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Pick your Misting!



98 members have voted

  1. 1. Which misting would you like to be?

    • Lurcher
    • Coinshot
    • Tineye
    • Thug
    • Rioter
    • Soother
    • Smoker
    • Seeker
    • Slider
    • Pulser
    • Augur
    • Oracle
    • Leecher
    • Nicroburst
    • Aluminum Gnat
    • Duralumin Gnat
    • Seer

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I have to go with Thug.


I love all of the powers in so many ways, but the pure versatility of Pewter is too great not to choose as my favourite for me. Enhanced strength, grace of movement, the ability to ignore lethargy and pain. Even the awesomeness of Tin doesn't come close, with its drawback being Tineyes can be shocked easily by a sudden influx of sensory data.


And although being a Coinshot is awesome because of the potential flight, metal detector-ness, and human gun, I feel Pewter is more 'my style'.

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Electrum intrigues me, but pewter to stay awake or steel to fly would also be nice. If I had to choose, pewter would be the way to go.


Strictly speaking, Soothing/Rioting would probably be the most useful though.

Edited by Moogle
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speed myself up when running at metal objects


No, bad Swim! No! *slaps* It's not polite to Lurch yourself towards your friends and scare them by screaming 'THE HECKLESTORM COMES!'

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Thug for sure. Yesterday I got a little aggravated while crawling through the car to grab something and I barely lashed out and hit the windshield lightly... it 'sploded... thereby making me angrier.

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Tineye. Several reasons. I've become used to being the runt of my three other brothers. Strength has never been an extreme need for me. I'm strong enough and graceful enough naturally (I'm no athlete, and have some unhealthy habits, but I manage). But, as an EMT, being a Tineye would be extremely useful! Increased smell would alert me to...(I'll spare the yucky details). Hearing would help when listening to lung sounds and taking a blood pressure. Touch, would make it easier to feel for abnormalities, finding a pulse even when it's weak, and feeling for hot/cold spots when a don't have a thermometer. Sight would help me to better assess any trauma, and any observations needing to be made in emergency situations.


Plus on occasion I could find myself in dangerous environments, which will make it easier get myself, and anyone I can bring with me, to safety before they even knew there was danger.


I have chronic migraines, so I'm used to needing to wear sunglasses, even indoors. To everyone that knows me, this wouldn't be weird at all. Except it would suck that the pain would be felt more, burning Tin clears your mind, so I wouldn't be debilitated. 

(plus, imagine the sex! 0.0)


I'd be a better driver, I could watch TV at night with the volume so low it doesn't bother anyone. SO storming useful! Now, if I could become a savant (forget the damage it will do, it's worth it) and than get a spike to burn Pewter (again, forget the damage, assume I stay sane!) Man that would be the perfect combo!

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Aluminium Gnat. Just for fun.

(Well, what if the Gnats aren't just as underpowered as it seems and we have to rafo it?)


WoB has it that an aluminium savant can cleanse themselves of impurities, which I take to mean foreign Investiture and poison.

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I'm actually not certain being a savant is the same as having a spike. I'd argue that the latter provides only a raw increase in power, while the former doesn't quite have the same power increase, but provides you with the ability to use your power in far more varied ways.


Essentially, one gains power through understanding (savants, due to their constant usage) and another understanding through power (spiked people), if that makes sense.

Edited by Ketek
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Essentially, one gains power through understanding (savants, due to their constant usage) and another understanding through power (spiked people), if that makes sense.


I thought that Savants gained more raw power because they flare their metals too much, thus pushing (or pulling?) too much of preservation's power through their SpiritWeb, causing it to fracture even more that it was after it Snapped. This allows more of Preservation's power to flow through.


Spikes simply give more SpiritWeb for people to work with, which changes the shape of their SpiritWeb, meaning that they aren't quite human… Wasn't there a Hero of Ages chapter bump that said something like that about savants (that they could be considered non-human)?

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Brandon didn't specifically say savant however. He just said that at high power levels, Aluminum cleanses foreign Investiture and other impurities.


