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10 hours ago, Invocation said:

"Zerameth. Zerameth Adovani. That's...the only thing I know about myself. What do you mean an alternative?" Zerameth didn't spare a glance for Aln talking to the wall. He, apparently, saw things that weren't there. Why wouldn't she?

Amnesiac therefore, that or he'd really abused copper ferruchemy.

"Zerameth, I am Folorian, happy to meet you. About the alternative, I have the power to to store my memory into copper and the nicrosil part of this medallion contain a copy of this power, by using it you should be able to put a copy of what Aln wanted you to write in the copper part. Normally the memories can only be accessed by the person who stored them but this copper has been modified so anyone can."

Talking about Aln, Folorian could not see her anymore... Of course! she had left the room to fetch some paper and at the same time had left the conversation, she should comeback soon.

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Silence was a constant state for Aln, similar to breathing or having arms. She had no way to distinguish sounds, or even to really understand the concept of noise. Nevertheless, the room was the quietest she had ever heard it.

She could see the flickers of conversation out of the corner of her eye. The others in the room had ignored her panic. Well, why wouldn't they? She was nothing to them.

The Sleepless - it was the Sleepless, right? - was ignoring her too, crawling aimlessly across the floor. Her breath came fast, all remnants of her previous calm vanishing from her mind. Her spren might have said something, but she couldn't hear him over the silence. 

She felt the ghost of pressure on her eyelid, saw the shadow of a demonic grin. For a moment, bullets filled the air around her. She was fifteen again, completely alone, in a world she couldn't understand, listening to people she couldn't hear. From her hands streamed her brother's blood and her own ineffective Stormlight. The faces of all those whom she had failed to help drifted into her mind. Trent. Nultūk. Xena. That Worldhopper girl. The friendly soldier from Roshar. The countless innocents who had died in the war. Temeria.

Knowledge is power, whispered the echo of a distant memory. Well, it wasn't. Because she had devoted her whole life to learning, and she was still helpless. She was so storming helpless. She stared at the bug, hands shaking. She remembered the hatred in Temeria's eyes that morning. Her sister's expression had carried contempt for the coward whom she saw. 

Aln's eyes flickered up, taking in the room. She saw rows of thick books in plain bindings, stretching from the floor to the ceiling. They were from all over the universe. Once, she had run away from those who wanted to hide her in library, sealed off from the outside. She had left her home, seeking adventure, searching for the sort of knowledge that could only be found by living it, not just by reading it. Each fragment of information had been a precious gem, a hard-won victory. Now sshesat, like those books, on a dusty shelf, forgetting and being forgotten by the world.

Because it had been hard, and it had been scary, and she had been alone. But she was still afraid. And she was still alone. 

Hardly realizing what she was doing, she rounded the desk, her purposeful stride carrying her towards the insect. She was tired of the fear. She was tired of being helpless. Her foot raised, and she slammed it into the dark carapace, again and again, and again. The terror remained, but there was something stronger behind it. Aln was done with hiding.


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10 hours ago, mathiau said:

Amnesiac therefore, that or he'd really abused copper ferruchemy.

"Zerameth, I am Folorian, happy to meet you. About the alternative, I have the power to to store my memory into copper and the nicrosil part of this medallion contain a copy of this power, by using it you should be able to put a copy of what Aln wanted you to write in the copper part. Normally the memories can only be accessed by the person who stored them but this copper has been modified so anyone can."

Talking about Aln, Folorian could not see her anymore... Of course! she had left the room to fetch some paper and at the same time had left the conversation, she should comeback soon.

"That...sounds complicated. Maybe it'll work. It's worth a chance." Zerameth cracked his knuckles. "What do I have to do?"

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15 hours ago, Invocation said:

"That...sounds complicated. Maybe it'll work. It's worth a chance." Zerameth cracked his knuckles. "What do I have to do?"

"It's actually one of the rare thing that are harder said than done, if you just try to reach for the power in the nicrosil part and your body will understand how to do it, then you visualize the memory you want to store and you push it into the copper, once again, your body will know how to do it."

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5 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

The bug quivered. But this was a very specific bug. This bug wasn't normal. The bug began to walk forward. It hung onto the front of her shoe. It began to crawl up her leg. It crawled up, onto her chest. It's mandibles clacked, right beneath her chin.

This would be so much more fun, now that she had overcome her fear.

