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Crackpot Theory On Telsin and the Village


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I've been re-reading Bands of Mourning, and I came across a brief comment from Wax about Telsin. He says how despite Telsin always trying to sneak away from the Village, yet when their year there was up, Wax returned (much to Edwarn's sense of victory), while Telsin stayed. Later Edwarn mentions it was Telsin that recruited him, not the other way around. So with next to no actual evidence to back it up, a part of me thinks Telsin was recruited by the Set while at the Village, which is why she stayed. Now the full on crackpot part of the theory. Wax's grandmother is the one that recruited her. The potential motivation is that the Village is all about returning to that Terris ideal, back before Harmony "fixed" everything. Sazed was also considered a "rebel" among the original Synod. Maybe the Grandmother wanting to go back to that ideal, blames Harmony and was a ranking member of the Set. She then recruits Telsin through giving her tidbits of secrets. Or potentially the Grandmother is one of the Set's "faceless immortals" and was keeping an eye out for potential recruits among the village, with other Set "faceless immortals" keep eyes and ears open in other locations as well. 

TLDR: Whole theory is based on one little sentence, so got barely anything to stand on, but thought it was an interesting idea. 

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Like the best crackpot theories, there's just... enough... plausibility there to hold water.

I don't think Grandmother is a red-eyed Trelagist Faceless Immortal, but I suspect there is something about Telsin staying on in the Village that will come into play.

The Era 2 Terrisfolk are known to be trying to re-create a living Full Feruchemist - i.e., are conducting a kind of breeding program of there own, the reverse of TLR's.

Is Telsin a "natural born Ferring" the way that Wax is? I don't think so. She was specifically mentioned as using hemalurgy to gain three "boons".

Interestingly, they appear to be the same ones as her uncle Edwarn got via hemalurgy: F-gold (Bloodmaker), A-steel (Coinshot), and A-Chromium (Leecher). Lady Kelesina was shown to have a spike for F-gold as well, and Irich was at least a Leecher who used an allomantic "grenade" on the train to drain Wax from a distance. I think they have some kind of technology to "copy" hemalurgic spikes, because how likely would be these particular Metalborn powers be to be harvested repeatedly, especially the Feruchemical one (since Ferrings are far more rare than Allomancers)?

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1 hour ago, robardin said:

Like the best crackpot theories, there's just... enough... plausibility there to hold water.


1 hour ago, robardin said:

I don't think Grandmother is a red-eyed Trelagist Faceless Immortal, but I suspect there is something about Telsin staying on in the Village that will come into play.

I agree. I wasn't sold on the faceless immortal part, but I figured throw it in on the off chance. 

1 hour ago, robardin said:

The Era 2 Terrisfolk are known to be trying to re-create a living Full Feruchemist - i.e., are conducting a kind of breeding program of there own, the reverse of TLR's.

Good point. It would run parallel to the allomancy breeding programs. It would also explain how bleeder knew/had access to the speed ferring. 

1 hour ago, robardin said:

Is Telsin a "natural born Ferring" the way that Wax is? I don't think so. She was specifically mentioned as using hemalurgy to gain three "boons".

That is a good point. It was never mentioned in the flash backs whether or not Telsin had a feruchemical ability (or at least as much as I can recall). 

1 hour ago, robardin said:

Interestingly, they appear to be the same ones as her uncle Edwarn got via hemalurgy: F-gold (Bloodmaker), A-steel (Coinshot), and A-Chromium (Leecher). Lady Kelesina was shown to have a spike for F-gold as well, and Irich was at least a Leecher who used an allomantic "grenade" on the train to drain Wax from a distance. I think they have some kind of technology to "copy" hemalurgic spikes, because how likely would be these particular Metalborn powers be to be harvested repeatedly, especially the Feruchemical one (since Ferrings are far more rare than Allomancers)?

