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IMPORTANT: Hi! If you’re hoping to join or rejoin us, please do so in our current thread! ^_^ 

Well, everyone knows I can't go a day without creating a roleplay. This one stems from random cremposting on a status update (take that, Firerust), wherein I said something vaguely mysterious, Lunamor said it sounded like a prophecy and wrote the first line, and I, er, went crazy writing a prophecy? So. Yeah. (I hope this doesn't flop, I had fun making it all :P)

The Augury:

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Powers you shall lose yet retain
Powers to get that you might be fain
Powers upon you, these powers reviled
Powers to prove you naught but a child

One from the forges, to question them all!
One born of skies, to watch their fall!
One who sees spirits and chases them hence!

One who knows the ways of thence!

One will know and one will fly
One will take lives and one will die
One will see their flags in tatters

One will destroy all that shatters

Powers will come and go unrecognized
Powers will corrupt yet be disguised
Powers to be yours until you
Powers to lock you and cause your last day

One to kill
Kill to one

Time will out
Until there are none.

See friends collude and enemies elude
See storms break and monsters wake
See children scream and gods who dream
See the exoneration of a dying nation

What you cannot afford:
Severity, oblivion, and discord!

Sworn to race the resolution,
Do not underestimate your solution.

Know that none seek you
You seek none that know
You must fight the rise to power
Power to rise, the fight musts you

Never sever
Create hate

Seed a need
Grow to know

Ten of the void
Nine of the light
Eight of the cloyed
Seven of the fight
Six to end you
Five to mend you
Four to rend you
Three to send you
Two of your number will rescue Fate
One among you will be too late

As you may have guessed, the tentative plan for this RP is that it will have ten parts or 'verses', each named after and corresponding to a verse in the Augury - Ten of the Void, Hate's Creation, Fight the Rise, Oblivion, Storm's Break, Time Will Out, Until You Betray, All That Shatters, Watch Them Fall, and Powers Reviled (not necessarily in that order, names subject to change).

I do have plans, but there's plenty of room for improvisation...and both could have really cool implications. Anyway, rules are as normal for roleplays on here, please do ask me if you have any questions! Both roleplay and chat will take place on this thread (until a new one is started), so please put all non-RP in quote boxes.





You may want to read the thread for extra details, as not every single thing will be here.

This will be set in a fantasy world known as Hopearaa (Fate in another language), which has three countries (that I'm telling you about). Two of them - Tühine (Void in another language) and Cahaya (Light in another language) - have been warring with each other for over a century, while the third, Ta'e'ilo (Oblivion in another language), is currently facing an invasion by nomads.

Ta’e’ilo is a country located in the west of Hoperaa. It’s stretching along the coast, so the climate is wet and mild. It rains regularly, temperatures are between 10°C/ 50F in winter and 25°C/77°C in summer. The countryside is dominated by hills and smaller mountains, with lots of steep cliffs along the coast.

Politically the country is ruled by a monarch, and while their king is loved and respected, Ta’e’ilo ist mostly governed by a council consisting of the leaders of the clans. These chieftains are basically lords, although the prefer to be called ‘elder’. They are the backbone of Ta’e’ilo and rarely anything happens without them noticing. Ta’e’iloan society is completely structured. The king, then the elders, then the leaders of the different households, each belonging to a clan, the hierarchy runs down to the stableboy. While there are thousands of little conflicts between the different families, the moment an outsiders tries to step in they present a united front.

Many of these struggles are centered around honor and what Ta’e’iloans perceive as actions that impede, or harm their honor. Basically everybody has the right to challenge anybody of the same standing. Not standing to your word is considered a grave insult, as is letting your family or your country down.

Ever since the nomads started to try to invade Ta’e’ilo the military structure or Ta’e’ilo changed. Before every family was responsible to train their youngsters, and almost every child received at least some kind of training. The quality was different from family to family, and regularly talented children were sent to another branch of the family to receive the proper training there, when their own household wasn’t able to offer a fitting training. Over the time within a clan the different families tended to specialize themselves. There were those focusing on trading and languages and those focusing more on the military aspect.

