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Sorry that I haven't posted yet. I was in the middle of writing a response yesterday, but got interrupted - and now it appears that the thread has moved on without me. Also, quick note - Aln hasn't actually said what's going on, other than that it was triggered by a "mental anomaly". From all appearances, it was just a sudden panic attack.

Aln followed behind Everest silently, trying to process the continuous onslaught of thought. She had managed to take control of her panic, but that hadn't stopped the feeling that everything. Every few seconds, some new memory came into her head: a day spent in a city she'd never visited; a conversation with a person she'd never met; the words of a book she'd never read. Oddest of all, it didn't feel as if she was receiving new information. Instead, it was as if the memories had always been there - and now she was simply calling them to mind. I have to assume I'm not crazy, she told Pel as they neared the guild. I could worry about my sanity indefinitely, but if something else is happening here, I may need to act. 

"Do you have a theory?" he responded.

Not yet. If I figure out what exactly I'm remembering, perhaps it'll be a clue to the origins. It's like an alternate universe; I can remember multiple versions of the same event. My 23rd birthday, for example. I can remember that surprise party Trent threw, exactly as happened - but I also remember eating dinner alone in the dining car of a train in Elendel.

"So what are you going to do?"

Well, that's the question. She paused. I think I'll try writing it down. Maybe this'll make more sense on paper.

She suddenly realized that she stood in the library, a conversation drifting around her. A male UrDai now conversed with Everest and the cloaked rope - whom she could only assume was a BioChromatic Entity. "Excuse me," she said, breaking in. "I would stay and chat with you, but I have a rather urgent matter that needs to be studied. Apologies for any commotion that I've caused." And she began to move towards her desk.

@kenod @turtle @Kings_way @Negative_Null

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6 minutes ago, kenod said:

So, is it night right now? Also, there will be a fair amount of stuff coming, since Aylitha figures a guild headquarters would have problematic defences.



I had described it as morning, before, but time is flexible in forum threads, I think. The guild defenses are actually fairly minimal, especially in this timeline. The windows are reinforced, the locks are sturdy, and there's an alarm system, but not much beyond that.


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Just now, Rushu42 said:

I had described it as morning, before, but time is flexible in forum threads, I think. The guild defenses are actually fairly minimal, especially in this timeline. The windows are reinforced, the locks are sturdy, and there's an alarm system, but not much beyond that.



True, but you can still expect multiple invested individuals


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Everest and the being were conversing, and it didn't appear to be enjoying it. Everest, Python sent, It seems to be experiencing some level of discomfort. Maybe you should stop talking to it. There. Hopefully that would help. @turtle @Negative_Null

23 minutes ago, Rushu42 said:

She suddenly realized that she stood in the library, a conversation drifting around her. A male UrDai now conversed with Everest and the cloaked rope - whom she could only assume was a BioChromatic Entity. "Excuse me," she said, breaking in. "I would stay and chat with you, but I have a rather urgent matter that needs to be studied. Apologies for any commotion that I've caused." And she began to move towards her desk.

Python noticed Aln going to a desk, and followed. Is there anything I can do to prevent more psychological harm? It asked. @Rushu42

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7 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

Python noticed Aln going to a desk, and followed. Is there anything I can do to prevent more psychological harm? It asked. @Rushu42

Aln frowned at it. "You're a type IV BioChromatic Entity, correct?" she asked, avoiding the question. "An object granted sentience using Investiture from Nalthis?"

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A tall, older man walks in, wearing a black coat. He has something almost like a utility belt around his waist, and he has a small goatee on his chin.

Upon entering and seeing a woman with metal gloves speaking with a purple cowering alien and another woman talking to an literal rope, he worriedly says  "Oh dear. Have I come at a bad time?"


Edited by AmazingGoob
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11 hours ago, AmazingGoob said:

A tall, older man walks in, wearing a black coat. He has something almost like a utility belt around his waist, and he has a small goatee on his chin.

Upon entering and seeing a woman with metal gloves speaking with a purple cowering alien and another woman talking to an literal rope, he worriedly says  "Oh dear. Have I come at a bad time?"



13 hours ago, Rushu42 said:

Aln frowned at it. "You're a type IV BioChromatic Entity, correct?" she asked, avoiding the question. "An object granted sentience using Investiture from Nalthis?"

Everest sighed, walking away from the cytoversian thing and servaying the room. "Oh dear. Have I come at a bad time?" The voice came from a man with a goatee.

'Yup. Our learder had a panic attack when. she talked about a rosharan restaurant, and Aln, its either a type 5 awakened object or a alivened." Everest said, looking around. "Are you a part of the guild? I honestly don't know. If not, you still might be able to help us study whatever happened to Aln." She directed the last sentence toward the goatee man who looked like a plumber. Maybe she should start calling him plumber man? Everest smiled at the thought, walking over to Aln.