Those are all good points. Edwarn mentions that they had learned how to spike someone and leave them alive, though weakened, but that would only make sense producing multiple spikes if we were talking only about gold. As you said a-steel and a-chromium was mentioned. Hmmm. I would say Irich was the one they were using to take powers and weaken, but he seems to act like his affliction was already in place and was looking to the Set for salvation. 

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I like it I really do and I’d be surprised if elements of the theory weren't accurate, but I wish there was more evidence. I may need to give SoS and BoM a reread. Do we know much about any other Terrismen that could be candidates for a Set recruiter?

Edited by Truthwatcher_17.5
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4 hours ago, robardin said:

Like the best crackpot theories, there's just... enough... plausibility there to hold water.

Good crackpot theories anyway.  Kodos to pathfinder on this one.

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23 hours ago, Use the Falchion said:

Interesting theory! I'm not sure I believe it, but it could be pretty believable. Maybe that's where the name Discord for Harmony comes from? A sect of his own people who see him as bringing more chaos to the world and their ways? Just spit-balling now...

Thank you! Could be. Would be crazy to find out there was a secret society working against Harmony all this time, and then they get backing from an entity off planet. Or it could be just a part of the overall Set. 

21 hours ago, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:

I like it I really do and I’d be surprised if elements of the theory weren't accurate, but I wish there was more evidence. I may need to give SoS and BoM a reread. Do we know much about any other Terrismen that could be candidates for a Set recruiter?

Thanks! The only people I have seen mentioned regarding the Village was Wax and Telsin's grandmother, Tellingwar (butchered the spelling, but he is the teacher), the brute/coinshot twinborn Wax killed, the steel ferring Bleeder killed, and the three brutes that try and turn Wax away when he goes to see his grandmother. 

Hey little branch off of my crackpot theory. Maybe the reason Wax's grandmother didn't lock up the brute/coinshot killer is because they were grooming him for the Set? And the reason she was upset with Wax and tried to prevent him from interfering is because she knew Wax would try to get the brute/coinshot arrested, or in this case, get him killed? Makes the memory even more twisted in that view lol. 

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13 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

Hey little branch off of my crackpot theory. Maybe the reason Wax's grandmother didn't lock up the brute/coinshot killer is because they were grooming him for the Set? And the reason she was upset with Wax and tried to prevent him from interfering is because she knew Wax would try to get the brute/coinshot arrested, or in this case, get him killed? Makes the memory even more twisted in that view lol. 

I hate to say this but this theory expansion crosses a line.  The kid Wax had to kill was to uncontrolled for the set and his actions were too obvious.  If they had been grooming him I think they would have kept a better eye on him rather then allow him to commit obvious large scale crimes that no one could avoid seeing or hearing about.

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32 minutes ago, Karger said:

I hate to say this but this theory expansion crosses a line.  The kid Wax had to kill was to uncontrolled for the set and his actions were too obvious.  If they had been grooming him I think they would have kept a better eye on him rather then allow him to commit obvious large scale crimes that no one could avoid seeing or hearing about.

Forch felt he "had to see what was inside". Wax realized that Forch set things up so as he would not have been caught nor would his true motivations be discovered. Basically he snuck out with Telsin and the other two, but snuck back. The fire would burn up the kid's remains, hiding his crime. When the fire is discovered, and then interview people, he could say he was with them outside the Village. The others would have been too drunk to recall when/if he slipped away. He would have had an alibi to not be in the area, and even if it was pinned on him, the crime would be from setting the building on fire, not killing the kid. The kid would be a missing person. None of that is conjecture. Wax reasons it all himself. I will add the exact scene quoted in a moment. As to my comment on grooming him, I mean more observe him, nudge him this way and that behind the scenes, to see how he grows, then enlist him when the time is right. Like I believe happened with Telsin. 