The war on the northern border and the raid on the Ta’e’iloan settlements had a large impact on the society itself. The L’Nio family who was controlling the lands to the north has lost almost all of their influence, due to the fact, that they aren’t able to protect their kin from the invaders on their own. Additionally many fled the destroyed settlements, leaving nothing behind but old fields full of crops and ruins. This movement created a stripe of land, which is in fact ruled by the armies who set up camp there.

The Ta’e’iloan army is lead by the warchief, a brother to the king and one of his most trusted advisors. The regiments themselves are named after animals like bears or wolves. Horses are rare in Ta’e’ilo so they don’t really have a cavalry. The heart of the army is the heavy infantry, which is a frightening sight with their plate armor and their long, two-handed swords. Depending on their clan some of them prefer to wield and axe or a hammer, but all weapons are heavy or long enough that you need to hands to wield them properly. Most members of the heavy infantry are part of the large clans ruling the country, as their equipment is expensive. The light infantry is usually placed at the sides, they are using shorter weapons like swords or axes, often combined with a wooden shield. Contrasting the heavy infantry they wear maybe some leather armor, but usually none at all. They tend to belong to smaller families, or sidelines of the larger ones. Additionally there are archers, who are a wild mix of all social stands. Archers aren’t trained specifically for the war, originally they joined the army as hunters, but now are used more and more in battle as well.

The camp consists of different districts, fitting the different companies and regiments. Additionally there is a large baggage, consisting of merchants and artisans, but also whores and a clever man even restored one of the ruins into an inn. 

Cahayans have a British accent. 



Reds are capitals, blacks are regular cities. Credit to John for the original map, sea, and island names, credit to Ene for the other names, and credit to Potency for the handmade map.



Handwritten: (Deicen is mistakenly noted as Deioen and Jyzny as Jynzy)


Deities and Instincts:


Along with that, all of Hopearaa is being threatened by a pantheon of ten deities who are slowly losing their power and minds; they are Truth, Creativity, Intensity, Probability, Infinity, Entropy, Sensation, Reality, Facet, and Negation, who leads them. All of them save Negation can be roleplayed; if you choose to do so, tell me which one you want and I'll tell you their powers (which replace instinct on the profile) and any other relevant information, such as certain plot obligations.

Everyone in Hopearaa is affected by a power they call their instinct; this is a naturally occurring effect of the deities' closeness to their world. An instinct can be from any of the ten and is a much-diluted version of their power. The list goes as follows:

Truth knows all things subconsciously; those with the instinct occasionally gain knowledge that may or may not be relevant to their situation. Examples: hearing a random fact whispered in your mind, suddenly realizing how to speak part of a new language.

Creativity understands all art forms and can perform them perfectly; those with the instinct can do the same for one or two art forms. Examples: Being an excellent painter without being taught, having a knack for speaking another language.

Intensity controls how much something is done, the AoE, and how hard it affects what it is affecting; those with the instinct can do this to a lesser extent. Examples: jumping off a building and making the impact feel like you jumped off a few steps or containing a small explosion to a few feet.

Probability controls the likelihood of something happening; those with the instinct can do this to a much lesser extent. Examples: upping the probability of finding money in the street, lowering the probability of a punch hitting you.

Infinity manipulates time; those with the instinct can do this to a much, much lesser extent. Examples: stalling your aging for a little while, reversing time for a short period.

Entropy has destructive power; those with the instinct can do this to a much, much lesser extent. Example: Exploding something with dark energy.

Sensation can manipulate all sensations, whether physical or emotional; those with the instinct can do this to a lesser extent. Examples: forcing oneself to stop being sad, helping another to not feel pain.

Reality can control space; those with the instinct can do this to a much lesser extent. Examples: teleporting yourself a short distance, warping a hole into a wall.

Facet can see, hear, etc. all perspectives and sides; those with the instinct can tap into a state where they do the same to a lesser extent, but it's tiring. Examples: Seeing both what's in front of you and what's around the corner at the same time, hearing something someone yells from a distance but also like you're right there next to them.

Negation is able to counter anything that happens, regardless of what it is or who is doing it - they can essentially press a reset button to make it so it never happened, or do something to make it so the previous action doesn't matter; there are supposedly no people with Negation's instinct.


