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Conflicting Shards


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Honor and Odium could potentially be a good combination with the right Vessel.



What Shard is the opposite of Odium in the sense of the *inaudible*

Brandon Sanderson

There are several that could be considered opposites--


I mean in the assimilation sense, you’ve said that Odium doesn’t want to absorb any of the other ones but which one would want to?

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, which one would want to join with him?


Or any of them.

Brandon Sanderson

I think that if personalities had been different, Honor and Odium, there would have been a very natural pairing, not that they’re opposites but they would have attracted. [...]

Calamity Seattle signing (Feb. 17, 2016)

On that note we know that any Shards can combine but the Vessel can be a huge factor (Sazed is largely responsible for how well Preservation and Ruin work together to make Harmony) and some combinations would be inherently weird and put a lot of pressure on the Vessel.



Can any two Shards be joined together, like "Preservation and Ruin", or does it depend on their Intents?

Brandon Sanderson

Any can be joined, theoretically, but boy, some of the pairings would have an odd resulting pressure on the one holding them. And similar intents make for an easier time melding.

/r/books AMA 2015 (March 12, 2015)


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2 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Cultivation and Preservation.

Growth and... not-growth.


Could be even better than Ruin and Preservation.

RUIN and Cultivation

Create and destroy.

2 hours ago, TheFoxQR said:

Honor and Odium would be pretty rad honestly, with Honor tempering the worst of Odium, and Odium allowing Honor to look beyond the word of an Oath and into the spirit of it. Plus, SMITE!!

I believe the theory is that it would be called Justice. I prefer Vengeance, or Retribution.

But yeah, angry honor. I love the idea.

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2 hours ago, TheFoxQR said:

Honor and Odium would be pretty rad honestly, with Honor tempering the worst of Odium, and Odium allowing Honor to look beyond the word of an Oath and into the spirit of it. Plus, SMITE!!

I personally hate this theory.  Remeber how Cultivation called Dalinar Child of Honor and Child of Odium?  WoB claims that this is because she thinks he exemplifies both of them ie both of them combined.  I personally think that a young Dalinar shard should be avoided.

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7 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

What if someone could take up Devotion and Odium? Ambition and Honor? Do you think such pairings would turn out like Harmony? Unstable/overstable, sorta?

Devotion and Odium would be a really weird combination. They might kind of cancel out to form a Shard that can't really do anything, or they might combine to form a Shard genuinely representing all emotion the way Odium claims to. Probably depends on the person taking them up... might require a very unusual kind of person, or an Ire-style Connection hack, to be able to take up both.

Ambition and Honor I think would probably create a Shard with a concept of something like 'Zeal', devoted to spreading its concept of Honor to everyone.

5 hours ago, Ripheus23 said:

I think Odium tempered Honor, as things went... I'm thinking of Honor and Dominion as opposites, with Honor supposed to be like Equality, say, but Odium's influence led to the repression of darkeyes, for example.

I don't think Honor has anything to do with equality. Feudal government is a very Honor-y thing, the whole structure of society based on reciprocal oaths of lord and vassal. (Slavery on the other hand would probably be disfavored by Honor, since Honor is about voluntary oaths.)

The Shard of Honor is about Oaths and Bonds, not necessarily so concerned with what you swear to do so long as the oath is kept. It isn't necessarily entirely good.

Honor + Odium yeah, I think would be something like Vengeance or divine Wrath/Judgment.

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3 hours ago, cometaryorbit said:

I don't think Honor has anything to do with equality.

Not conceptually, on the surface, but... Tanavast as a person, if his ideals were reflected in Nohadon for instance... And then take Kaladin.

Maybe not Equality, then, but something like "Isonomy." Which would be an interesting alternative to Autonomy...

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11 hours ago, Karger said:

I personally hate this theory.  Remeber how Cultivation called Dalinar Child of Honor and Child of Odium?  WoB claims that this is because she thinks he exemplifies both of them ie both of them combined.  I personally think that a young Dalinar shard should be avoided.

I’ve seen that comment as when he met Cultivation  he changing from Odium to Honor, while I agree that young Dalinar shard holder  would be terrifying I think that would be closer to Odium-Ruin mashup. I love the idea of Retribution.

Edit: In the right vessels hands, Dalinar or Kaladin would do great, Moash would destroy the world.  

Edited by Truthwatcher_17.5
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35 minutes ago, Truthwatcher_17.5 said:

I’ve seen that comment as when he met Cultivation  he changing from Odium to Honor, while I agree that young Dalinar shard holder  would be terrifying I think that would be closer to Odium-Ruin mashup. I love the idea of Retribution.

Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 4, 2018)
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In Oathbringer Cultivation calls Dalinar Son of Honor and Son of Odium. Why? Does he Connected to both Shards and technically can be a Vessel for Odium.

Also, why Cultivation says it'd be good for her to have a part of Dalinar inside of her? Is it important?

Brandon Sanderson

This is partially RAFO territory, but let's just say that Cultivation takes the long view on someone--and to her, Dalinar represents both the the best and worst of both Honor and Odium.

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On 8/4/2019 at 7:00 AM, Ripheus23 said:

Not conceptually, on the surface, but... Tanavast as a person, if his ideals were reflected in Nohadon for instance... And then take Kaladin.

Maybe not Equality, then, but something like "Isonomy." Which would be an interesting alternative to Autonomy...

Perhaps Reciprocity? I think that's more the benevolent side of Honor you're pointing out, the aspect that would be opposed to slavery and oppression. (But not, I think, to defined upper/lower classes as long as they were based on defined mutual obligations, say of obedience/protection in a feudal sense, vs sheer power or ownership.)

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