Bands of Mourning Page 28

"You went with the girls" Waxillium said "so you'd have an alibi. If your room is found empty, you'll say you were with them. A lesser infraction to hide your true crime. Rusts! My sister and the others don't know that you slipped back, do they? They're out there drunk, and they won't even remember that you were gone. They'll swear you were-" (Wax is cut off because Forch then shoots nails at him)

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31 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

As to my comment on grooming him, I mean more observe him, nudge him this way and that behind the scenes, to see how he grows, then enlist him when the time is right. Like I believe happened with Telsin. 

That is more believable.

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Actually I seriously think there's something really wrong going on behind the scenes of the terris.   Idk man , I get a very bad vibe from them. Pretending to be all peaceful and Zen and stuff but as Wit said in WoK, thier actions give them away.  I mean , Wax stops a killer from murdering a child and kills in self defense and he gets kicked out. He returns 30 yrs later and his grandma still reprimands him about it , as if he did something wrong !!!! As if he should have just let the child be killed or let himself be killed and allowed that psychopath to destroy more lives. 


It also kinda draws a parallel with Amaram .  Acting all honourable but being a greedy, hypocritical cremhole using excuses to further his own selfishness in truth.

I really don't like them. It might be cause I have some ( extremely bitter ) experience with 2 faced ppl. But I really think the terrismen are up to no good. Maybe Sazed realizes this but is unable to influence things and hopes Wax will discover and stop them. Maybe he can't use kandra to assassinate ppl. It would very cruel upon a kandra. But still MeLaan seems ok with killing. Or perhaps he knows it but can't say anything to anyone including the kandra , hence he hopes Wax and marasi can figure it out. 

Edited by PrinceGenocide
A little polishing
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1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Actually I seriously think there's something really wrong going on behind the scenes of the terris.   Idk man , I get a very bad vibe from them. Pretending to be all peaceful and Zen and stuff but as Wit said in WoK, thier actions give them away.  I mean , Wax stops a killer from murdering a child and kills in self defense and he gets kicked out. He returns 30 yrs later and his grandma still reprimands him about it , as if he did something wrong !!!! As if he should have just let the child be killed or let himself be killed and allowed that psychopath to destroy more lives. 

Yeah the more I think about it, the more I think there is something there. How convenient it is that the steel runner Bleeder used was from the Village. The Village trying to keep the bloodlines pure would know every feruchemical ability of everyone in the village. 

1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

It also kinda draws a parallel with Amaram .  Acting all honourable but being a greedy, hypothetical cremhole using excuses to further his own selfishness in truth.

Good point. 

1 hour ago, PrinceGenocide said:

I really don't like them. It might be cause I have some ( extremely bitter ) experience with 2 faced ppl. But I really think the terrismen are up to no good. Maybe Sazed realizes this but is unable to influence things and hopes Wax will discover and stop them. Maybe he can't use kandra to assassinate ppl. It would very cruel upon a kandra. But still MeLaan seems ok with killing. Or perhaps he knows it but can't say anything to anyone including the kandra , hence he hopes Wax and marasi can figure it out. 

The red haze is interfering with what he can do and see, so they could be operating under that. 

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On 8/8/2019 at 1:00 PM, Use the Falchion said:

Interesting theory! I'm not sure I believe it, but it could be pretty believable. Maybe that's where the name Discord for Harmony comes from? A sect of his own people who see him as bringing more chaos to the world and their ways? Just spit-balling now...

An extension on this idea. The old Terris religion worshipped Preservation and presumably saw Ruin as a Satan-esque ultimate evil figure. Then Sazed comes along and combines the two. What if there all furious because the two forces that should be battling each other are working together and they want to bring back the “natural order” of a dual shard system?

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8 minutes ago, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:

An extension on this idea. The old Terris religion worshipped Preservation and presumably saw Ruin as a Satan-esque ultimate evil figure. Then Sazed comes along and combines the two. What if there all furious because the two forces that should be battling each other are working together and they want to bring back the “natural order” of a dual shard system?