Preferred character profile:

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Weapons and/or Special Equipment:


Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above):



Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you:

I'll happily give more information on almost anything worldbuilding-wise if you ask, though I can't give away much in the terms of plot. HAVE FUN!



BoS ~


Name: Victoria (Entropy)

Age/gender: 23, Female.

Appearance: Victoria is 5’ 6”, with a pretty figure. (Not over done) She has a shaved hairstyle, with extremely blonde hair with deep violet tips. Her eyes are a beautiful ocean color. Victoria’s complexion is pale and smooth.

As Entropy, she has destructive power. Example: Exploding something with dark energy.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: Victoria likes using the most elegant weapon, the bow and arrow.

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Hopearaa

Backstory: ???

Personality: Just imagine Ruin…Except female.

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Villain. If Entropy can be.

Luna ~


Name: Zurteai (goes by Zura)

Age/gender: 17, Female

Appearance: Short dark hair that has been cut shoddily (from close calls with sharp objects/weapons), slightly shorter than average, bright green eyes, tends to wear dark clothing that has lots of random tears and cuts (also from close calls), is rather pretty but would never admit it.

Instinct: Probability 

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: She carries various daggers at all times on her person and is fond of throwing them up in the air and catching them, sometimes with eyes closed.

Family: Mother, father, and younger sister, never speaks to them anymore.

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Cahaya 

Backstory: Zura was born to a fairly wealthy and influential family. She hated how they always sheltered her and tried to protect her from all possible danger. She always wanted them to let her fight in the war but they would never let her, fearing for her safety. Even once she found out that she had the instinct of Probability, they refused to budge. She grew tired of this and ran away at the age of 15 to join the war effort. The Cahayan military wouldn’t have her due to her age, so she currently works alone, completing random yet strategic attacks on important enemy bases and encampments. She has built up quite a reputation for herself.

Personality: Extremely reckless, doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. Hates planning and tends to do practically everything that comes to her mind, as she knows that her instinct will likely case things to tip in her favor. She comes off as a bit cold but is friendly to those she knows well. Sometimes she will secretly do kind acts for others but hides it to preserve her reputation. She relies heavily on her instinct.

Zura won’t admit it to herself, but she has the heart of a hero. She tells herself that she fights because she just likes the challenge/fun of it, but she really does it in an attempt to stop the killing.

Itiah ~


Name: Pryclin Evada (goes by Price)

Age/gender: 18, Male.

Appearance: Has a slight build. Unhealthily frail and thin, which he tries to cover up with his clothes. Average height, and commonly wears the uniform colours of the Tühine military. Black, well combed hair and crisp blue eyes, which he wears thin, wiry spectacles over. His clothes are usually dark trousers and a coat of aforementioned Tühine military colours.

Instinct: Entropy

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: Carries a small, very lightweight dagger in a sheath hidden by his side. It’s not dangerous in terms of sharpness, but it’s tip is coated in poison, so a simple cut can be dangerous. No other weapons, they would be too heavy. Carries some ledgers and coins around his pockets.

Family: Father and older sister died in the war against Cahaya when Price was young, and his mother lives by herself in a hut somewhere away from the main Tühine cities to deal with the grief.

Nationality: Tühine

Backstory: Grew up in a very patriotic family, flags all around the house and the like. When Price was 5 his father died fighting in the war against Cahaya and when he was 9 his older sister died in the same way. His mother raised him, urging him to not join the military, but Price wanted to be a hero for his nation, believing it was better than doing nothing. When he was 17 they had a falling out and he left. Price enrolled in the military but was denied on the grounds of not being “physically fit to standard”. He still desperately wanted to help his nation, and because of his intelligence, they allowed him to be part of the research  and development part of the war effort.

Personality: He wishes for nothing more than to be a soldier for his nation, but since he was denied and was delegated to research, he’s since felt an envy for soldiers that get to fight. He’s intelligent and soft spoken, as well as a tad nationalistic for Tühine. Not physically strong or capable, so he’s had to find other ways of getting things done.

Arc: Hero, meant to be an alternate viewpoint for the Cahaya-Tühine war. He always puts nation first, though, so depending on circumstances he could end up as an antagonist.

