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Nerin sighed. Yes, definitely getting a headache. She extended the Soothing to the entire room, feeling her patience beginning to wear thin.

"Alright, everyone just sit down," she said, pointing at the men standing. She took a last drag of her cigarette, then dropped it into a forgotten glass of beer left on the bartop from earlier in the night. It gave a pleasing hiss as the embers fizzled and died. Nerin blew out the stream of smoke in one short, fierce gust. She pointed at Rilen and Aben, each with one hand. 

"You're brothers? Who can both...er... smell emotions? And you had some sort of 'vision'?"

It was ludicrous. Brillin looked as though he agreed with her; his eyebrows had traveled quite far up his forehead, and were beginning to become acquainted with his hairline. 

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Attayl slowly put her knife away again and took a step towars Rilen. Brillin hadn't even moved away from it, although he seemed to be suspicious. Nerin was soothing everybody again, which was alright for her, she didn't mind it, at least not as long as she knew what was going on. The brothers, they were strange, but at least Rilen had covered for her earlier. And so she smiled at him, tried to ease the situation as well.

"Thank you. For letting me sit with you and play along. You left so quickly, I didn't get to say it earlier."


Edited by Sorana
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"You," Nerin pointed at John, eyeing the hand on his sword, "are in no place to make threats. I said sit down, all of you. I've gotten enough rusting blood on my shoes for one night. If you want to kill each other you can go outside."

So many swords - it made no sense. All these people carrying swords like this was the World of Ash? Where was anyone's pistol? Dueling cane?

"It's two in the morning," she said, Soothing the tension out of the room. "I don't know about you all, but I need some sleep, then a good, hot bath. Jeb's going to have kittens once he realizes you all spent the night here..."

Nerin sighed again, flopping into an armchair. "Attayl, you can kip in my room with me. The rest of you will have to settle for an armchair or a cot down here - this isn't that kind of Soothing parlor."

The ghost of a smirk flitted across Nerin's mouth, but she was too tired for wit. 

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John closed his eyes, and calmed down. "I'd rather not make anyone else angry, so I'll go sleep in a friends house for the night. I'll be here in the morning though." He slipped through the door and made his way down the streets. He wasn't necessarily friends with the person he intended to visit: She was a famous Worldhopper that happened to be in the area. He walked up and knocked on her door. A servant opened the door, and he asked for Madam Deoma.


I don't intend to bring Deoma into the story, my character just needs a place to stay the night. If anyone wants, I can create a bio for her.


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4 minutes ago, John Flamesinger said:

John closed his eyes, and calmed down. "I'd rather not make anyone else angry, so I'll go sleep in a friends house for the night. I'll be here in the morning though." He slipped through the door and made his way down the streets. He wasn't necessarily friends with the person he intended to visit: She was a famous Worldhopper that happened to be in the area. He walked up and knocked on her door. A servant opened the door, and he asked for Madam Deoma.



He's welcome to stay the night at the parlor, or not. Whatever you like.


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53 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Nerin sighed again, flopping into an armchair. "Attayl, you can kip in my room with me. The rest of you will have to settle for an armchair or a cot down here - this isn't that kind of Soothing parlor."

The ghost of a smirk flitted across Nerin's mouth, but she was too tired for wit. 

Attayl was about to leave, when she heard Nerin invite her into her room. She had a place to stay the night. She had been invited.

"Are you sure?"

She asked astonished. Nerin wanted to share her room with her.

"Thank you."

She breathed gratefully, looked at her with wide, thankful eyes.

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11 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"Are you sure?"

She asked astonished. Nerin wanted to share her room with her.

"Thank you."

Nerin waved a hand at her. "Of course," she said, yawning. "Unless, of course, you're planning to try something untoward."

Nerin managed a saucy wink at Attayl, who looked remarkably surprised at such a simple invitation. 

You're missing something, Nerin, she thought. Yes, she was definitely too tired for wit.

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12 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Nerin sighed. Yes, definitely getting a headache. She extended the Soothing to the entire room, feeling her patience beginning to wear thin.

"Alright, everyone just sit down," she said, pointing at the men standing. She took a last drag of her cigarette, then dropped it into a forgotten glass of beer left on the bartop from earlier in the night. It gave a pleasing hiss as the embers fizzled and died. Nerin blew out the stream of smoke in one short, fierce gust. She pointed at Rilen and Aben, each with one hand. 

"You're brothers? Who can both...er... smell emotions? And you had some sort of 'vision'?"

It was ludicrous. Brillin looked as though he agreed with her; his eyebrows had traveled quite far up his forehead, and were beginning to become acquainted with his hairline. 


10 hours ago, Sorana said:

Attayl slowly put her knife away again and took a step towars Rilen. Brillin hadn't even moved away from it, although he seemed to be suspicious. Nerin was soothing everybody again, which was alright for her, she didn't mind it, at least not as long as she knew what was going on. The brothers, they were strange, but at least Rilen had covered for her earlier. And so she smiled at him, tried to ease the situation as well.

"Thank you. For letting me sit with you and play along. You left so quickly, I didn't get to say it earlier."



