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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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3 hours ago, Flaming Coinshoot said:

Crispin looked around at everyone. He was dressed in an immaculate uniform, with creases so sharp that they could kill, and an array of medals arranged in a perfect order. He had a cap on with an insignia on it, and he had a decorative sword at his side. He looked to be around the age of Elduvar, in his late twenties, perhaps early thirties, with light tan skin, bright blond hair, and green eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment, willing his clothes to shift, and suddenly he was dressed in civilian clothes in relaxed, cool colors and he had a nice pair of shades on. A table with a map of Sel on it appeared in front of him. "So, what's the plan? I'll try to help as I can."

"Hey, do you knowest what's going on over there?" asked Stephen, to Crispin, "Something about 'mind control'?"

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9 hours ago, Vapor said:

"You say that like you've done this plenty of times."

"I have lived an eternity, child. I have forgotten more than you will ever know about these bindings, with enough left over to fill a thousand libraries."

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"I have lived an eternity, child. I have forgotten more than you will ever know about these bindings, with enough left over to fill a thousand libraries."

Vapor looked surprised. "That long?" she asked, amazed.

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On 7/28/2021 at 4:50 PM, Knight of Iron said:

"Hey, do you knowest what's going on over there?" asked Stephen, to Crispin, "Something about 'mind control'?"

"No. But, I did hear about you from Maros, and I guess your a commanding officer now so..." he saluted. "What should we do, sir?"


I'm gonna be gone for three days, so Crispin'll just listen to Fadran, Queen, or Stephan as long as it's not suicidal for him or his troops. 


Edited by Flaming Coinshoot
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On 7/28/2021 at 11:07 PM, Flaming Coinshoot said:

"No. But, I did hear about you from Maros, and I guess your a commanding officer now so..." he saluted. "What should we do, sir?"

"Good sir, I've only arrived in this universe five minutes ago. Feel free to do whatever I say, but know that literally no one in this entire plane of existence has any idea who I am or where I came from."

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"Perfect!" Stephen exclaimed. "I, young woman, am Lord Stephen—but please, call me Stephen. This group... the Fellowship, as you call it, are the first multiversal team we have come across in our studies. I hope you wouldn't mind it if I and my, ahem, companions were to hang around a bit? Study the Fellowship? We'd help out, if we can, of course."

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Stephen nodded. "From what I've gathered about the other universes I've seen, the place where I come from is a fairly uninteresting medieval setting. Feudal system and everything. And we only have, like, two wizards, a gift which is as far as we can tell purely genetic. Quite boring, really, and so after my fair share of adventuring, I settled down and discovered multiversal travel."

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