sorts of things. In the world I come from, it's popular to duel or to battle using trained Pokémon. Depending on the Pokémon, they can have access to immensely powerful moves and arcane abilities, creating earthquakes, sonic blasts, fissures of ice, you name it. The magic nature of which I study. Mostly, though, the average person just has 'em as pets."

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"That would be like if you called me 'ACK.' Y'know, the sound I make when someone punches me in the face." Ayia rubbed the back of her neck. "Or 'ahhh,' like whenever I scratch that itch that's been bothering me for hours, and I couldn't reach it because I was tied down and they were torturing me, right? 'Cept I'm immune to torture... ish. But not immune to itches. So the worst part was that I couldn't scratch my itch, and... y'know that doesn't matter."

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