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Shadows of self theories *Spoilers*


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There doesn't seem to be a speculation page for the next mistborn novel, Shadows of Self. So I've decided to start one.


First of all, many of my theories are based of the content already released. If you have not read the first 2 chapters of Shadows of Self, then read it here.


OK, so it seems fairly obvious that this novel focuses on Wax, Wayne & Marasi vs. 'The Set', a group led by Wax's uncle.


However, everything from here is pure speculation, but here goes.


The aim of the 'Vanishers' stealing the goods was to financially cripple House Tekiel, which means that they would have probably been able to prevent the something they are trying to achieve from occuring.


Then, there are the kidnappings. This is probably part of the scheme, and due to the fact that they are all part of the same Allomantic bloodline, and that they are all women, it seems likely that they are planning to 'breed' Allomancers. This means that it would be a very long term plan.


I have a hunch that the climax of the book will be the wedding. The way that the wedding seems to be at the forefront of things despite super-evil uncles trying to take control of the world just makes me think that.


I also have a hunch that there is a secret about Steris. The way Marasi said so confidently that Steris wasn't an Allomancer makes me think that there is a story behind it, which might come out in this novel. However, she still might be a Ferring.


Now we come to Miles's last words,talking about people of 'red and gold' coming bearing 'the final metal'. What the 'red and gold' means, I can't begin to guess, but 'the final metal' makes me think that there may be one more metal Brandon has kept close to his chest.


And finally, Bloody Tam's re-emergence. I have a feeling that he is a Seer (Atium Misting) who has found some Atium somehow, (remember, when Kelsier destroyed the Pits of Hathsin, it was meant to stop Atium growing for 300 years, which is the amount of time that has passed since The Final Empire, so perhaps the mines might be in the new world) and is working for the Set in exchange for... something.


They're all the theories that I have. Feel free to post any of your own.

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I always thought that the kidnappings had to do with stealing their powers through hemalurgy, rather than just creating a breeding program.  Hence the whole Bloody Tam stuff--he's been experimenting with hemalurgy.

Edited by Lightning
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I think we've got WoB that Bloody Tam is not an atium misting, but that it is a very good question to be asking. Personally, I have the feeling that the Set have got ahold of some God Metal, maybe Atium or even Harmonium, and have 'discovered' a new alloy for it. We know out of world that the God metals can alloy with all the other metals to produce a variety of effects... We could be seeing one of those.

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Here's the WoB:


Was Bloody Tan an atium misting?

Brandon Sanderson

No, he was not. Good question.




As for the bit about the Pits of Hathsin producing atium again at the time of Alloy, I see this come up all the time but there are serious issues with that.  One, we have no idea where Kelsier got the "300 year" time frame from, we have absolutely no evidence that it is an accurate understanding of the Pits.  Two, the Pits no longer exist.  They were destroyed during the Final Ascension.  The small wells of Ruin's Shardpool beneath them (and the Well of Ascension) are no more.  Three, Sazed/Harmony wouldn't need the Pits to make atium.  The Pits were created by Preservation to forcefully remove portions of Ruin's power without his consent, Harmony is in control of both powers now he can (probably) just will some atium into existence.

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I always thought that the kidnappings had to do with stealing their powers through hemalurgy, rather than just creating a breeding program.  Hence the whole Bloody Tam stuff--he's been experimenting with hemalurgy.


But if Marasi was correct in saying that Steris wasn't an Allomancer, than there would be no reason why they would kidnap her, as a spike from Steris wouldn't do anything.


And also, if you were to were using the hostages as hemalurgic victims, you wouldn't only kidnap women.

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Any thoughts on what Spook is going to reveal in his book? It's reminiscent of the documents from the first three books (Alendi's journal, Kwaan's message, Sazed's book). A lot of things point to Hemalurgy being rediscovered. Wax doesn't even know what Hemalurgy is right now...

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Just finished alloy of law and for shadow of self I think Brandon left some clues in epilogue, like vanishers were not part of the whole plan they were used only for robberies and kidnappings and as it was mentioned that since tekeil are on bring on collapse and there stocks are going for pennies I think the plan there was to buy cheap shares and then let house tekeil recover and take indirect control of house tekeil with majority shares.

Second thing is the return of Marsh who is almost as powerful as Lord ruler because he has both powers allo and feru, I suppose it is his plan to kidnap ladies who are directly related to spook to see if any of them is a mistborn, who is able to kill him. I hope that the mastermind behind "The set" will be revealed at the end of part 2.

I have some theories about wix and the girls but that I will post later

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I'm not sure, but I don't think it was Spooks book. I believed it was Ironeyes/Marsh's book, which he gave to Marasi to give to Wax at the end of AoL. It WoB or the book said otherwise, please find the quote and post it. It might be possible, however, that the book hinted it was Spooks, even though it was not, such as when Alendi's diary was believed to have been the Lord Ruler's diary, or Sazed's diary was thought to be Vin's diary.

Edited by TenSoon
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Well just as you said they are all speculations. As far as wedding is concerned I doubt wax will marry steris now because saving house ladrian won't be on his priority list now.

The book Marsh gave to marasi can be either his or sazed's. I mentioned spook because the women kidnapped were traced back to Lord mistborn (spooks).

Maybe in second part we will also get to know about koloss blooded because first Trilogy said koloss can't reproduce so it's hard to understand koloss blooded allomancers origin.

I have a feeling that Marsh is the main character behind the set and kidnappings have something to do with mistborns because breeding a army from 5 women is indeed a very long term plan and I don't see that happening.

