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2 hours ago, Sorana said:

Mike waved at the squad and then continued towards the building. The door was locked, an Aon drawn over it. All the windows were covered by Aons as well. Strange. You really needed to be paranoid to fortify your building like that. He pushed against the door, it was locked. Then he knelt down and took a closer look at the lock. Maybe they could break the door open. While the door was strengthed by the Aon, the lock itself had been replaced a few days ago, he could still see the marks. A smile spread over his face. With some luck, this could work.

"Can any of you break a door open? If we're lucky the bolt isn't part of it yet. So maybe the Aon only influences the door, and not the bolt."

@I think I am here.

@Ark's Boyfriend

@Clyde Froggins

@Vargo Seldon

"We could try dynamite." Maxwell offered pulling out 5 sticks of dynamite.

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The Tattered one saw the large group in front of Plasma core and walked over to them, and yelled "INTERLOPERS! PREPARE TO FEEL THE POWER OF MY MISTRESS, DEATH!"

@Sorana @I think I am here. @Ark's Boyfriend @Clyde Froggins @Vargo Seldon

Silva ran around behind the building and jumped through the shield as it flickered. Now, to try and find Zokora.



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Azrael pushed past them and kicked open the door to PlasmaCore.

The sound echoed through the empty foyer. Bodies, shrouded by shadows, were strewn across the floor. He could smell fear in the air, old and stale. The people here had not died well, and their killer was still about.

Something rustled in the back, but otherwise did nothing.

Azrael lowered his sword and strode into the wrecked building. Robed veterans followed after him, spreading throughout the room. Members of the Deathwing followed them, clad in bone-white Terminator armor. They spread out in a loose circle around Azrael. Finally were the guild leaders from the Invincible Reason. 

He looked towards the elevator and frowned. Something had torn off the doors and thrown them to the side. The shaft was lit by a sterile blue light, dust drifting through the air inside. He turned around, looking at the other leaders.

“We have a problem,” he said.

@I think I am here. @Vargo Seldon @Sorana


Meanwhile, back on the giant battleship...

A cavernous chamber faced Crow, hundreds of meters wide. Strips of yellow lights hung from the ceiling, casting an even glow over the bay. Oddly, the wall at the far end was segmented, divided into multiple overlapping parts.

A slab of bright metal slid out of the doorway with a crash, slamming it shut. The remains of the door Crow had sliced open flew away with a spray of sparks. The sound echoed through the chamber, gradually falling away into silence.
“Normally, this is the part where I start torturing you,” said a voice to Crow’s right. An Astartes in black armor walked towards her. She wore robes of dark green, with a golden skull for her helm. “But you’re not like the traitors I usually deal with.”

@Ax's Boyfriend

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Quietly Kumiko stalked behind the forces moving into the PlasmaCore building and watched them enter the lobby. She followed them, but stayed a distance behind them, to make sure that they'd trip any defense systems first.


KanMien watched as Laurelai walked out of the alleys dripping wet and sighed. They walked out behind her and nodded to the others. "Plan?" They asked.

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On screens displaying the ground above she saw the shield flicker. She hadn't promised Pry anything. But she'd promised herself. The next time there was a chance to help she'd take it.

Freedom glanced one last time at Pry before sprinting off. As she ran, she let herself store away into the atium. Lusk was right. People let adults who look an age do stuff of that age. Except in this case it wasn't getting a drink at a bar she was trying to do, but get inside a flickering forcefield. But the idea was the similar enough.

No one glanced twice at her as she made her way to the nearest tunnel exit. Someone tossed her an aluminum lined headband to prevent the bloodlust from affecting her thoughs, but that was it. Age really was all there was to getting stuff done. 

She made her way through the assembled people by the front of the PlasmaCore building. Again, no one stopped her. The brand on her forehead didn't tip anyone off that she was really the fourth eldest Acute and not grown up. 

