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How do the mists make Vin permanently stronger?

Mushroom Catalog


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Umm, I believe that she was just unnaturally strong and had a deep connection to preservation (so maybe this connection made her stronger? If so it's never explicitly said) The connection to Preservation however let her draw upon the mists in the battle with the Lord Ruler and ascend later, However the hemurlgic spike prevented that from happening. But if breathing in the mist made her permanantly more powerful than would it not make sense for her to make another significant jump after the fight with TLR? This does not occur so I just think your a bit confused on the topic. Sorry!

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I think @Mushroom Catalog might be referring to the difference between Vin and Kelsier, or Vin and Elend. If that is the case (if I am wrong, apologies in advance), then it is not that Vin is stronger, it is that it comes to her more naturally. Kelsier and Elend both have raw power, but Vin can do more with it because it is natural to her. I believe there is either a WoB or mention in the book that the reason for that is because she was Preservation's chosen. 

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Vin is naturally strong because her father comes from an exceptionally pure line, so her sDNA gives her a stronger connection to Preservation than someone like Kelsier. Contrast with Elend who's even stronger because he's a first-generation lerasium mistborn with no dilution. The mists had nothing to do with her natural strength.

Now, the two times in the series that she takes in the mists, what happens is that Preservation is fueling her directly without the need for metals to act as a bridge. That means she can handle more power than normal and doesn't have to worry about running out, but it doesn't have any lasting effect the first time. The second time of course she straight-up Ascends.

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7 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

I think @Mushroom Catalog might be referring to the difference between Vin and Kelsier, or Vin and Elend. If that is the case (if I am wrong, apologies in advance), then it is not that Vin is stronger, it is that it comes to her more naturally. Kelsier and Elend both have raw power, but Vin can do more with it because it is natural to her. I believe there is either a WoB or mention in the book that the reason for that is because she was Preservation's chosen. 

Vin is actually stronger than Kelsier, because of her father being from a pure noble line. Elend, of course, is power powerful than she is, in terms of raw Allomancy, due to the lerasium.

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Ok. This explains a lot. I guess I just thought I read somewhere that she was stronger because of mists when she was younger or something? I don't know. But thanks for the answers! And yes, I have finished era 1, along with the published part of era 2. I can't wait for the Lost Metal to come out! But that might be while...

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8 minutes ago, Mushroom Catalog said:

Ok. This explains a lot. I guess I just thought I read somewhere that she was stronger because of mists when she was younger or something? I don't know. But thanks for the answers! And yes, I have finished era 1, along with the published part of era 2. I can't wait for the Lost Metal to come out! But that might be while...

You might also be thinking of Vin being unusually strong with bronze due to her Hemallurgic spike.

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@Mushroom Catalog your thinking of this bit from HoA.


Vin was special.

    Preservation chose her from a very young age, as I have mentioned. I believe that he was grooming her to take his power. Yet, the mind of Preservation was very weak at that point, reduced only to the fragment that we knew as the mist spirit.

    What made him choose this girl? Was it because she was a Mistborn? Was it because she had Snapped so early in life, coming to her powers even as she went through the pains of the unusually difficult labor her mother went through to bear her?

    Vin was unusually talented and strong with Allomancy, even from the beginning. I believe that she must have drawn some of the mist into her when she was still a child, in those brief times when she wasn't wearing the earring. Preservation had mostly gotten her to stop wearing it by the time Kelsier recruited her, though she put it back in for a moment before joining the crew. Then, she'd left it there at his suggestion.

    Nobody else could draw upon the mists. I have determined this. Why were they open to Vin and not others? I suspect that she couldn't have taken them all in until after she'd touched the power at the Well of Ascension. It was always meant, I believe, to be something of an attuning force. Something that, once touched, would adjust a person's body to be able to accept the mists.

    Yet, she did make use of a small crumb of Preservation's power when she defeated the Lord Ruler, a year before she even began hearing the thumping of the power's return to the Well.

    There is much more to this mystery. Perhaps I will tease it out eventually, as my mind grows more and more accustomed to its expanded nature. Perhaps I will determine why I was able to take the powers myself. For now, I only wish to make a simple acknowledgment of the woman who held the power just before me.

    Of all of us who touched it, I feel she was the most worthy.

Sazed believes that she drew in the Mists when she was very young. 

While it does not explicitly say that is the reason for her strength, I actually wouldn't be surprised if it was a factor. 

Te Mists are Preservation. Just like Lerasium. They are how she Ascended in the end after all. 

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Preservation chose her when she was younger, according to Sazed, and the mists are of Preservation. It makes sense by the end of Hero of Ages why this is relevant and it was a pretty well done revelation by Sanderson

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