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Alleyverse Character Discussion


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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, SzethTheHonorblade said:

So how many characters can we have and where in the heck is the main plot?


Recommended 1 or maybe 2 to start with, unfortunately the main plot has stagnated for a while now, we hit a bit of inactivity after covid. But there are a few threads that are trying to revitalize things so maybe check out one of those.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/6/2021 at 4:33 AM, SzethTheHonorblade said:

how many points would a boon from the Nightwatcher that gives me a direct connection to investiture cost? And what would the curse be?

You get to decide the curse, and knowing what that is would probably help. Also knowing what that boon would give your character. 

On 1/25/2022 at 1:02 PM, Tani said:

Am I allowed to have an Epic have a weakness of knowing he was wrong or had done something wrong?

I'd say yes. 

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  • 1 month later...
14 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:
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Name: Darien Tanlend, but also his brother Elek Tanlend.

Physical Characteristics: has short messy auburn hair and has green eyes. he has a thin strength about him, he is tall and thin. he is 22.

Investiture: lightweaver of third ideal.

Skills: skilled with knives and martial arts. has good art skills and can be found doodling on a piece of paper. he is good at forensics and solving mysteries.

Equipment: two steel knives, has a pad of paper and a set of pencils. he has a flask of water at his side always and a pouch of money.

Weakness: (I wanted to say kryptonite but that would be ridiculous) truth about himself and Elek.

Family: his family was killed, they were officials on a journey to another city and brigands ambushed them and killed them.

Home Planet: alley verse.

Backstory: when he was three he was left with a babysitter and his parents and the rest of his family went on a business trip but they were ambushed by brigands. He lived on the streets for most of his childhood but he found the ghostbloods eventually and joined them when he was fifteen

Guild (can be unaffiliated): Ghostbloods.

Psyche (can be combined with personality if necessary): he is two people in one. he can switch who is in control of his body, him or his brother Elek. when he does this it seems like he goes into a daze for a couple seconds. switching makes no physical difference except for his eye color which changes to blue when he switches to Elek.

Personality: serious at times. quick to make a sarcastic comment or pun. quick to smile.

Appearance: [The artistically inclined are welcome to include an illustration of their character.]

Theme Song (optional): What could have been by Sting and Ray Chen.

Fighting Style: judo, kung fu and karate. he also is fond of and is skilled at knife fighting. 

here is a character I made for the alley verse! this will be fun! I hope it is fine if I make my character two characters in one? they would be able to switch who is in control of the body, one of them is Darien the other is Elek.

Having two characters in one has been done before, since both halves of your character it shouldn't pose problem

(I'm not a mod though)

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3 minutes ago, mathiau said:

Having two characters in one has been done before, since both halves of your character it shouldn't pose problem

(I'm not a mod though)

okie. I have been thinking of this character for a long time, I might use them for one of my own books so this should really just be a test for my character.

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On 3/2/2022 at 10:52 AM, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:
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Psyche (can be combined with personality if necessary): he is two people in one. he can switch who is in control of his body, him or his brother Elek. when he does this it seems like he goes into a daze for a couple seconds. switching makes no physical difference except for his eye color which changes to blue when he switches to Elek.

here is a character I made for the alley verse! this will be fun! I hope it is fine if I make my character two characters in one? they would be able to switch who is in control of the body, one of them is Darien the other is Elek.

How and why is this part a thing? If you are RPing a plural system I'd like to be sure you understand what you're doing, because this is not a throwaway Lightweaver thing. 

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

How and why is this part a thing? If you are RPing a plural system I'd like to be sure you understand what you're doing, because this is not a throwaway Lightweaver thing. 

*cocks head* I half understand what you just said. I did my character like that because of a thing called human chimeras. it is a real thing, look it up. it has been something I have been thinking about writing or RPing. Human chimeras are people who were merged with their sibling before birth. sometimes they are two separate people in one body, this isn't always physically apparent. could you please explain what you mean by plural system?

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18 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

*cocks head* I half understand what you just said. I did my character like that because of a thing called human chimeras. it is a real thing, look it up. it has been something I have been thinking about writing or RPing. Human chimeras are people who were merged with their sibling before birth. sometimes they are two separate people in one body, this isn't always physically apparent. could you please explain what you mean by plural system?

What you described sounded to me a lot more like a mental combination than a physical one - like Shallan with Veil and Radiant, or like DID systems. From my own research, it doesn't sound like two separate minds are possible or at least have ever occurred before in human genetic chimerism, and while one's eyes might be different colors, they wouldn't shift back and forth regularly. 

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Just now, AonEne said:

What you described sounded to me a lot more like a mental combination than a physical one - like Shallan with Veil and Radiant, or like DID systems. From my own research, it doesn't sound like two separate minds are possible or at least have ever occurred before in human genetic chimerism, and while one's eyes might be different colors, they wouldn't shift back and forth regularly. 

yeah, how I put it, it would be more extreme. it wouldn't be physical it would be more mental, the biggest problem is how they would be two people as you said. it is something I think is super interesting and plan on writing into one of my books with more research, I just wanted to test it out with this. yeah it seems more like DID than chimerism. I just think Chimerism as a super power sounds like something interesting to implement into a book or rpg. I think it does sound more like DID. what if it was a combination of DID and chimerism and the trauma affected him so much that he has DID and imagines his chimera brother in real life, this also pairs with his lightweiving.