That seems a bit far fetched.  From what we know of the old Teris system they technically did not worship Preservation they just had faith in him being able to protect more then Ruin could destroy.  While I agree that something is likely wrong with the village I do not believe that they dislike Harmony.  I find it more likely that they are being used as pawns for something or someone else.  Also was Wax kicked out?  I thought he left after being disillusioned with the Teris ways.

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1 hour ago, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:

An extension on this idea. The old Terris religion worshipped Preservation and presumably saw Ruin as a Satan-esque ultimate evil figure. Then Sazed comes along and combines the two. What if there all furious because the two forces that should be battling each other are working together and they want to bring back the “natural order” of a dual shard system?

Makes sense. On


Sel even though the powers of Devotion and Dominion are merged, the people of Sel still practice two separate religions that although have a common origin, one seeks to eliminate the other. 

So I could see that. 

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Ok it seems Wax left voluntarily but still he returns 30 yrs later and the grandma chides him ,of all things , for killing in an act of self and child protection. ( A situation which could have avoided if she had kept a closer eye on the criminal , who was a known arsonist )   IDK man , seems really wrong .

20 hours ago, Karger said:

Also was Wax kicked out?  I thought he left after being disillusioned with the Teris ways.


Edited by PrinceGenocide
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14 minutes ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Ok it seems Wax left voluntarily but still he returns 30 yrs later and the grandma chides him ,of all things , for killing in an act of self and child protection. ( A situation which could have avoided if she had kept a closer eye on the criminal , who was a known arsonist )   IDK man , seems really wrong .

She chides him for a number of things but her point is that he does not have enough respect for human life which is arguably true.

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Ok so I have a really cracked up crack pot theory but hear me out :

* don't the terrismen seem kinda racist. I mean , ok , they want full feruchemists back but still thier extreme contempt for allomancy is unfounded. I mean tlr was a terrisman to boot and it was allomancers like Vin and kelsier who eventually brought him down and freed the terrismen.

*Besides one could argue that compounding is a advanced level of feruchemy. 

*Also the grandma's argument that she fears the rise of another Lord ruler falls out flat if several fullborn are born. 

*Isn't it a bit complementary how they are trying to breed full feruchemists ,while  the Set are trying to breed full mistborn . I really think once both goals are accomplished they will breed a mistborn and feruchemist together to get a fullborn or even an entire collection of fullborn  . 

* Edwarn says that it's telsin who's higher ranked than him in the Set and that she recruited him. 

* Most of the Noble houses have been cleared of being set candidates.

So could it be that the upper echelons of the set are actually all or mostly terris elders. 

Maybe they have this idea that the terrismen are superior (  rashek thought the same thing ). Feruchemy exists naturally ( somewhat ) while allomancy was created artificially.

So maybe they wanna unleash a genocide of all other races BUT before they do that they want to incorporate allomancy into the terrismen. It's too promising to simply snuff out . 

So in order to divert suspicion they act as if they abhor allomancy. 

They use ppl like edwarn as the face of the organization . I don't think edwarn himself knows the terrismen are involved or he thinks only a few are involved. 

The terris could be as financially powerful as edwarn implied by some sort of money laundering scheme run through orphanages or whatever. 

Also If it wasn't for wax's pov we would have thought the terrismen were totally cool ppl. Even Wax himself thinks they are mostly cool ppl. 

Also stormlight spoilers :


U can draw a parallel between the terrismen and the shin. Both ppl seem docile , isolationist and harmless , yet the shamanate allows such a cruel practice of Truthlessness to exist. Worse they actually unleashed a Truthless with a goddarned honorblade on roshar and didn't even try to interfere when szeth wrecked havoc by killing all the powerful figures. Even from Nalans pov they seem  negligent , arrogant and cruel . Can't the same be said of the terris ?? 

And they know that Sazed was and in a way still  is  human. And hence it's easier to discount his beliefs on tolerance and maybe that's why they are supporting trell  , to simply cover up thier own misdeeds . 