"Aln, what happened? I know you want to study it, but I want to help." Everest said, realizing something. I want to help. I really want to help this person I've only known for two days. During her life, Everest had left people who needed help alone, simply because if she had became attached to them she knew she would loose them. That was the whole point of going to alley city. A place with no rules or law. But now, she truly wanted to help, she wanted to figure out why Aln had wanted to study a mere panic attack. She wanted to help learn all that she could about the universe.

@Rushu42 @AmazingGoob @kenod @Negative_Null



Everest is a good fighter and will probably stay up really late researching if Aln tells her what happened, so I think I'll write her as defending the guild building. Everest can be a bit paranoid at times because of some stuff that happened in her past.


Edited by turtle
First tiny sentence paragraph and @negitive_null
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16 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

Yes, Python replied. I am.

7 hours ago, turtle said:

"Aln, what happened? I know you want to study it, but I want to help." Everest said, realizing something.

"Do you happen to remember any specifics of your creation?" Aln asked Python. Before the rope could respond, however, Everest stepped into view. ""Aln, what happened? I know you want to study it, but I want to help."

Aln hesitated. It was one thing to tell yourself that you're not crazy, and quite another to admit to your subordinates that you're having hallucinations. "It's...not a big deal," she said, glancing away.

"A lie?" 

Aln stiffened at Pel's question, then exhaled softly. Truthwatcher. What does that mean?

She looked back at Everest. "I've started remembering things that never happened."

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1 hour ago, Rushu42 said:

Aln stiffened at Pel's question, then exhaled softly. Truthwatcher. What does that mean?

She looked back at Everest. "I've started remembering things that never happened."

“That’s...” what should she say? It was concerning, but it definitely needed study. “Odd. What do you wanna do?” It was still indecisive, but it was what sounded best. “I think we should study it.” Suddenly, Everest thought of something. “Are you sure these things didn’t happen? What evidence do you have you couldn’t just have forgot a day in your life or had a concussion?” 

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9 minutes ago, turtle said:

“That’s...” what should she say? It was concerning, but it definitely needed study. “Odd. What do you wanna do?” It was still indecisive, but it was what sounded best. “I think we should study it.” Suddenly, Everest thought of something. “Are you sure these things didn’t happen? What evidence do you have you couldn’t just have forgot a day in your life or had a concussion?” 

Aln shook her head. "I'm not remembering a single event, or even a single day. I'm remembering an entire alternate life. The Alleyverse is different too. It's..." she trailed off. A memory fell into place, suddenly, and her eyes widened. "There was a guild," she said slowly, "called the Dark Alley. It was a guild of hemalurgists, incredibly powerful ones." 

She grabbed a newspaper from a nearby table and scanned it quickly. There. "The old legend about the creation of the Alleyverse - in my memories, it was true."

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“The... Dark Alley.” Everest shivered. She hated hemalurgists. Also, dark alleys didn’t sound like fun. “The creation of the alleyverse? That sounds quite interesting. You should write this down. Maybe connect it to a spanreed so you have multiple copies. If it was true...” The weight of the implications of Aln remembering a entire different life settled over her. “This needs to be studied.” 

@Rushu42 @kenod

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Outside of the building creatures started gathering. Originally this had just been a low priority mission, waiting for the night, but now... Deep beneath the city Aylitha stirred, and started making preperations for potential additional reinforcements, and gave the go-ahead for immediate action. Black fog rose up from the streets around the building, and a wolf's howl sounded as the Barghest gathered. A full pack, 10 strong. Two Executors walked behind them.

Part of the pack split of, heading towards the back of the building, while at the front door the executor arrived, a large bone-white halberd growing in its hands. A loud cracking noise resounded through the building as the door was smashed in, and then the fog rolled in, followed by the Barghest.

Beneath the city Aylitha started preparing her contingencies. It would take a day for them to get up, but she needed to have them ready anyway. Deep in the hideouts they took form. Faceless, Schlocks, and worst of all, three Sisters.

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Alvyer really wanted to study the rope. And the strange human apparently remembering old magics. But... there were things outside that looked like they wanted to destroy things, which meant he really needed to get out of here first. He drew his pistol and pointed it at the executor-figure. "Don't come any closer!"


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Is this the second Executor or the one that broke the door? Because if it's the second one I'd suggest running, since there are 5 Barghest there too, further back in the mist. And while it takes a bit to properly kick in, their saliva will knock you out with prolonged contact, and they're fast, even if that gun will probably take them down.

