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The different powers of Sel

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Ok, kinda crackpot theory with no real evidence and zero research, but here it goes:

So in Sel, we see a lot different magic systems. There’s Elantrians, Dahkor monks, Blood Sealing, Soul Stamping, that other one I can’t remember the name of, and probably some others that we just haven’t read about. The Shards powering these systems are Dominion and Devotion, who were both splintered by Odium, forming the Dor. My thought is that not all of the splinters merged completely into one entity/the Dor, but that an imbalance of the two kinds of splinters merged together creating a general “Dor” that we see, but also creating specific magic systems based on the different concentrations of both Devotion and Dominion in one specific geological area.


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This WoB implies that they're pretty well mixed together.


Brightlord Maelstrom

If you were to somehow use a receptacle to gather some part of the Dor, say there was a way of doing that. And you were to do one on both extremes of the planet. Would it be the same thing?

...Say, you have a container than can contain part of this plasma? ...Theoretically? You do that, taking one part of the planet, say Elantris, seal it up. And then you were to take another one, and fill it up in MaiPon and compare them, would it be the same Investiture?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, it would.

Oathbringer release party (Nov. 13, 2017)


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It is generally speculated that some of the Selish magics might lean more towards Devotion or Dominion.

AonDor is speculated to lean more towards Devotion and Dakhor more towards Dominion

The Selish magics we know of so far include: AonDor (Elantrians), Dahkor monks, Blood Sealing, Forgery (Soul Forgery, ReSealing or Flesh Forgery, Remembering being subsets), the one you forgot is probably ChayShan (revolving around body movement), there's also Forton's potions, which are probably Hrovell's Investiture system

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