Sorana ~


Name: Sagitta T'Sora

Age: 20, female

Appearance: warrior, wears plate armor to a fight, well-built for a woman her age

Instinct: Intensity

Weapons: two-handed-sword, plate armor

Family: bother her father and her brothers fight for their country as well, it was an easy decision to follow them into the army. Her father is a longbow-man, one of her brother’s a cavalry man, the other one light infantry

Nationality: Ta’e’ilo

Backstory: Sagitta originally planed to work in her parents business. Her parents are merchants, although business suffered from the invasion. Her mother and her eldest sister try to keep everything together, but without the rest of the family they are short on hands and trade in general suffered. She followed the call to arms and raised her sword into the wind to fight for her country and for glory.

Personality: believes the stories about glory found in battle. Will do everything to save and protect her country

Arc: I’d be interested in a hero turns villain arc, but as a discovery writer it’s hard to decide that completely now. So maybe hero, with the option to change that, should she evolve in that direction?

Xino ~


Name: Thomas (Reality)

Age/gender: Male

Appearance: Tall, broad, strong.

Instinct: Reality- can control space, the fabric of reality.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: a staff.

Family: A wife, Serene, and three children of ages 18, 7, and 3.

Nationality: Hopearaa

Backstory: The mantle of Reality grants many powers to its holder, but a long memory is not among them. He knows he has been around forever, but he can no more remember his birth than a human can theirs.

Personality: Highly empathetic. Gets angry easily, especially when he sees unfairness.

Purpose: (Undecided.)

Per ~


Name: Truth (Human name: Anderson)

Age/gender: Male, as old as Hopearaa itself.

Appearance: Manifests as a tall man with greyish hair, and an extended goatee, with soft blue eyes.

Instinct: Truth.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: None.

Family: Considers the other deities, (Excluding Negation, who he sees as a father) his brethren.


Backstory: ???

Personality: ISTJ-I

Purpose: For as long as he has lived, he has known what would happen, but now.. he is unsure. He wants to- no, he needs to know what will happen. (neutral)

John ~


Name: John AllSeer

Age/gender: Male, appears to be in late teens.

Appearance: Tall, Dark Hair, Olive Skin, Feather Hanging off of right ear

As Facet, John can see and hear all perspectives and sides. Examples: Seeing both what's in front of you and what's around the corner at the same time, hearing something someone yells from a distance but also like you're right there next to them.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: An Elegant Sword rimmed in gold yet keener then Brisingr

Family: ???

Nationality: Hopearaa


Personality: To the point, Very self scanning

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Neutral. Don't make him angry.

Dapper ~


Name: Luna 

Age/gender: Looks to be about 19, female.

Appearance: A young girl with pale skin and dirty blond hair. Short for her affected age, with a few tattoos. She usually keeps her hair back with a headband sporting a crescent symbol. Luna wears cargo pants, a black tank top and a dark purple ankle-length hooded coay with the sleeves removed. She also wears fingerless gloves that come up to just above the elbow, which are striped silver and purple.

Well, she's Probability. She can affect chance and luck in herself and others.

Weapons/equipment: Carries a scimitar and a silver coin with a new moon on one side and a full moon on the other.

Family: N/A

Nationality: Hopearaa

Backstory: ?

Personality: Somewhat reckless, enjoys games of chance. She tends to let blind chance tell her where to go or what to do, because she believes she doesn't have much to lose.

Alignment: Neutral in the sense that she could go either way.

Jay ~


Name: Nikon Grey

Age/gender: Male, 22 years old

Appearance: Auburn hair down to his shoulders, blue eyes, about 5’11”, slender but fairly well muscled

Instinct: Creativity - specializes in metalworking and mechanics

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: Tool kit, augmented gloves with retractable blades and climbing gear, little sabotage equipment such as tripwires, flexible exoskeleton that goes under clothing and augments movement.

Family: Father(general in war) and mother are divorced, two sisters live with mother somewhere else in Tühine. Nikon has lost contact with all family members.

Nationality: Tühine 

Backstory: Nikon was recruited into the army as a teenager, but dropped out, to the dismay of his father, because he felt that he did not belong and had no personal investment in the fighting. He’s lived on the streets since he was seventeen. Since then, he’s gotten mixed up in a bit of crime--pulling off some heists and robberies to fund and get materials for his projects. His father continues to actively search for his son.