Wasn't the question phrased as 'what would an aluminium savant be able to do'?



I thought that Savants gained more raw power because they flare their metals too much, thus pushing (or pulling?) too much of preservation's power through their SpiritWeb, causing it to fracture even more that it was after it Snapped. This allows more of Preservation's power to flow through.


Spikes simply give more SpiritWeb for people to work with, which changes the shape of their SpiritWeb, meaning that they aren't quite human… Wasn't there a Hero of Ages chapter bump that said something like that about savants (that they could be considered non-human)?


Yeah, I'd say you're right, but I think a spike grants more power than what a savant would experience - with the former, you just get stronger and can do the same things better, while the latter grants a smaller power boost but gives you a better understanding of what you can do with it. That's how I see it, anyway, and it's entirely possible it could just be the same like Hemalurgy's power boosts, only weaker.

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Easier to just post the WoB I guess.


What benefit does an aluminum savant get? Yes, I know this would normally never happen because aluminum burns itself up. Suppose a mad scientist with a willing Mistborn test subject shoved a feeding tube down the Mistborn's throat to pump in a continuous stream of aluminum, replenishing it steadily so there's always a new unburned supply. Add another tube to pump out excess water if necessary. What would he discover? Alternatively, what would Sazed with his Shard-granted knowledge know?


Ha, that IS a little silly of a method. However, on the extreme end of aluminum, I have in the notes the possibility of cleansing the spirit of unwanted effects of other investitures. You'd get really good at this, and maybe even be able to cleanse the body of other impurities.

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I consider myself an Augur by WoB. I picked up a book he'd Brandalized several years ago and it had a Gold Allomancy sticker in it. Since then, I've done a lot of meta-ing on how it could be most beneficial. Eventually, I came up with this idea: using it like restarting at a recent checkpoint. After making a choice, burn gold. If your gold-shadow isn't what you want, make a different choice. And so on. It gets more muddled when choices are less clear cut, but focused application and practice could make it almost as powerful as atium in the right circumstances.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread makes me wonder... Do mistings exist in fairly equal proportions or are certain mistings more likely to Snap into existence.

That makes me think of another question... Is the metal you will burn determined at birth? When a person Snaps? Is every person 'assigned' a metal at birth, regardless of if they ever Snap? Or perhaps any person 'tagged' as allomancer has the all parts in their spiritweb to be a mistborn and in the process of Snapping, investiture rips through the spiritweb, taking the path of least resistance. This one-time surge of invesiture either opens a pathway for one of the metals, or clears the way for all of them.

Hmm, what do you guys think? Throughout all the books, i see many coinshots, tineyes, and thugs.

This whole train of thought was brought on because I picked to be a Coinshot, tying steel and pewter as the most popular metals.

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This thread makes me wonder... Do mistings exist in fairly equal proportions or are certain mistings more likely to Snap into existence.

That makes me think of another question... Is the metal you will burn determined at birth? When a person Snaps? Is every person 'assigned' a metal at birth, regardless of if they ever Snap? Or perhaps any person 'tagged' as allomancer has the all parts in their spiritweb to be a mistborn and in the process of Snapping, investiture rips through the spiritweb, taking the path of least resistance. This one-time surge of invesiture either opens a pathway for one of the metals, or clears the way for all of them.

Hmm, what do you guys think? Throughout all the books, i see many coinshots, tineyes, and thugs.

This whole train of thought was brought on because I picked to be a Coinshot, tying steel and pewter as the most popular metals.


Good questions! We have no idea. The genetics of Allomancy have been a subject of discussion for years now.


Spiking an un-Snapped Allomancer with Hemalurgy is an interesting thought-exercise - I'm of the opinion that it wouldn't work, but that as an alternative, you could probably steal the genes for Allomancy, put them in yourself, and then get yourself Snapped. This might require an atium spike.


Of course, you'd have no idea what kind of Misting they are, so you'd be only have a 1/16 chance of getting it right.


I dont think that Thugs are more common, it's just that they're more useful so they'll be in the public spotlight more and we'll see them and Coinshots the most often.

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