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Rob looked to Andrew and walked over. He put a hand on his shoulder and took the knife from the table, washing it.

As he finished, he took a slice or the pizza and walked back to the couch. 8:05. Homework time.

Slowly he began pondering the question his Philosophy teacher had gave him. If you could sacrifice yourself to save 15 people, but one of them was your worst enemy, would you do it?

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1 hour ago, BringerofShadows said:



An RP where a bunch of teenage Radiants live in a house together. It’s really fun! I think we have a few spots left, so you can join if you want.


Edited by Lunamor
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Name: Revel Nightshade 


Appearance: Normal emo teenage girl, (other than the fact she’s a Dustbringer) a bit unstable, loves horror novels. Dark black hair, stormy gray eyes. Normally wears trench coats or black. 


Abilities: Skybreaker. Duh. Her spren’s name is Torrance.


Background: Her Mother and Father are both an Alcoholics, her life is still a mess even though her family is rich from inheritance. She’s an only child  and was abused, until she ran away.


2nd Ideal Skybreaker.





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8 hours ago, Dr. Dapper said:

Doc watched the news for a bit longer, then got up and headed for his study. A minute later, the doorbell rang and he hopped up to answer it. Two very confused pizza guys stood there. They appeared to have come at thes same time. Well, they would both win a prize, then. He paid them both and gave each atip before taking the pizzas and going into the living room.

He took a deep breath, bracing himself, before yelling "Pizza's here!"

I wandered over to the pizza, yawning as I did so. After grabbing a slice, I headed upstairs to eat.

6 hours ago, NoiseSpren said:



Careful about the cursing, okay? We usually don't do that in RPs. I should've clarified that earlier. (Ax, Lith, stay cleaner than Shae without a soulstamp. CENSOR.) ^_^

5 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Jason hummed, sitting on a fencepost as he called Ax. 


And there's the humming. :ph34r:

I'm Mountain Time Zone - Utah.

Welcome, BoS and Lith! BoS, I don't have troubles with the backstory - just so long as she isn't irrationally melodramatic - but I'd prefer that we fill up the Radiant slots we have before introducing a third set. We have a free Skybreaker, Edgedancer, Stoneward, and Bondsmith; you could easily give them the same character, though I believe Dapper planned on the Bondsmiths being all around the world.

On that note, if a couple more people join, what do you all think about opening up a third set of Radiant orders? Or should we keep it to two, and have others be ordinary people - in on it or not - or Voidbringers? Newcomers could also take over inactive characters if we ever have any, just as an option.


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1 hour ago, AonEne said:

I wandered over to the pizza, yawning as I did so. After grabbing a slice, I headed upstairs to eat.



1. I thought that the lightweaver for the first group was free?

2. I can easily be a normal person not in on it yet.


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1. ‘irrationally melodramatic’? @AonEne

2. @JacobClaessen, I don’t give a crap on what you think about Revel’s backstory. Her parents had already had a drinking problem, and having a sudden influx of money to spend on more drinking did not help. They had rough upbringings too, Revel’s  grandfather was also abusive. Her mother is also abused, and became and alcoholic because of this. 

3. I don’t think tagging  someone in a quote box works, does it?

4. Let’s make Revel a Skybreaker instead. (Division is too much fun to give up) I’ll just edit my original post

5. I forgot which ideal does what. Could someone re-explain it for me, please?



Edited by BringerofShadows
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"You should do more sport, you know?"

She told Ben, but made sure to smile to soften her comment. She knew she needed to study more if she wanted to have a chance to go to a good college.

"I guess something defensive fits you better? Do you have and idea what kind of weapon you'd like to wield?"


Mahad stayed silent, as to not disturb the hatchlings. But his body swirld faster, showing his excitement.




To 3. No it doesn't.

To 4. Ozelot made a great summary, which is on page 20 I think. Maybe 21. You can adjust that one a bit, to fit your character e.g. be better in one surge than the other and so on. Apart from that I think we'll go with getting your blade at  3rd and your plate 4th. Not sure about that though.


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Name: Revel Nightshade 


Appearance: Normal emo teenage girl, (other than the fact she’s a Skybreaker) a bit unstable, loves horror novels. Dark black hair, stormy gray eyes. Normally wears trench coats or black. 


Abilities: Skybreaker. Duh. Her spren’s name is Torrance.


Background: Her Mother and Father are both an Alcoholics, her life is still a mess even though her family is rich from inheritance. She’s an only child  and was abused, until she ran away.


3rd Ideal Skybreaker.


Thank you! 


Edited by BringerofShadows
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10 hours ago, ShadowLord_Lith said:

He obeyed, biting his lip nervously and sitting on the bed while he waited.

Ax walked in after Jason and closed the door behind him. He sat down on his spinny-chair and pushed it over so he was sitting opposite his boyfriend. “First, did you actually put those posters up, and second, are you hurt?”


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He looked away. "Mostly... I didn't leave their real numbers or addresses, but I only change three numbers for each. And no... I think the worst they did was dumping out my paint while trying to throw it at me. I'm fine." He smiled, sighing. Paint wasn't cheap... at least they'd covered each other with the stuff.

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