Personality: Nikon is naturally a calm person, and though he gets annoyed easily, he rarely shows it. He is perfectly content spending all day (and night) in his workshop, creating gadgets and gizmos to augment both himself and his friends. Though he has people he calls friends, Nikon often comes off cold and does not have any particularly close relationships(opportunity for romance, perhaps?).

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Neutral

Archer ~


Name: Tion (pronounced TEA-ON) aka Sensei Tion aka the god Sensation.

Age/gender: Appears to be a thirty-year-old male.

Appearance: Manifests as a healthy, extremely fit adult. He has black eyes, scraggly brown hair, and a clean-shaven face with a strong jaw. Depending on his posture, he can be between 5 ft 10 and 6 feet tall. His skin is a consistent, deeply tanned brown colour which is lacking in blemishes, save for a few pale, white scars on the underside of his arms. He wears a red, collared shirt, black cargo pants, and an oversized grey trench coat.

Instinct: Can manipulate all sensations, whether physical or emotional.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: His coat’s pockets are filled with dozens of small vials and bottles of various substances in liquid form, some with contents that can weaponized, some alcoholic in nature.  

Family: n/a

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Hopearaa. Appears to be most similar to a person from Ta'e'ilo, but it is hard to tell, as he lacks any distinctive traits that would mark him out as being from any of the major countries. 

Backstory: When Tion was younger, he came to terms with his immortality. Foreseeing his potential to become a force of destruction in the world, he made a vow to himself never to kill. He clung to this ideal, mistaking lawfulness for goodness, as eventually, one by one, he crossed every other moral boundary he had. In his rare moments of introspection, he contemplates trying to convince Negation to undo whatever wrong turn he took that made him into such a corrupted being, but he does not know where to find her, because he exiled himself to the world of man several hundred years ago to spend his time manipulating the rulers of the land. His influence is one of the reasons for both of the wars currently taking place. His fall is manifesting in the corruption of his Last Ideal. Where he would have once hesitated to be indirectly responsible for deaths, he has redefined his code to allow him more freedom in that department. As he continues on his downward path, he will gradually become increasingly comfortable with being involved in killings. Every time his magical powers diminish, he subconsciously seeks to compensate by weakening his moral code. He has a plan to end his troubles, but his state of mind is making it hard to execute.

Personality: Changes based on who he is speaking to. He can be friendly and jovial, commanding and judgmental, even weak and pathetic, depending on what persona he thinks his target will respond best to. Everything he does is a façade, so it can seem ingenuine upon inspection. He is ambitious and knowledgeable, but also uncaring, self-centered, and deceitful.

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Villain

Po ~


Name: Samantha Grey

Age/gender: Female

Appearance: Usually appears to be around 13 years old. Blonde hair, green eyes.

God: Infinity

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: About 10 small daggers are hidden all over her at any time.

Family: N/A

Nationality: Hopearaa

Backstory: ?

Personality: she’s very peppy and happy all the time.

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Neutral

Ene ~


Name: Negation; as they don't know the name they might have gone by in the past, they occasionally go by Gati.

Age/gender: Unknown, but appears twenty; fluid

Appearance: Gati has bright yellow eyes and black hair that reaches to their shoulder blades, with tan skin and usually simple clothing.

Power: Gati is able to counter anything that happens, regardless of what it is or who is doing it - they can essentially press a reset button to make it so it never happened, or do something to make it so the previous action doesn't matter.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: They carry a bow and arrows, and have their phone. They never want for anything, as they have ways to obtain everything they might need.

Family: N/A

Nationality: Hopearaa

Backstory: Gati doesn't remember their past, like the other gods and goddesses.

Personality: Gati is a quiet person, prone to worrying. They move around a lot out of paranoia and agonize over the Augury a lot :P

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral: Hero or neutral


Name: Istina Rahasia (goes by Izzy)

Age/gender: 15, female

Appearance: Dark brown hair, which she wears in a ponytail, and light blue eyes

Instinct: Truth (significantly stronger than most, can use at will)

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: None

Family: Parents but no siblings

Nationality: Cahayan

Backstory: Was adopted as a baby when her parents found her on their doorstep, has worked with them in their horse-breeding business since she was young. Started hearing the Augury shortly before the RP began.