John would break her down, all over again. A small tail unfurled from the back of the bug, and stabbed her, right under the chin, in the soft part of the throat, right under the chin. As it punctured, a fluid left the bug, which pushed backward, off of her chest, and began to scuttle away. 

The venom entered her bloodstream, a venom created over hundreds of human generations.

The venom was made to cause instant, backbreaking pain. Pain so terrible it overwhelms the senses. Pain that makes the person wish they were dead- but the venom doesn't let them. The venom leaves them their, wracked with pain, shivering and shaking and screaming on the floor.

She had stormlight, but the pain was incredibly fast acting, and stayed for hours and hours. So even though she could get rid of it- would she be able think enough to do so?



Was this scene discussed ahead of time? Because if not this is bordering on godmodding, and from what is now an NPC at that.


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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

Was this scene discussed ahead of time? Because if not this is bordering on godmodding, and from what is now an NPC at that.


It was not, we are currently discussing it in our PM


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On 1/21/2020 at 0:21 PM, Ark1002 said:

The bug quivered, but survived. It turned, mandibles clacking, and attempted to crawl up her leg.


Aln recoiled, a familiar flash of terror shooting through her, but she took a deep breath of Stormlight, and tried to brush the bug away. She must have cut quite a ridiculous figure; Stormlight streaming from her skin, she frantically shook her leg, clutching a tiny approximation of a knife in one hand. 

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20 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

The bug clicked in outrage, and again attempted to climb.

Aln backed up hastily, kicking out at it. 

"Get out of my life!" she directed angrily at the bug, not noticing the entrance of the newcomer. "Why are you here?!"

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After nobody answered for a while, Zaphoid decided the woman would probably be more talkative than the bug, so he carefully, deliberately threw a lectern on it. It did not move for a while, so Zaphoid assumed it was dead.

Zaphoid was no scholar, but he needed to know what had happened while he was gone. This place looked as good as any, so he walked up to the woman an asked who she was. Perhaps she would be someone relatively important familiar with the cataloguing system here.

@Rushu42 @Ark1002

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What? What was that sound?

Before I could finished that thought I had turned away from Zerameth and toward the now illuminated part of the world where this sound came from. Noticing Aln an another man beside a fallen lectern I asked them "What happened here? How did this lectern fall?"



As you can see I'm going to try using 1st person with Folorian, I feel it might be better for a character with an unusual way to see the world


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I think he was assuming there was a lectern in the room. 

Edit: GK makes a good point, though I'm unsure if his status as a minor character plot NPC changes that. 


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Honestly I had understood that Zaphoid had thrown a lectern on John and he believe he killed it but, since John can survive being stomped by Aln, he survived. I'm not John dead unless he's cut in half.


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That's why I wrote assumed the bug was dead. That way, Ark can come along and say it's just biding its time or something.


But if the bug survives a lectern falling on it, you should call it Chuck Norris instead of John Cena.

Someone asked Zaphoid what happened.

"Oh, I was just trying alternative, eco-friendly insecticide methods. As for what the good woman is doing, I should like to know myself," he declared inquisitively.

@mathiau @Rushu42

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"Insecticide? Did you throw the lectern on an insect?"

I looked under the lectern for confirmation and found a black chitinous body, it wasn't an insect, rather some kind a crustacean, a cremling maybe...? Black cremling... it remind me of something... In taped my coopermind about Roshar, fauna... types of cremlings... There ! Black cremling, see "Dysan Aimians". Oh.

Turning to Aln "What's this sleepless doing here? Are they a member of the guild or ...?"


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Aln looked around, feeling slightly dazed. Her lectern lay on the ground, having narrowly missed her foot, and the Sleepless was no where to be seen. Instead, she was surrounded by people, one unfamiliar, all of whom were talking at once. The overlapping words filled her vision, and she had to take several steps backwards and a deep breath before speaking. 

"Excuse me," she directed shakily at Zaphoid, "but who are you? Did anyone see what happened to that portion of a Sleepless?"

@Spaceferring @mathiau @Ark1002 @Invocation

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"I", Zaphoid told the shaken woman, "am Zaphoid Beeblerock, spacefarer extraordinaire, Tinkerer of Gods, the monarch of Frogstar B and its entire population of 8 insects. As for what happened to your bug, I may or may not have thrown a lectern on it. You should care more for the hygiene of this place, by the way."

He glanced under the lectern and, unsurprisingly, the bug was gone.

"Hey, where did Chuck go? I was almost certain he was dead..."


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