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The Cosmic Battle to Save the Thread


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21 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"It would," said Xino as the gateway behind him sputtered shut inf flashes of red crystal. "Nothing," he said, half to himself. "Nothing at all. And," he continued, with a sigh, "no traces of Shadow."

"No," Star said. "Apparently not. What do you think will happen when they come back? Will the duplicates fuse with each other? Will it change them? I didn't even know we had a version of Shadow still in this reality. Maybe she's hurt or... something."

Tamika coursed herself for not taking the opportunity to go with Xino and Star. She wanted to do something, that would have been the perfect distraction. She twiddled her thumbs, bored. Sometimes, Tom's involvement in practically everything got to be a bit overwhelming. There hadn't been enough time between the cosmic-level, world-ending threats and magical gizmos for time simply spent together. Sometimes, Tami got to thinking she was just another one of Tom's side projects. While it was true that she had changed from the constantly self-deprecating woman from three thousand years ago, those kinds of thoughts still made her heart decay.

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"Fuse? No, I don't think so. Their paths have diverged too far." He summoned his shield, the flash of red light it released lighting up the dark landscape for a brief moment. "Hurt? Not much that can hurt a Narrator." He raised his sword and closed his eyes, concentrating. "We cannot completely rule it out, however. That makes it even more imperative that we find her."

His sword and shield both began to glow, each letting off a dim red light.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

"Fuse? No, I don't think so. Their paths have diverged too far." He summoned his shield, the flash of red light it released lighting up the dark landscape for a brief moment. "Hurt? Not much that can hurt a Narrator." He raised his sword and closed his eyes, concentrating. "We cannot completely rule it out, however. That makes it even more imperative that we find her."

His sword and shield both began to glow, each letting off a dim red light.

"Maybe I could find her telepathically," Star suggested.

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Xino grunted, deep in concentration. "Silence. Barriers. Doesn't like Shadow... I don't know why. Hid her, probably. Unless..."

His weapons glow had intensified to the point where they hurt to look at. They illuminated the landscape far enough to see just how desolate it was.

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Xino gritted his teeth, forcing out the words as his weapons glowed even brighter. "Not. Looking. Better. Idea."

He seemed to be glowing now, too, resonating with his weapons. How much longer could he hold out?

Long enough.

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Star was a bit concerned about him. He was only a character, albeit a very powerful one. She couldn't help but think... It was like Xino and Pheonix were two sides of a coin. One with enough courage and will to break reality, the other with the kind of bravery that let him get close to the heart of the darkest monster. 

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3 minutes ago, Inklingspren said:

Can I cue my effects of traveling to a different universe without the barrier?


I don't think that would do what you think it will.

Xino let out one final groan and released a bolt of light from each weapon. The beams met in midair a few feet away.

An explosion of light washed over the pair, nearly blinding them, as a portal edged with red crystal swirled out of nothingness.

Xino fell to his knees, panting. "One... moment..."

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51 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

"He's too inquisitive. Too smart. He'd figure out how they work, make something that copied it. He'd mean well, but..."

"I understand. Tom has a tendency to stick his nose into places best left untouched. In fact, I remember, long ago, I tried to... Well, I tried to help him get what he wanted. When, in fact, what he "wanted" was very different than what I had assumed. All he wanted was more power, to become a Narrator. I would not trust that power to him. Even we Narrators are poor vessels of it, at times. Anyway. Did you find Shadow with that little light show?"

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Xino nodded. "She should be through that portal- although she won't be there for a few minutes, so we have time to go over some important things first."

He took a deep breath, pulling himself to his feet. "First, our primary goal is to retrieve Shadow before Silence gets to her. Either by taking her back through the portal, or- if things go south- finding a different way back. Remember to focus on that."

He began to pace. "Second, wear these at all times." He held out his left hand, and two red crystalline discs dropped into his hand. "They will let you see while we are invisible."

"Finally," he said, turning towards her with a serious expression on his face, "you cannot change the past, no matter how hard you try. So don't try."