The shield flickered for a moment, giving her just enough time to enter. It was only when she was on the other side did she begin to doubt herself. If there was blood...

Freedom shook away those thoughts. She could stop it. She'd done it. At the bar. It was possible and she would do it. Hopefully.

The building was coated in Aons on every entrance, windows included. While she wasn't all that knowledgeable in Investiture beyond Allomancy and Feruchemy, she did know that meant there was no entering from there. She made her way over to the group huddled by the front door.

But as she approached cautiously, a thing walked over to them shouting, "INTERLOPERS! PREPARE TO FEEL THE POWER OF MY MISTRESS, DEATH!"


She looked around. There wasn't anywhere really nearby to hide.


Letting her age shift to just a few years older than normal, she darted over to the group. She'd overheard talk of a GB infiltration team and had a feeling this was them. The poor lighting from the rising sun obscured by fog would most likely disguise the brand on her forehead and make the shadows of it appear darker. At the moment they were her best hope for survival. And worst case there was the idea that had gotten into her head after talking with Lusk. It hopefully wouldn't need to be used, but it helped to have a back up plan. Worst case. 

"Don't freak out," she said softly. "Especially not while one of you is holding dynamite, but you might want to pause from the door for a moment and focus on the thing coming to kill you. Don't mind my sudden appearance." She paused. That wouldn't make them not worry about her. "I'm a friend of Lusk Uwik," she said quickly. It wasn't quite true. She'd met him in a bar once, argued with him, then passed out at the sight of blood. Friend was a little bit of a stretch. Acquaintance might have been a better word. The worst case they checked with Lusk and 

@Clyde Froggins @Sorana @whoever else is in that group

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“Good for you Heretic!” The Tattered One said before dashing forwards and slashing at her with two foot long blades from his hands.


He’s a Bureau enforcer. Ark approved him, for the plot, and here is the character profile, so you guys know.


he Tattered One

Investiture: He was a cognitive shadow that went to Sel, and tried to absorb the shard splinters into himself, to make himself a demishard. Instead, the cut into his cognitive shadow, shredding it. He did manage to absorb some of the investiture, but a very miniscule amount compared to what he wanted. It granted him the ability to manifest a body in the material plane, that reflects his cognitive shadow. It is a tattered body, where you can see the bones in several places and is covered in open wounds, that do not bleed. Whenever someone hurts him, he resists the damage, and then the flesh restichies to its original shape where it was hit. However, since it also affects his cognitive shadow, if enough damage is done to his material form(ie. If in a duel, score him at half the damage you would normally, or give him 200 hp) his cognitive shadow will fall unconscious and his body will fail. However, his body cannot be destroyed through any means, as long as his cognitive shadow still exists. He also gained the ability to put out investited pieces of metal like substance in the form of spikes, and launch them out of his skin at high velocities. However, this does cause him some minor harm(ie. For every ten centimeters of spike launched, do 1 damage to him, in a duel) so he does not have infinite ammo. The spikes cut like a shard blade, but do not have the same soul sever thing. Their maximum length is three feet.

Build: He is 7’10’ and his skinny for his size.

Age: 138

Skills: He is a skilled combatant, and torturer.

Gear: None. His spikes are all he needs.

Clothes: He has a pair of fireproof, kevlar pants, and combat boots, that are also fireproof.

Personality: He is absolutely insane. He loves killing, and slaughters any who get in his way, and if nobody gets in his way, he gets in their way. That said, he knows when he can’t win a fight, and will leave if the odds turn against him.

Weakness: He kills almost everyone he meets, and he is in constant pain. Every time he makes a spike, it feels like someone rammed a sword through his arm, or wherever the pike is coming from. He is also, as stated above, insane, so he laughs maniacally, doesn’t feel remorse, at all, and compulsively kills innocents. Also, he has a special vulnerability to soothing/roiting. They do not work as they normally would on him, but he feels immense pain whenever they are used against him, and if he is soothed/rioted strongly enough(ie. Max/Mara with duralumin) he could be destroyed. He also thinks, untruly, that the 17th shard, Death, chose him as their herald to end all life and give then complete dominion. Of course, this is complete nonsense as the 17th shard is not death, nor is it an actual shard, and this has been used by the Bureau who turned him into an enforcer, and assasin.