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8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

* don't the terrismen seem kinda racist. I mean , ok , they want full feruchemists back but still thier extreme contempt for allomancy is unfounded. I mean tlr was a terrisman to boot and it was allomancers like Vin and kelsier who eventually brought him down and freed the terrismen.

With the help of Saze and I would like to point out the TLR was not tecnically evil.  It says so in Historica

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

*Besides one could argue that compounding is a advanced level of feruchemy. 

That does not realy make sense.  Feruchemy is end neutral compounding is clearly end positive.

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

*Also the grandma's argument that she fears the rise of another Lord ruler falls out flat if several fullborn are born. 

When did she argue this and how does it fall flat? 

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

*Isn't it a bit complementary how they are trying to breed full feruchemists ,while  the Set are trying to breed full mistborn . I really think once both goals are accomplished they will breed a mistborn and feruchemist together to get a fullborn or even an entire collection of fullborn  . 

Not realy.  The children of Mistborn and full feruchemists are more likely twinborn.  Getting the two powers to coexist in the same genome is difficult.  Even if they do not know this the two goals do not have to be complementary.  The Set want a full Mistborn because they can act as assassins and kill anyone easily at any time.  The Teris want full feruchemists because keepers are an important part of their culture.  If the Set wanted a fullborn it would probably be easier to kidnap both Mistlings and ferrings and bread them together.

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

* Edwarn says that it's telsin who's higher ranked than him in the Set and that she recruited him. 

We know from his internal monologue that this is true.

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

* Most of the Noble houses have been cleared of being set candidates.

When?  By Whom?

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

So could it be that the upper echelons of the set are actually all or mostly terris elders. 

This is possible.  Just barely.  I personally doubt it.

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Maybe they have this idea that the terrismen are superior (  rashek thought the same thing ). Feruchemy exists naturally ( somewhat ) while allomancy was created artificially.

Rashek thought any metallic art made you dominate and I do not see his views as having an impact on modern Teris society(enslaving people tends to make them hate you).  Also humility is one of the Teris virtues.

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

So maybe they wanna unleash a genocide of all other races BUT before they do that they want to incorporate allomancy into the terrismen. It's too promising to simply snuff out . 

Woh Woh!  And they are going to go about this how? 

8 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

So in order to divert suspicion they act as if they abhor allomancy. 

Neither power is evil.  It is mixing the powers that is dangerous(Quote by a certain grandmother).

Edited by Karger
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1 hour ago, Karger said:

With the help of Saze and I would like to point out the TLR was not tecnically evil.  It says so in Historica

Saze played a minor role in the fall of tlr . Also as I said they still view him as human and prone to mistakes. 

1 hour ago, Karger said:


That does not realy make sense.  Feruchemy is end neutral compounding is clearly end positive.

Exactly , since compounding is end positive. U could say it's a better form of feruchemy. It doesn't make sense technically but from the pov of racist terrismen. 

1 hour ago, Karger said:


When did she argue this and how does it fall flat? 

She says so during her conversation with Wax in SoS. How she didn't like wax's mom marrying outside the terris. 

It falls flat cause if there are multiple fullborn , it's harder for any one of them to become as politically powerful as tlr. Also more fullborn means at least some of them will be more liberal and less untechnically evil compared to tlr. 

A good example would be the conflicts with the multiple twinborn. Namely the conflict with Forsch and Wax. Not the best example , but a good one. 

A better example would be the conflict between the allomancers like straff and Vin. Straff and most of his allomancer children had very racist / classist views. While Vin and elend, kelsier and Marsh  had the exact opposite view . 

1 hour ago, Karger said:


Not realy.  The children of Mistborn and full feruchemists are more likely twinborn.  Getting the two powers to coexist in the same genome is difficult.  Even if they do not know this the two goals do not have to be complementary.  The Set want a full Mistborn because they can act as assassins and kill anyone easily at any time.  The Teris want full feruchemists because keepers are an important part of their culture.  If the Set wanted a fullborn it would probably be easier to kidnap both Mistlings and ferrings and bread them together.

