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What does trellium do if burned?



7 answers to this question

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1 hour ago, Dreamer said:

Trellium can create Chimeras when used Hemalurgically. Allomantically and Feruchemically, we don't know 

Hemalurgy can creat Chimeras in genaral. Koloss are an example of this just using five humans instead of multiple different animals. I think what was weird about Tellium was that it could completely Warp someones soul with just one well placed spike.   

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32 minutes ago, Dancer said:

Hemalurgy can creat Chimeras in genaral. Koloss are an example of this just using five humans instead of multiple different animals. I think what was weird about Tellium was that it could completely Warp someones soul with just one well placed spike.   

..Yes? Oh right! We don't know what attribute(s) Trellium can steal Hemalurgically 

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11 hours ago, Adonalsium'sSpren said:

And what attributes can it store?

Short answer:

We don't know.

Long answer:

It could be anything. It might be related somehow to Trell's intent, but considering we don't know Trell's intent, and even if we did, Atium and Lerasium are only tangentially related to Preservation and Ruins intent, with Lerasium giving you power to preserve yourself and others, and Atium making you an efficient killing machine, or giving you the opportunity to ruin your age temporarily in exchange for lowering it later, so we probably couldn't figure it out.

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We don't know if it can be burned/stored in normally for the same reason that the godmetal alloy that Shardblades are made of can't be burned by any known allomancers: No Connection to the relevant Shard. You'd need someone who had the right sDNA for allomancy/feruchemy and Connection to whatever Shard is the source of Trellium.

But the short answer is that we have no idea what it might do even if you could find someone able to use it in the Metallic Arts.

Edited by Weltall
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