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8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Xino nodded. "She should be through that portal- although she won't be there for a few minutes, so we have time to go over some important things first."

He took a deep breath, pulling himself to his feet. "First, our primary goal is to retrieve Shadow before Silence gets to her. Either by taking her back through the portal, or- if things go south- finding a different way back. Remember to focus on that."

He began to pace. "Second, wear these at all times." He held out his left hand, and two red crystalline discs dropped into his hand. "They will let you see while we are invisible."

"Finally," he said, turning towards her with a serious expression on his face, "you cannot change the past, no matter how hard you try. So don't try."



Ooo, time travel. 

"I can only think of a few things I would want to change. But even then, I remember that small changes can make big differences. And losing who I am now isn't worth it."

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47 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Xino nodded. "Wise. I was right to trust you."

With a wave of his hand, he conjured two more of the red lenses. He put them over his eyes and stepped through the portal.

Star mimicked his actions, stepping into the past.


Doodled this at a fourth of July BBQ.



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Xino raised the veil of invisibility over himself, Star, and the portal as soon as he stepped through. Having to look through the red tinted lenses was slightly disorienting, but unfortunately unavoidable. Hopefully it wouldn't bother Star too much.

"They haven't arrived yet," he said quietly. "For now, we can talk freely."
Pheonix opened his eyes.
Silence was behind him, he could feel it. Just as he had been yesterday. Or the day before yesterday. Or any day, as far back as Pheonix could count.
The man- if you could call him that- would be standing there, silent. Watching him. Judging him. Putting pressure on him, he supposed. Making him wait. Because eventually-
Hello, Pheonix, said Silence.
Pheonix moved his hand in a circle, slowly. The sign for 'hello'.
I trust you are comfortable?
Pheonix shrugged.
You have food, water? A bed?
Pheonix could take care of those himself, and Silence knew it. So he said nothing.
Silence waited a moment more.
Do you... need anything?
Freedom, signed Pheonix. Silence sighed.
You know I can't let you have that now, he said. Not until I know I can trust you.
Trust him not leave. Not to run off, go back to Star. Silence was right, he couldn't be trusted not to do that. Still...
Home, he signed, pleadingly.
This is your home.
It is.
Oh? Where do you think it is, then?
A pause.
Silence sighed, and turned away.
She will leave you, he said. Your life will be much easier if you accept that now.
Then he vanished.
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1 minute ago, xinoehp512 said:

Xino raised the veil of invisibility over himself, Star, and the portal as soon as he stepped through. Having to look through the red tinted lenses was slightly disorienting, but unfortunately unavoidable. Hopefully it wouldn't bother Star too much.

"They haven't arrived yet," he said quietly. "For now, we can talk freely."
Pheonix opened his eyes.
Silence was behind him, he could feel it. Just as he had been yesterday. Or the day before yesterday. Or any day, as far back as Pheonix could count.
The man- if you could call him that- would be standing there, silent. Watching him. Judging him. Putting pressure on him, he supposed. Making him wait. Because eventually-
Hello, Pheonix, said Silence.
Pheonix moved his hand in a circle, slowly. The sign for 'hello'.
I trust you are comfortable?
Pheonix shrugged.
You have food, water? A bed?
Pheonix could take care of those himself, and Silence knew it. So he said nothing.
Silence waited a moment more.
Do you... need anything?
Freedom, signed Pheonix. Silence sighed.
You know I can't let you have that now, he said. Not until I know I can trust you.
Trust him not leave. Not to run off, go back to Star. Silence was right, he couldn't be trusted not to do that. Still...
Home, he signed, pleadingly.
This is your home.
It is.
Oh? Where do you think it is, then?
A pause.
Silence sighed, and turned away.
She will leave you, he said. Your life will be much easier if you accept that now.
Then he vanished.

Xino, you're gonna make me cry.

"How are we going to convince her to come back? Should we tell her the truth? She won't be the same when things... align."

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