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Hi Thaidakar! Sounds like a super interesting idea for a book or rpg, though to be honest, I think that if physical/mental disorders aren’t RP’d with proper sensitivity to the real people who have them, it can cause issues around other RPer’s comfort. If you want to test him out in the Alleyverse, maybe an easier solution than him having both DID/chimerism is to have him Hemalurgically spiked with his brother’s soul? You still have a two-in-one person (with obvious trauma from the spiking) but don’t have to worry about heavy research and representing mental/physical disorders that people actually have. Other than that, the character looks great :)

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8 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Hi Thaidakar! Sounds like a super interesting idea for a book or rpg, though to be honest, I think that if physical/mental disorders aren’t RP’d with proper sensitivity to the real people who have them, it can cause issues around other RPer’s comfort. If you want to test him out in the Alleyverse, maybe an easier solution than him having both DID/chimerism is to have him Hemalurgically spiked with his brother’s soul? You still have a two-in-one person (with obvious trauma from the spiking) but don’t have to worry about heavy research and representing mental/physical disorders that people actually have. Other than that, the character looks great :)

yeah, that sounds easier, I can go change my character thing to make it like that. 

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I’m curious if we should consider allowing some power creep in new characters, especially as we go through a bit of a revival. If things get out of hand we can always reset once the Era ends, since it is by nature a hard reset. Just with one of the new proposed characters being a Mistborn, I haven’t really seen any of those approved in a while. But it might be fun to see if people can be civil with their more powerful characters during this specific era, since there’s a great reason for mandating any needed changes built right in. 

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16 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

I’m curious if we should consider allowing some power creep in new characters, especially as we go through a bit of a revival. If things get out of hand we can always reset once the Era ends, since it is by nature a hard reset. Just with one of the new proposed characters being a Mistborn, I haven’t really seen any of those approved in a while. But it might be fun to see if people can be civil with their more powerful characters during this specific era, since there’s a great reason for mandating any needed changes built right in. 

I do think there's a lot of value in less powerful characters and solving problems without just applying the right metal, but I think the point cap could go up to allow Mistborn and higher-level Radiants with sufficient character weaknesses. For one thing, we're starting to get characters that powerful in the main books (namely Kaladin), and we also definitely ran into the problem where only a handful of characters could conceivably fight the DA's creatures without depending on plot armor instead of inherit durability/healing.

(Speaking of power creep, I'm trying to create a fully-metallic-Cassie... not entirely sure how she'd score on points, but I don't have a score for Byron either so idk).

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2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

For one thing, we're starting to get characters that powerful in the main books (namely Kaladin), and we also definitely ran into the problem where only a handful of characters could conceivably fight the DA's creatures without depending on plot armor instead of inherit durability/healing.

Kaladin at first ideal was already at least 150 points (skilled melee+average surgon+1st oath radiant) so I don't think we can say we're just starting to get them in the main books

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Couple things I want to point out, just so we are aware of why things are they way they are now.

The first, is that the reason we went to lower powered characters in the first place, wasn't that people were being too silly or un-civil (though that did happen), it was more that the community voted that they wanted to experiment with telling stories of low powered people in general. We didn't have room for people to have a character that was just a normal dude with a couple powers because each person they came across was a mistborn or a knight radiant with 3 awakened swords and anger issues.

The second, is that the DA's creatures were designed to be nigh unbeatable to even the strongest of hero's, and particularly with the one guarding the worldspike, that was written so that no one could beat it, not even Voidus. They were more of a set piece and a backdrop then something you were actively supposed to go against. 

Also, I think now that we have the original writer of the plot back, we should be able to come to a resolution regarding the plot that wont run into the same issues as last time, where the whole process was unbeatable simply because we didn't have a McGuffin.

Finally, I don't think we stated this publicly, but before the RP kinda died, we did approve a couple characters that had experienced a ton of development in RP and thus we allowed them to go beyond the normal point cap. Sort of like overcoming your weaknesses, or gaining new skills or swearing another oath. I would be down to take some time and look through developing characters and give them an aok for a point boost if people wanted to do that.

I don't think it would be unreasonable to have characters systemically level up as they go through era's (particularly with radiant swearing oaths, or gaining fighting abilities or cool magic gear), but I am a little cautious of just having people join in with high powered characters as historically, they have tended to have lackluster development (and this is coming from someone who had such a character).

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We do also have an explicit approval process for such characters and if someone's primarily heading the plot for an era they have leeway to create and authorise such characters if they're needed for plot reasons.

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Something else to consider is that if you wanted a more powerful character, they would more readily attract Aylitha's shadow creatures once they had dissonant memories. So they would face greater obstacles, obstacles that would be deadly to lesser powered characters, which could make sharing scenes difficult.

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