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The Spooky Spiketacular Extravaganza!


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Lizanne nodded.

"I can't help you up."

She stated, gesturing towards her leg. She probably could, but her leg already protested every step, and there were enough around, so that there was no need to further harm it.

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Renata looked up from inspecting the corpse of a server, taking note of his horrified expression in her notebook. His was the third body she'd seen, and all of them had roughly the same expression. Something bothered her about the cohesiveness of this; death was horrifying, to be sure, and a collapsing house was certainly enough to cause this amount of terror. But the fact that this expression was so consistent disturbed her. For one thing, several of the servers had been crushed beneath pillars, beams, or sections of roofing. Renata would expect that at least some of them would bear expressions of pain, but there were none. Only this deep terror.

Were they dead before the building collapsed? She thought, the idea sending a shiver down her spine. If so, what had killed them? The transfer to a new place?

This definitely was a new place - the skyline bore no buildings, no twisting maze of Alleys and towers. Renata would have known even if she couldn't see the absence of the Alleycity; there was something in the air here, an oddness. She stood, turning in time to see Hellbent slashing his Shardblade at the walls of the twisting stone tower.

"What are you doing?" She called in alarm, watching as the tall tower listed drunkenly beneath Hellbent's slashes. A light continued to flicker at the top.


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Renata watched the tower lean further and further towards them.

"Get out of there!" She screamed toward the cellar, then bolted across the house and vaulted over what was left of a wall. Her feet hit dirt and she kept running, stopping only as a wave of dizziness struck her, causing her to stumble.

Head wound, she thought, staggering and then sinking down. Bright spots appeared before her eyes, which she blinked rapidly, forcing them to stay open. Renata took a deep breath and turned, hand still clutching her sphere and notebook. She could see her dagger lying about ten feet away on the ground. 

"Almighty," she whispered, watching the tower begin to fall in earnest now.

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Lisa stood in a corner, hugging herself, sickened by the sight of the corpses and the gore, feeling nauseous from the scent of blood. Walking away from the group she bend over, puking over the ground.

Just when she was starting to recover she heard a large, groaning sound. Turning around she slowly watched the tower sag. "Oh no," she muttered in shock, and dove behind one of the few walls that were still somewhat intact, hoping that it would protect her from any stones flying her way.


So I'm not quite sure in which direction the tower is collapsing, or how wide it is, but I figure that with the distance Lisa has walked she is outside of the area that'll be directly crushed by the tower, and the wall should stop any stones flying her way.


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I’m pretty sure it was stated in the planning thread that those in the cellar are safe?


9 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Arun takes the piece if wood, “Oh, thank you.” 

Wilhelm saw how she needed help to get up, and the skinny woman could not help for her own issues. Both of them, such easy prey...

Wilhelm extended a hand to the girl. “This is for one time, and one time only.” He said.

Helping was bad. Then the people you helped never grew strong, they just relied on you. The baby bear would accomplish nothing if it stood by its mother its whole life.


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Jack watched the man slash at the base of the tower. That idiot, colors above he didn't know what was going on, but that idiot was going to kill them all. As the tower began to crash, he broke into a sprint, away from the others, away from that giant. The farther he stayed away from him the better. As the tower crashed into the house and the ground, he found himself separated from the others in the group, on the other side of the wreckage. Next to him was a shattered window pane, and he picked up a large shard of glass for safekeeping.

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Lizanne heard a groaning noise.

"The tower. It's collapsing. We should get to the side, hope that the ceiling stops it."

She pointed towards one direction and started to limp over there as fast as she could, cursing herself that she had given the crutch away. It would have made walking so much easier.

@Blessing of Potency

@I think I am here.


Edited by Sorana
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38 minutes ago, Sorana said:

She pointed towards one direction and started to limp over there as fast as she could, cursing herself that she had given the crutch away. It would have made walking so much easier.

Wilhelm looked to the tower and forced Arun up, then followed Lizanne. Since he didn’t need a crutch he could catch up to her fairly easily. “Is that limp permanent?” He asked.

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47 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Wilhelm looked to the tower and forced Arun up, then followed Lizanne. Since he didn’t need a crutch he could catch up to her fairly easily. “Is that limp permanent?” He asked.


Lizanne leaned against the wall and pulled up the leg of her pant. Crude scars covered her leg, told a tale of an old injury that hadn't healed properly.

"I broke my leg a few years ago. I guess I can be happy to be able to walk at all."

She let the pant leg fall down again, covering the scars.

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8 minutes ago, Sorana said:

She let the pant leg fall down again, covering the scars.

Wilhelm was silent. He knew the feeling of a permanent injury, it’s mark on you. He brought a hand to his eyepatch, touching it lightly.

“Where I come from, a broken leg means you’re easy prey. Well, broken anything, to be honest.” He looked to the place where the scars had been. “But it is good this wasn’t the case for you.”

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13 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Wilhelm was silent. He knew the feeling of a permanent injury, it’s mark on you. He brought a hand to his eyepatch, touching it lightly.

“Where I come from, a broken leg means you’re easy prey. Well, broken anything, to be honest.” He looked to the place where the scars had been. “But it is good this wasn’t the case for you.”

Lizanne laughed bitterly.

"I escaped and I survived. Few manage. I am no easy prey, whoever tries to take me down, I will try to kill with everything I have."

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3 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Lizanne laughed bitterly.

"I escaped and I survived. Few manage. I am no easy prey, whoever tries to take me down, I will try to kill with everything I have."

Wilhelm nodded. He wouldn’t attack her anyway. She was too thin.

Well, Wilhelm wouldn’t hurt anyone anyway, regardless of weight or nutritional value. He really needed to hammer the thought down. “Escaped?” He instead asked, letting the rest of the question ask itself.

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4 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Wilhelm nodded. He wouldn’t attack her anyway. She was too thin.

Well, Wilhelm wouldn’t hurt anyone anyway, regardless of weight or nutritional value. He really needed to hammer the thought down. “Escaped?” He instead asked, letting the rest of the question ask itself.

"So we're shribg our sorry stories now?"

Lizanne flinched when a stone hit the ground above them. It wouldn't take long until the tower had fallen down completely.

"I was captured by traders as a child. Grew up a slave. Escaped. That's the short version."

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11 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"So we're shribg our sorry stories now?"

Lizanne flinched when a stone hit the ground above them. It wouldn't take long until the tower had fallen down completely.

"I was captured by traders as a child. Grew up a slave. Escaped. That's the short version."

“Well, unless you’d rather talk about that large rusthead over there there isn’t much else to talk about,” he gestured to Hellbent with his Shardblade.”

He heard her story about being a slave. That explained the thinness. And the fact she’d escaped - that was enough for Wilhelm to respect her, for now. “Well, it is certainly a tougher story than some of the others, I think. Like the noblewoman, I wonder why she’s here.”

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4 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“Well, unless you’d rather talk about that large rusthead over there there isn’t much else to talk about,” he gestured to Hellbent with his Shardblade.”

He heard her story about being a slave. That explained the thinness. And the fact she’d escaped - that was enough for Wilhelm to respect her, for now. “Well, it is certainly a tougher story than some of the others, I think. Like the noblewoman, I wonder why she’s here.”

"What's your story?"

She asked, while moving closer to the wall. She didn't trust the ceiling, but if it broke, the chances were higher that it would break in the middle of the room.

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5 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Arun uses the piece of wood to support her injured leg and limps over to the wall where the other two where standing. 


The good thing is, if we need to run away Lizanne isn't the only one who gets eaten anymore :P


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