1 hour ago, John Flamesinger said:

"You haven't answered my question: Why are You here?" John had his hand on his hilt.

Rilen stared very pointedly at the guy who  kept asking him why he was here and said, "I'm here because I wanted to make sure Aben was safe," turning to the woman who had opened the door, "yes I had a vision, and simply put we can smell emotions." Rilen looked at the woman who'd sat by them earlier, if he remembered correctly her name was Attayl or something similar. "of course, sorry I left so quickly, I have trouble controlling my emotions and it can be dangerous for others." looking around he thought he had answered everyone's questions, so he found a chair to sit down in, and asked "any other questions?"

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2 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Nerin waved a hand at her. "Of course," she said, yawning. "Unless, of course, you're planning to try something untoward."

Nerin managed a saucy wink at Attayl, who looked remarkably surprised at such a simple invitation. 

You're missing something, Nerin, she thought. Yes, she was definitely too tired for wit.

Attayl smiled tiredly at her, slowly feeling the exhaustion of the long day. She knew she hadn't really grasped yet what had happened, how much she had lost, and won at the same time. They needed to get Brillin into a train tomorrow, and then see what they could do about the situation. We, they. Her thoughts made her pause. When had she started to see herself a part of this group, of the people? She had stumbled in on them by accident, she was no part of this family. Or maybe she was. The way Nerin nonchalantely invited her made her feel warm inside, safe. It was strange, and it felt so good.

"I've had enough of that today, thank you. A place on the ground will be enough for me."

She looked over those assembled and shook her head in reply to Rilen's question if anybody else had a question for him.

"Let's head to bed and talk about the rest tomorrow? We can't change anything right now."


@I think I am here.

@Dr. Dapper


@Emperor Stick


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His back aching from being thrown out the window, John troughed on back toward the Soothing Parlor, hoping to find a place to sleep. If nothing else, he would sleep at the side, and hope the constables wouldn't mistake him as a drunk.

Edited by John Flamesinger
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2 hours ago, John Flamesinger said:

His back aching from being thrown out the window, John troughed on back toward the Soothing Parlor, hoping to find a place to sleep. If nothing else, he would sleep at the side, and hope the constables wouldn't mistake him as a drunk.

Nerin was about to bolt the door again when she saw a lonely, bedraggled figure standing outside the parlor. 

Back again, then? She pulled the door open and waved him inside.

"You're lucky I caught you out there," she said, ushering John within the parlor. "You can sleep where you like, just don't come up the stairs. I'll keep the oil lamp on."

With that, she slide the deadbolt home and nodded to Attayl to follow her up the stairs. It had been a long night, and tomorrow would be a long day.

But for now, sleep.

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Nerin woke suddenly, a watery blur of pre-dawn light pushing its way through the curtains over her window. She reached a panicked hand to her bedside table, scrabbling until - there! Nerin clutched the vial of brass flakes and worked the cork off with her nail, drinking it quickly. Power flared to life inside her, a warm, comforting fire. Control. She was in control.

She leaned against the wooden slats of the headboard, waiting for her heart to stop racing. Attayl lay curled at the foot of the bed in a nest of blankets, the soft rise and fall of her chest barely visible in the dim room. Nerin ran her fingers through her hair, catching several nasty snarls, and grimaced. There would be no more sleep for her after a night of those dreams, though it could hardly be past six in the morning. Suppressing a groan so as not to wake Attayl, Nerin slid out of bed and pulled on her rather threadbare dressing gown. What she needed right now was a bath. 

Once out in the hall, Nerin stepped quietly towards Jeb's door, pleased to hear his grumbling snores. Good, we didn't wake him last night. Jeb was always easier to reason with after a good night's sleep, and she'd need to be quite convincing today. Nerin slipped down the upper hall and opened the small linen closet, lifting out a clean, if rough, towel and a bar of good strong soap. She descended the stairs with a practiced step, careful to avoid the creakiest ones, and slipped past the main parlor room with its broken window. The window was spared an exasperated, withering look as she passed, then she was out in the tiny back "yard." Really, it was more of a closed-off alley, though Jeb had installed a water pump and a small bath stall - something Nerin was very grateful for this morning. A large wooden bucket sat overturned just outside the door, and Nerin picked it up and began pumping icy water into it. Once she had enough, she heaved the bucket into the little stall and hung her robe and towel over the open top. 

It was a little risky having an open bathing stall, but Coinshots rarely came past this way. Nerin peered at the slightly-misty sky cautiously, then shrugged and shucked off her nightdress. The water was icy cold and shocked her fully awake, but it was a good kind of shock: clean and bright, and made even better by a good lather of soap. She worked it into her hair, ladling cold water over her head and scrubbing out the grime and blood and Harmony-knew-what else until she felt much more like her usual self. The water in the bucket was soapy and grey by the time she felt clean enough to dry off with the towel, and she emerged from the stall slightly pink and smiling. She wrung out her long, dark hair on the cobblestones and quietly re-entered the parlor.

This time, she stopped by the ruined window, placing her feet carefully to avoid any missed glass shards, and looked out to the alley wall. Lance's vivid red "calling card" still peeked out through the morning mist, looking, if anything, more red than the night before.