Ok I agree this is a weak point of my theory but still it doesn't explain why tlr was so terrified of having terrismen breed with noblemen. Most of the twinborn can't compound and aren't really a threat to him. 

The only compounder we have seen so far is miles and even with his abilities , I'm sure tlr could have easily captured him out using steel compounding . Then taken his sweet time getting him to run out of gold. ( A easier task since dynamite wasn't around during tfe ). Hell if a group of normal constables could capture and kill him . I'm sure the tlr with his Inquisitors and koloss and non magical but zealous followers could have easily defeated him. 

Also half the metals weren't around the time and tlr had greater access to atium . Wax is the only other twinborn who could seriously challenge him and with iron compounding he could have easily outweighed and outpushed Wax. Wayne wouldn't even have bendalloy. Nicrosil compounding would be impossible since only tlr has knowledge and access to it. 

In the long run , perhaps they might have bred a fullborn but given how efficient the ministry of Inquisition was , seeing they mostly suppressed all skaa mistings and hunted down several feruchemists and kept tabs on the Noble houses as well. I'm sure they could have easily regulated contacts between terris and noblemen. Esp if they quarentined the terris from the general population and created a loyal class of feruchemists as well and had the kandra act as spies . Besides if it takes several generations of twinborn , it increases tlrs success to wipe them out.

He could have originally persecuted the terris , but starting from the fifth century and the creation of the Inquisitors he could have restored and quarentined them.

He could have cut a deal with the terrismen to have some knowledge forgotten in return for non persecution. Preserved his divine status in that way. 

So why was tlr so insecure ? I'm pretty it's cause if a mistborn and feruchemist were to have sex , the baby would be either fullborn or have access to multiple but not all allomanctic and feruchemical powers. 

It looks by the time it could happen post catecandre , the mistings and ferrings were already too general. I guess the terris nobility didn't recover until Vwafendels time. 

2 hours ago, Karger said:

When ? By Whom?

This is more of an assumption but it seems most of the Noble houses have suffered casualties , financial or human due to the Set's activities. Of course they could be faking to remove suspicion but I doubt it. A weak point of my theory nonetheless .


2 hours ago, Karger said:


Rashek thought any metallic art made you dominate and I do not see his views as having an impact on modern Teris society(enslaving people tends to make them hate you).  Also humility is one of the Teris virtues.

The views of the conquerers however unjust and impractical still influence the conquered. Consider the real world analogy of how indians , actual indians from the subcontinent view ppl with white skin as somehow superior to ppl with darker skin. I mean , I'm Indian a d I know a girl who was beautiful in so many ways internally and externally but was viewed as only mediocre JUST CAUSE SHE HAD DARKER SKIN. The major reason for this is cause the British who conquered us were white. We hate the British , seriously we do. But we also see they weren't technically evil and also embrace much of thier culture and resultant impractical views.

Similarly , tlrs views might have gotten even more mutated and twisted . Maybe it's not tlrs views at all. Maybe the terrismen think it was allomancy which poisoned tlr against his own ppl. 

Humility has been a centre point of many racist cultures. I'm sure most racist white ppl think humility is an important aspect of Christianity AS LONG AS ITS DIRECTED TOWARDS OTHER WHITE PPL. 

2 hours ago, Karger said:


Woh Woh!  And they are going to go about this how? 


Like the Nazis did , I guess. Concentration camps , hunger plans ,  ok this does sound a bit ridiculous but it's possible. Maybe they are just waiting for harmony to become even more weaker in human affairs , for the kandra to naturally die out. ( Already they are few in no, compared with tfe ). 