Personality: Tries to act like nothing intimidates her, but doesn't have a high opinion of herself.

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral: Heroine

Ark ~


Name: Hallucinatio (Creativity)

Sex/Age: Appears anywhere from ten to fifty, and can be of either gender

Appearance: Varies widely. Manifests at numerous ages and as both genders, and anywhere from five feet to seven feet. Three things remain consistent between bodies. Eyes: A kaleidoscope pattern in the colors of the rainbow. Hair: The shade of silver, in a long ponytail, with small gemstones, amethyst, ruby, and aquamarine embedded in the strands. Nails: Fingernails and toenails are long, with a black and white swirl. The body is always covered in tattoos, with tattoos on the arms, legs, chest, back, and neck, and with one on each  side of the eyes. The tattoos tend to be animals and quotes from poetry, with the exception of the tattoos by the eyes, which are always a symbol of some sort. Skin color varies, as does muscle/fast mass. Usually wears a long coat with many large pockets, died in various colors, or made of animal fur.

Instinct: Creativity

Nationality: Hopearaa. Could look like they come from any different nationality.

Personality: Unpredictable, but always tends to be overly dramatic, as if they were in a performance.

Weapons/Equipment: Trident, handle folding, pitch black and embedded with quartz flecks. Dagger, rainbow blade and tiger fur handle. Short sword, brilliant white blade with a purple sheath and handle. Five containers-two orbs that shatter and release gas, and two needles for injection, one dart shooter-full of a chemical that puts the brain on a hyperactive hallucinating and creative mode. Wide range of paint brushes, three small jars of paint. Flute, banjo, harmonica, hand drum, mouth harp. Pen and pencils.

Family: N/A

Backstory: Over the years, his mental state degraded further and further. He had small mental issues, but they continued to grow, as he left them as they were, not attempting to change. They began to take over his personality step by step, leaving him hyperactive, only able to speak in song or poetry, and generally acting erratically. He grew more and more unstable, and started to try and create "plot" in the world, spinning mortals against each other, using music and art to inspire conflict. This turned darker and darker, and it changed to inspiring lust, greed, violence. He began to live in a state of extreme paranoia, with strange views of the world, his only goal an "interesting" world, one violent and chaotic.




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29 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

I really shouldn’t join another roleplay but... why not.




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when you forget to put something in quotes on your own thread
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BoS - sure, and Po - if you want to, you're free to.

Welcome, everyone! (Yay it's not dying right off the bat :D)


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For gods, the only differences in the character sheet would be that their powers replace the Instinct part and for Nationality, just write Hopearaa. They've always been gods (that they know) and have always existed in Hopearaa (that they know).


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Not quite, they're way more specialized and they don't pass on the power if you kill them (which would be hard to do for a number of reasons). While they're named after their powers, those powers don't force them to change over time like Intents do; for example, Entropy might be an incredibly hateful, murderous person, or might be a totally happy-go-lucky person who just happens to be Entropy. Whoever that person is, they will have always been that god or goddess - they didn't take over the position from anyone else.


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Got it. Please critique it, so it fits the requirements. 


Name: Victoria (Entropy) 


Age/gender: 23, Female. 


Appearance: Victoria is 5’ 6”, with a pretty figure. (Not over done) She has a shaved hairstyle, with extremely blonde hair with deep violet tips. Her eyes are a beautiful ocean color. Victoria’s complexion is pale and smooth. 


As Entropy, she has destructive power. Example: Exploding something with dark energy.


Weapons and/or Special Equipment: Victoria likes using the most elegant weapon, the bow and arrow. 


Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Hopearaa


Backstory: ???


Personality: Just imagine Ruin…Except female. 


Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Villain. If Entropy can be.



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Name: Zurteai (goes by Zura)

Age/gender: 17, Female

Appearance: Short dark hair that has been cut shoddily (from close calls with sharp objects/weapons), slightly shorter than average, bright green eyes, tends to wear dark clothing that has lots of random tears and cuts (also from close calls), is rather pretty but would never admit it.

Instinct: Probability 

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: She carries various daggers at all times on her person and is fond of throwing them up in the air and catching them, sometimes with eyes closed.