On that note, here's the basics on the creatures in question:




Appearance: tall (6'5''), bipedal creature whose limbs look too large, and is capable of walking on four feet as well. Covered in a coarse, black fur, with a head like that of a wolf-hound, with strange slime dripping from its jaws. Overall, its body has a thin and scrawny look. It's eyes are completely red. Instead of barking it lets out a noise similar to that of rattling chains.

Sometimes found in packs.



Appearance: A knight, covered in bone-white armour plates, with small amounts of tar-like skin being visible through the cracks. Looks heavy-set with muscles, but the armour doesn't look as if it has any flexibility


This is basically immediately observable stuff. Since these creatures can be found sometimes in the caverns and sewers the scholars guild would probably have additional info, so if you want to I can pm additional details to all of you. Otherwise, these observations should still give a few hints about how to counter them/escape.


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@kenod @Negative_Null @Rushu42 @turtle @Kings_way
With every word said about hemalurgy, alternate lives, and legends of dark organizations spoken, the new arrival's interest and concern increases.
"Now what have I gotten myself into now?" he muses to himself. "Only a week inside the city, and you've already managed to walk right into a grand conspiracy..."
Then the Executor arrives.
As the door is smashed, the newcomer spins around, a piece of chalk already clutched in his fingers. Seeing the monstrosities at the door, he curses and starts to draw lines of forbiddance, trying to block off the door from the... whatever they were.

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Ah, alright.

The Executor stayed silent, its halbard vanishing again. It would have been useless in enclosed spaces like this, and besides, the chance of accidental deaths would have been too high. Slowly it started walking forwards again, apparently either not interested in clever tactics or self-preservation, or maybe just not capable of it.

Back on the streets, behind the destroyed door, the sound of clanging chains and footsteps could be heard. They would need to act fast, before reinforcements arrived.


What kind of windows and internal walls does the place have? Also, leaving it off here for today to give the others a chance to respond


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Well, he wouldn't be escaping outside. There were other things out there, probably ones even scarier than whatever this was. There was too much going on in here.

There were these wolfish things prowling the room

A human drawing in chalk on the floor

This strange armored... thing, walking towards them

A rope in a cloak

And of course, more humans

All Alvyer could think to do was to try and find another way out. He looked around for another exit to the library, making sure to keep his gun trained on the Executor. It obviously wasn't very scared of the gun, but there were cracks in its armor where he could maybe get a shot through if it got too close to him.

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As the creature leveled its gun at the... other creature? Everest jumped, pulling out her fabrial and attaching it to her arm. Everest whipped out a set of aluminum throwing knives and shouted “protect Aln!” She knew Aln had little fighting experience, but the others seemed to have some. Everest touched  the person who seemed to want to kill at least one of them, making the person glow. Whatever this person touched would slide off them. Everest activated her light line, hurling herself to the other side of the room. 


There’s a courtyard outside that they could run to if they where fast enough. I won’t be able to post for a bit so dont expect me to be able to do anything important.


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8 minutes ago, turtle said:

As the creature leveled its gun at the... other creature? Everest jumped, pulling out her fabrial and attaching it to her arm. Everest whipped out a set of aluminum throwing knives and shouted “protect Aln!” She knew Aln had little fighting experience, but the others seemed to have some. Everest touched  the person who seemed to want to kill at least one of them, making the person glow. Whatever this person touched would slide off them. Everest activated her light line, hurling herself to the other side of the room. 



Am I "the person"? I know we're still playing the pronoun game but that was kind of confusing


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1 hour ago, kenod said:

What kind of windows and internal walls does the place have?


Here's the building layout. Apologies for the handwriting.




Aln started reaching for a pen, in response to Everest's advice, when suddenly a hundred things happened at once. The door smashed to the floor, and dark fog began to gather outside. She inhaled enough Stormlight to enhance her speed and reflexes, then dove to the floor behind her desk. A quick glance gave her a better look at the invaders, and she was surprised to realize that she recognized what they were. Bhargests could often be found hunting underneath the city. They weren't amazingly dangerous on their own, but this looked like a whole pack. Executors were more rare. As the others prepared to fight, she frantically began to wrack her brain for information, trying to sort through her two sets of memories.

1 hour ago, kenod said:

Since these creatures can be found sometimes in the caverns and sewers the scholars guild would probably have additional info, so if you want to I can pm additional details to all of you. Otherwise, these observations should still give a few hints about how to counter them/escape.


I'm not nearly as smart as my character, so I'd love some extra info. (Hopefully I didn't get anything wrong in this post.)Thanks! How similar are the Bhargests to the D&D creatures of the same name?


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