Or maybe they are just waiting to assume a dominant place in society following the synchronization and assimilation of allomancy and fullborn within the terris community , rather than complete genocide   

They do seem to have a superiority complex. All of them. Rasheks views were hardly limited to rashek pre final empire. In modern times , They might view all the non magical skaa as inferior. It seems the synod of tfe was  more liberal but then ruin happened and now the synod might be all racists. 

2 hours ago, Karger said:


Neither power is evil.  It is mixing the powers that is dangerous(Quote by a certain grandmother).

And yet , the use of allomancy is considered rude and severely frowned upon within the terris community , even tho allomancy is of preservation and it was allomancers who freed the terrismen from tlr. 

I think this is a front to divert suspicion from the terris community until they can synchronize both magic systems via fullborn . Then they might go about with a policy of Dominion or genocide. 

Yes , I see it might seem ridiculous but it's not totally irrational either.

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14 hours ago, Karger said:

When did she argue this and how does it fall flat? 

She states:

Shadows of Self page 96

"Neither power is evil" she said "It is mixing those powers that is dangerous. Your nature is not your fault, but I cannot help but see it as a sign. Another tyrant in our future, too powerful. It leads to death"

So at least the official tag line is feruchemy has to remain pure, and cannot be mixed with allomancy as it can bring about a new lord ruler.

14 hours ago, Karger said:

Not realy.  The children of Mistborn and full feruchemists are more likely twinborn.  Getting the two powers to coexist in the same genome is difficult.  Even if they do not know this the two goals do not have to be complementary.  The Set want a full Mistborn because they can act as assassins and kill anyone easily at any time.  The Teris want full feruchemists because keepers are an important part of their culture.  If the Set wanted a fullborn it would probably be easier to kidnap both Mistlings and ferrings and bread them together.

Actually we do not know why the Set want full Mistborn. Edwarn certainly wants to figure out Hermalurgy/Medallions so the powers can go to those he thinks "deserves" them or will do the best with them. Not via some genetic lottery. But that does not mean we know the Set's goals regarding Mistborn. 

As per Wax's grandmother, the reason they want to keep feruchemists separate is a hold over from the Lord Ruler. 

14 hours ago, Karger said:

This is possible.  Just barely.  I personally doubt it.

And you are entitled to your opinion. I wish you luck with your theory!

14 hours ago, Karger said:

Rashek thought any metallic art made you dominate and I do not see his views as having an impact on modern Teris society(enslaving people tends to make them hate you).  Also humility is one of the Teris virtues.

No, Rashek was angry towards Alendi's people because Rashek felt the Terris should rule. When Rashek tapped the Well, and made himself fullborn, he changed his allies among the feruchemists into Kandra, and then used the beads of lerasium to turn some of the rulers of the time to his side. He bred the Terris to prevent another fullborn from popping up to challenge him. The same doctrine the Village is carrying out, through a different process (not interbreeding), but with the same goal. Preventing another "tyrant" from arising. That is the official tag line of the Village at least. I think there might be more going on in the background we do not know. 

11 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Saze played a minor role in the fall of tlr . Also as I said they still view him as human and prone to mistakes. 

That is a good point. If they see Sazed as fallible, and begin to think they know better, that the before was better, it would give reason for them to work against him. 

11 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Exactly , since compounding is end positive. U could say it's a better form of feruchemy. It doesn't make sense technically but from the pov of racist terrismen. 

Compounding is used (at this time) to fuel feruchemy, so I see what you mean. 

11 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

It falls flat cause if there are multiple fullborn , it's harder for any one of them to become as politically powerful as tlr. Also more fullborn means at least some of them will be more liberal and less untechnically evil compared to tlr. 

So basically if everyone is powerful then no one is powerful. As in they will be the checks and balances for each other?

11 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Ok I agree this is a weak point of my theory but still it doesn't explain why tlr was so terrified of having terrismen breed with noblemen. Most of the twinborn can't compound and aren't really a threat to him. 