Family: Mother, father, and younger sister, never speaks to them anymore.

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Cahaya 

Backstory: Zura was born to a fairly wealthy and influential family. She hated how they always sheltered her and tried to protect her from all possible danger. She always wanted them to let her fight in the war but they would never let her, fearing for her safety. Even once she found out that she had the instinct of Probability, they refused to budge. She grew tired of this and ran away at the age of 15 to join the war effort. The Cahayan military wouldn’t have her due to her age, so she currently works alone, completing random yet strategic attacks on important enemy bases and encampments. She has built up quite a reputation for herself.

Personality: Extremely reckless, doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. Hates planning and tends to do practically everything that comes to her mind, as she knows that her instinct will likely case things to tip in her favor. She comes off as a bit cold but is friendly to those she knows well. Sometimes she will secretly do kind acts for others but hides it to preserve her reputation. She relies heavily on her instinct.

Zura won’t admit it to herself, but she has the heart of a hero. She tells herself that she fights because she just likes the challenge/fun of it, but she really does it in an attempt to stop the killing.

(Does this work? Please let me know if anything needs to be changed, I know that the Cahaya stuff may not work.)


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Po, Xino, Sorana, sounds good.

2 hours ago, Inklingspren said:

Are they inconspicuous? Do they not show them selves? Or let people know who they are.

What about Family and Weapons? The former is probably not applicable, but can Entropy have a separate weapon?

I was thinking they'd mostly try to be inconspicuous, but that could change over the course of things if you want.

Family's N/A, you can have a separate weapon if you want to.

1 hour ago, Inklingspren said:

Name: Victoria (Entropy)

Age/gender: 23, Female.

Appearance: Victoria is 5’ 6”, with a pretty figure. (Not over done) She has a shaved hairstyle, with extremely blonde hair with deep violet tips. Her eyes are a beautiful ocean color. Victoria’s complexion is pale and smooth.

As Entropy, she has destructive power. Example: Exploding something with dark energy.

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: Victoria likes using the most elegant weapon, the bow and arrow.

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Hopearaa

Backstory: ???

Personality: Just imagine Ruin…Except female.

Whether you want to be a hero, villain, or neutral, which will affect which lines of the prophecy and which plot points involve you: Villain. If Entropy can be.

I assume you mean she looks 23, not that she is 23? Other than that, it looks fine! ^_^

1 hour ago, Lunamor said:

Name: Zurteai (goes by Zura)

Age/gender: 17, Female

Appearance: Short dark hair that has been cut shoddily (from close calls with sharp objects/weapons), slightly shorter than average, bright green eyes, tends to wear dark clothing that has lots of random tears and cuts (also from close calls), is rather pretty but would never admit it.

Instinct: Probability 

Weapons and/or Special Equipment: She carries various daggers at all times on her person and is fond of throwing them up in the air and catching them, sometimes with eyes closed.

Family: Mother, father, and younger sister, never speaks to them anymore.

Nationality (somewhere from Earth or one of the three countries mentioned above): Cahaya 

Backstory: Zura was born to a fairly wealthy and influential family. She hated how they always sheltered her and tried to protect her from all possible danger. She always wanted them to let her fight in the war but they would never let her, fearing for her safety. Even once she found out that she had the instinct of Probability, they refused to budge. She grew tired of this and ran away at the age of 15 to join the war effort. The Cahayan military wouldn’t have her due to her age, so she currently works alone, completing random yet strategic attacks on important enemy bases and encampments. She has built up quite a reputation for herself.

Personality: Extremely reckless, doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions. Hates planning and tends to do practically everything that comes to her mind, as she knows that her instinct will likely case things to tip in her favor. She comes off as a bit cold but is friendly to those she knows well. Sometimes she will secretly do kind acts for others but hides it to preserve her reputation. She relies heavily on her instinct.

Zura won’t admit it to herself, but she has the heart of a hero. She tells herself that she fights because she just likes the challenge/fun of it, but she really does it in an attempt to stop the killing.

(Does this work? Please let me know if anything needs to be changed, I know that the Cahaya stuff may not work.)

Sounds great! The Cahaya stuff works.


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