History: He was a murder on scadrial, and when he died, and Preservation said hello, he bit him then he wandered off, managing to hold on, though he was stretched far, to Sel, where he tried to become a demigod. Then he became this. He went on an interplanetary killing spree before ending up in the Alleyverse, and continuing his ‘good work.’

Guild Affiliation: Bureau of Villainy.


@Silva @Sorana @Clyde Froggins @Vargo Seldon @I think I am here. @Ark's Boyfriend

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"Atonement?" Mac exclaimed, "Who ever said these were the people that needed atoning too? No I don't spike these people, that would go completely against my entire speech  just gave!" He shook his head, she, like all the others just didn't understand. "I do understand why you would find it difficult to understand though. Pathian's all too often find it difficult to understand the motivations of those in the Alleys."

Mac turned just as Laurelai stumbled into the alley. He let her get her bearings then said "Hello Laurelai, I just stopped by to inform Lita of the tunnels that the TUBA members use, but now that the rest of the team is showing up I might as well tell you all. If we just wait a moment, they should be gett- aha! Here they are!" He finished just as KanMein Stumbled out of the alleys, asking for a plan.

"Excellent, you all are here. What I need you guys to do is to  alert the TUBA leaders that we did not release the frying pan things, which you were already doing. In addition to that you need to tell them to expedite the evacuation because the time is soon coming that the DA will be joining the fight. If you want, you can try and use the TUBA member who just showed up to try and figure out where they are. Good luck." With that he turned and walked back into the Alleys, vanishing.

@Voidus @ZincAboutIt @kenod

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11 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Are you going to, uh..." An even longer pause. "..you know, be there?"

Deteca glanced out the door as Daa flew through it, then regretfully shook her head. "I'm not much of a fighter."

1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

What I need you guys to do is to alert the TUBA leaders that we did not release the frying pan things, which you were already doing.


Should I be getting a text or something?


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Lita turned around at Mac's mention of Laurelai and KanMien, mind racing to catch up with her own mouth.

Did he just call me a Pathian?

Before she could do more than frown, Mac had already disappeared into the back of the alley. Lita blinked, then squinted at Laurelai, who had definitely just been soaking wet a moment ago. Her heart was still racing a bit, and a rather-pointless cold sweat broke out on the back of her neck as she realized just how impudent she'd just been.

By the Survivor, that was the stupidest thing I've done in a while. She straightened her coat, checked the spike dagger in her coat pocket, and shoved down the rest of her unspent irritation. Pathian. Not rusting likely.

Lita spat on the ground once, grinding the wetness into the dirt with the toe of her boot, then faced her two colleagues. The TUBA member behind her was still there, she could hear the anxious beating of his heart. Helpful little thing - he could lead them right to their quarry, then have the job done in time for dinner. Or, breakfast, as it was now dawn.

"Glad to see you found the place," she said to Laurelai and KanMien . "Let's play 'good citizen' and deliver our news, shall we? It seems that fortune has been quite obliging."

@Voidus @kenod

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8 minutes ago, Emperor Stick said:

RaiSeel yawned and rubbed her eyes. Where was she? Right, Tena's house after... Crap, I fell asleep! She jumped out of the chair she had been sleeping in and looked around, panicked. "Oh, Rusts! Sorry, I fell asleep, and- wait, what's going on?

Deteca's eyes traced the wall to him. "Most of the guild is evacuating citizens to the tunnels for safety. Our best fighters are going to help attack PlasmaCore, the group causing all of this."

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21 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Deteca glanced out the door as Daa flew through it, then regretfully shook her head. "I'm not much of a fighter."