Ferrings as result of them breeding were a surprising result. They didn't know that would happen. Though Wax's grandmother thinks it is still possible to end up with another Tyrant like the Lord Ruler. Maybe she knows something we don't know yet?

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12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Ok I agree this is a weak point of my theory but still it doesn't explain why tlr was so terrified of having terrismen breed with noblemen. Most of the twinborn can't compound and aren't really a threat to him. 

He wanted feruchemy bread out of the population entirely and Noblemen are harder to off the servants.  The conclusion that TLR did not want the lines to cross was made by in book people not the narrator.  Additionally, an compounder would reveal TLR's nature and power to his or her fellows so not having any is a smart choice.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

This is more of an assumption but it seems most of the Noble houses have suffered casualties , financial or human due to the Set's activities. Of course they could be faking to remove suspicion but I doubt it. A weak point of my theory nonetheless .


12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Saze played a minor role in the fall of tlr . Also as I said they still view him as human and prone to mistakes. 

That does not seem like a prevailing attitude basically anywhere.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

This is more of an assumption but it seems most of the Noble houses have suffered casualties , financial or human due to the Set's activities. Of course they could be faking to remove suspicion but I doubt it. A weak point of my theory nonetheless .

I am not even sure what you are talking about.  Wax hunts Set agents all over the city.  Many of them could be noble for all we know and several probably are since nobles tend to be more connected and useful.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Like the Nazis did , I guess. Concentration camps , hunger plans ,

Seems impractical for a largely pacific population to do so to a much larger much less pacific one.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

Maybe they are just waiting for harmony to become even more weaker in human affairs , for the kandra to naturally die out. ( Already they are few in no, compared with tfe ).

How do they know Harmony is weakening?  Only a few of the oldest Kandra are dead and it is not like in an emergency they don't have the capacity to make more.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

And yet , the use of allomancy is considered rude and severely frowned upon within the terris community , even tho allomancy is of preservation and it was allomancers who freed the terrismen from tlr. 

It is considered from outside.  The Teris are isolationist.

12 hours ago, PrinceGenocide said:

and it was allomancers who freed the terrismen from tlr. 

It was also allomancy that enslaved the Teris and it is steadily being associated with things they don't like(commercialism and entertainment). 

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22 hours ago, Karger said:

That does not seem like a prevailing attitude basically anywhere.

The Pathian religion does

22 hours ago, Karger said:

How do they know Harmony is weakening?  Only a few of the oldest Kandra are dead and it is not like in an emergency they don't have the capacity to make more.

The Set knows a whole lot that they shouldn't know. A whole bunch of years ago, when only Alloy of Law was out, some people thought it was utterly impossible that there could be individuals from other planets giving the Set information and advancements that they shouldn't have access to. Lo and behold, what do we find out? The set has their own faceless immortals, and there is an entity working against Harmony. So if the leaders of the Village really are part of the Set, then why wouldn't they have the same access to the same information?

22 hours ago, Karger said:

It is considered from outside.  The Teris are isolationist.

As per Wax's grandmother, it is to prevent the mixing of bloodlines. 

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19 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

The Set knows a whole lot that they shouldn't know. A whole bunch of years ago, when only Alloy of Law was out, some people thought it was utterly impossible that there could be individuals from other planets giving the Set information and advancements that they shouldn't have access to. Lo and behold, what do we find out? The set has their own faceless immortals, and there is an entity working against Harmony. So if the leaders of the Village really are part of the Set, then why wouldn't they have the same access to the same information?

So wait.  The are the leaders of a conspiracy that they did not even start?  I have a hard time believing that worldhopers would just show up and grant a group of radicals a bunch of info and then leave.  They clearly want something.

20 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

The Pathian religion does

It states that Saze is fallible not they he is a minor entity.

21 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

As per Wax's grandmother, it is to prevent the mixing of bloodlines. 

They don't like alomancy in the village or the mixing of bloodlines.  That does not mean that they want to kill all alomancers.  They have legitimate reasons why they don't want that.

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