"Well rust me," Neirn whispered incredulously, leaning out through the open frame. "He re-painted it." She was caught firmly between outrage and amusement, and decided to distract herself by combing her hair. Water dripped onto her feet with a quiet "tat, tat-tat" as it wicked off the comb, and she wandered softly into the main parlor to check on the others. Quiet as she could, she went into the back kitchen and put on a kettle for tea, then pulled out a loaf of brown bread, some butter, and jam. She continued combing her hair, waiting for the others to wake up and trying to form a plan for the day ahead.


It is morning time everyone!

@Sorana @Invocation @Dr. Dapper @Emperor Stick @I think I am here. @John Flamesinger @Ark1002 @Turtle373

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Attayl woke, when Nerin startled her by sitting up, but she stayed where she was, quietly curled up beneath the blankets. She waited until Nerin had left the room, then sat up herself and stretched. Her fingers touched her scar, and for a moment she hugged herself, pulled her arms close around her body. She had no place to go. She couldn't spend every night here and she still hadn't found the courage to ask Brillin if she could come along.

She used the water of a bowl to clean herself, then quickly ran her fingers through her hair and braided it back. She had to return to her hideout, fetch her personal belongings, at least a hairbrush, a new set of cloths. But then she feared, who was in charge there, if they would let her leave again.

Walking down the steps she looked for something to clean with and then started to sweep the floors and tables, in the small room next to the main parlor. No need to wake everybody up. After a while she heard Nerin come down, step outside and then walk into the kitchen, but she took her time, finished cleaning the room, including the windows and then headed into the kitchen.

"Good morning."

She greeted Nerin quietly.

"Can I help you with something?"


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Rilen woke up, still tired from what had ended up being a very exhausting  night. He sat up from the chair he had been sleeping in, and it looked as though he was one of the first awake. So he walked towards the back of the parlor where he heard someone moving stuff around, it was Attayl and the other woman from the night before, the one who had seemed to be in charge. He walked in, "Good morning, and can someone tell me what happened last night? I dreamed of danger and my dreams aren't wrong."

@ZincAboutIt @Sorana

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Nerin looked up from the small kitchen table in surprise. "You're up early," she said. "Want a bath? There's a stall outside. Water's colder than the grave, but it's something."

She spotted the rag in Attayl's hand. "Were you cleaning?"

Just then, one of the men from last night walked in - what was his name? Ryder? Rian? Rilen.

"Morning," Nerin said to him, nodding her head towards the bread and butter. "Could you take that back out in the main room?" She gave him a little Soothing to make him more amenable to her request. "We went out dancing last night, ran into some trouble. Farriers made their first move against the Scarlets. Bad business, but we got out fine."

@Sorana @Turtle373

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Just now, ZincAboutIt said:

She spotted the rag in Attayl's hand. "Were you cleaning?"

Attayl nooded at the prospect of a bath and was about to tell her, that she'd love to, but then the woman spotted the rag and suddenly everything felt wrong again. Had she intruded?

"A bath would be great."

She replied and then forced herself to be strong and calm, to cover her insecurity.

"Only the small room. I didn't want to wake anybody. I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries?"

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1 minute ago, Sorana said:

"Only the small room. I didn't want to wake anybody. I hope I didn't overstep any boundaries?"

So nervous, Nerin thought, looking at Attayl. She gave the girl - and she was a girl, Nerin could see it now that she'd removed her eye makeup - a calming smile. "I'll never turn down someone else doing the work around here," she said jokingly. "Stall's outside, there's a water pump and a bucket and soap. I think we might have another towel upstairs. Otherwise, you could use mine I suppose. It's a bit damp but it is mostly clean."

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"Sure," He said without really thinking about it, he picked up the bread and butter and carried it into the main room and set it down on one of the tables in there. Rilen picked up a piece of bread and spread some butter on it and walked back into the kitchen. "Alright, and who are the Farriers and the Scarlets? And whats your name? I didn't get it last night." He asked as he finished off his bread.


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Nerin pointed Attayl in the direction of the back yard and walked out in the main parlor with Rilen. She tugged a piece of bread for herself, spreading it thickly with butter and some jam. "So many questions," she said through her mouthful. "Sound like a conner. 'Where were ya last night?' 'Whodunnit, eh?'"

She swallowed her bite, then sighed softly. "I'm Nerin Falswell, I work here - well, I live here too. Obviously." Nerin gestured to her wet hair and dressing gown. "Farriers and Scarlets are two gangs. Scarlets have owned this part of the Octant for years - as long as I've been here anyway. The Farriers are a new gang - leader's got some kind of special powers, apparently. I think we met him last night; busted up my rusting window. He's..."

Nerin trailed off. What was Lance? A Mistborn? Something else? "Anyway, there was a big fight in Depot 9. We left before it got nasty."


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The front door thumped open, admitting Aben back into the parlor. He stepped smoothly through the empty room, heading for the kitchen. "Morning." he said simply, "I was looking for any gang members." Aben hadn't found a single one. Typical of most criminal rings. "Didn't find anyone."

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