Neil nodded his head and fell silent. He stood there awkwardly, uncertain of what to do next.

"Uh," he stuttered, "So where are these people meeting up? Exactly?"


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Looking from one to the other, she said, "[the place where they're meeting up because Ene definitely hasn't forgotten]."

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The spren didn't reply and she sighed.
"Just stay here, and I'll find a way to get you back."
His hand was dripping some liquid on the stones and she amended.
"Or rather, I will ask someone who can get you back to normal and then help you go home."

She saw Azrael push past a group of people standing around the door and turned around, looked for Silva. She saw her walking towards her and so she gestured to the door of the building and then headed inside. She hadn't been here before, and she had expected a lot of things, but not something like this. Something had broken the elevator doors open. A problem. Yes, they might have a problem.

"Do you have any information what this could have been?"

She asked Azrael and looked around, corpses, now and then a noise as if something was crawling around.

"I suppose we have to go and search the whole building. For whoever is left, for the place where they create all these things."

@Grey Knight @xinoehp512 @Darth Woodrack


Mike took a step back when Maxwell pulled out the dynamite. Thankfully the problem solved itself, when some Space Marines simply walked through the door. A girl stepped up to them, afte rsomething shrieked and spoke of Lusk, that she was a friend of his. Rust and Ruin a friend of Lusk's. That was bad. He would have prefered to work on their own, without one of Lusk's overseers close by, but alas it couldn't be helped. He was about to reply, to tell her that she could come along and to ask which thing she meant, when she was attacked.

Mike grabbed his knifes, hurled one at the tattered one and then drew another one out of his pocket. He moved towards the skinny figure, one kinfe stabbing at the stomach, the other one going for the head.

@Silva @Darth Woodrack @Ark's Boyfriend @Clyde Froggins @I think I am here. @Vargo Seldon

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2 hours ago, Emperor Stick said:

"I'd say I was skilled at combat. It was what I was created for, so I'll head over to [Place Ene definitely didn't forget]. Anything important I need to know?"

"The Ghostbloods and Dark Alley are fighting with us. Don't fight them, but...don't get too close either. The DA, for one, are all too trigger - all too abomination-happy for my trust."

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8 hours ago, Silva said:

That wouldn't make them not worry about her. "I'm a friend of Lusk Uwik," she said quickly. It wasn't quite true. She'd met him in a bar once, argued with him, then passed out at the sight of blood. Friend was a little bit of a stretch. Acquaintance might have been a better word. The worst case they checked with Lusk.

Lusk was on the ship. The teleportarium had activated but Lusk had chosen to stay behind on the ship. He received a notification. Someone had claimed to be a friend of his.

Asking for a description, Lusk was provided with a photo, and a smile appeared on his face. The Atium Ferring. And what better way to learn how to fight than to be in a warzone?

She’s fine, Lusk typed back and typed something else as well. Give her a communications link.


A Ghostblood squad member was taking to somebody on a device and nodded.

“Hey you!” The squad member shouted to Freedom and threw her an earpiece.



Lusk heard a scuffling as it seemed a fight was going down. “Soldiers!” He yelled over anyone who was wearing a Ghostblood earpiece.

“Remain defensive. We don’t know how many others we can send through the barrier so we can’t lose too many.”


When Mike jumped through the flickering shield Wes did too and he gasped as the shield barely closed behind him.

Following Mike Wes saw some sort of creature attack a woman who seemed to know what she was doing and Mike threw knives at the monster.

Wes yelled and followed, picking up his own knife and trying to run at the monster.


@Darth Woodrack

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8 hours ago, AonEne said:

"The Ghostbloods and Dark Alley are fighting with us. Don't fight them, but...don't get too close either. The DA, for one, are all too trigger - all too abomination-happy for my trust."

"The DA?" RaiSeel said with disgust, "You've got to be kidding. Well, I should get going." and with that, RaiSeel left.

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