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I'm not sure, but I don't think it was Spooks book. I believed it was Ironeyes/Marsh's book, which he gave to Marasi to give to Wax at the end of AoL. It WoB or the book said otherwise, please find the quote and post it.


It wasn't Marsh.


Q: Was the book Wax reading written by the guy who gave it to him?


A: No, it was not.


Me: Spook?  Sounds like Spooks voice.


A: (smiling) It certainly doesn’t sound like Marsh.


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Well just as you said they are all speculations. As far as wedding is concerned I doubt wax will marry steris now because saving house ladrian won't be on his priority list now.

The book Marsh gave to marasi can be either his or sazed's. I mentioned spook because the women kidnapped were traced back to Lord mistborn (spooks).

Maybe in second part we will also get to know about koloss blooded because first Trilogy said koloss can't reproduce so it's hard to understand koloss blooded allomancers origin.

I have a feeling that Marsh is the main character behind the set and kidnappings have something to do with mistborns because breeding a army from 5 women is indeed a very long term plan and I don't see that happening.

There is a sample chapter of Shadows of Self on brandon's website that at least in the beginning answers your thoughts regarding Wax's priority on wedding Steris. I will put below in a spoiler tag if you are curious or for those that already know.


Wax and Steris are moving forward with the wedding. Literally the first scene shows them planning the seating arrangements. I am not saying they will go through with the wedding ultimately, but it apparently certainly is a priority to Wax


Also there are words of Brandon regarding why the koloss can reproduce


Sazed made them able to breed true after he became Harmony


I don't feel Marsh is behind the kidnappings. Yes that would be an admirable twist, but it doesn't make sense to me based on his personality, and the changes he underwent. That is pretty much my own opinion. I could reference points regarding his personality, but it would still be conjecture on my part

Edited by P4thf1nd3r
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But if Marasi was correct in saying that Steris wasn't an Allomancer, than there would be no reason why they would kidnap her, as a spike from Steris wouldn't do anything.


And also, if you were to were using the hostages as hemalurgic victims, you wouldn't only kidnap women.


You make some good points.  After your response I had a REALLY weird thought (which almost certainly is not how Brandon will do it).


Technically, getting a hemalurgic spike from Steris wouldn't do nothing.  Further, what if Bloody Tan wasn't related to the kidnappings?


Perhaps he has been storing "luck" and using it to find bind points for hemalurgy, and getting results we wouldn't expect.  And if he is related to the kidnappings, perhaps something to do only with women??

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Just for the sake of speculations had anyone thought this Trilogy to be a war between two titans, harmony and Marsh?

Since the earring was given to wax by a kandra (supposedly loyal to harmony) which enabled harmony to interact with wax (like ruin and Vin, a voice in the head). I say this because after reading some posts here I know how Brandon likes to live clues and his telling that a kandra gave the earring to wax after which he mentions how harmony interacted with wax seems like a clue enough.

Why I mentioned Marsh is simply because of his appearing at the end, since he is the only one who is both a allo and feru (which made TLR almost immortal) that also makes him possibly the most powerful thing alive. Appearance of Bloody tam is another reason to point out marsh's involvement because at this point in the story I beleive the only one who knows about hemulargy on scadrial so if bloody tam used hemulargy then he probably had someone who taught him. Since Marsh is powerful enough and with power comes desires. probably he is planning to overthrow the current government and establish himself as The Ruler of Empire. Now another question might arise that why he waited for 300 years, how about applying the Kelsier theory of Atium production starting again after 300 years, since the only one with the knowledge of Atium I believe this is the thing that will give Marsh an edge over others and is worth the wait.

I read someone mentioned that now Atium will not grow because harmony now carries the power of ruin but what harmony controls is what was remaining of ruin(-Atium) because ruin hadn't reclaimed atium it was burned away by elend and others so hopefully that power was spread around the universe and is now returning in the form of atium.

Since harmony now have no human form he needs a human to stand against Marsh, wax makes for an obvious choice as he is a allo and is from the bloodline of breeze, old friend of harmony.

I don't know from where it all came from, I guess too much of alcohol can do this to you.

The only thing which I am not able to figure out is the kidnapping of women but since they all are from the bloodline of spook I beleive that the reason behind kidnappings is connected to allo.

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Harmony is a God. If TLR can move a planet, then Harmony can kill one guy.

Edit: added 'a'

A god without any physical form, he can move planets, create ashmounts, cause earthquakes but can he kill 1 guy? I don't think any god will bring calamity on planet to kill one guy. Perhaps I am wrong but I am an Indian and our mythology is filled with examples (myths) where gods empowered and guided some mortal to kill demons. So I believe that though harmony can destroy cities in a blink by causing earthquakes I doubt he will kill hundreds of thousands just to kill one guy
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No, you're right he wouldn't. But I would say that as Harmony becomes used to his power, he would become more precise in his execution, as we saw with TLR, who was able to distinguish the difference between Feruchemists and everyone else so as to change just them into Mistwraiths by the end of his tenure as Preservation. So i doubt that Harmony wouldn't be able to target just one person. Remember that we never really saw Ruin or Preservation act. We only saw them when they were weak and counterbalanced by each other.

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Maybe he can, but I still have my doubts. Like TLR wasn't able to target every feruchemist on the earth, he only changed his friends all of whom were with him in the well so he basically changed everyone around him. And then I have reasons to beleive that harmony don't have the power to kill, just like he don't have the power of life. Remember the prologue of HoA when he recreated physical forms of Vin and elend but was unable to bring them back. So harmony don't control the power of life and death but someone else does, probably the "god beyond"

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He changed every living Feruchemist to avoid another full Mistborn/Feruchemist popping up to challenge him. He is also half Ruin, the Shard of entropy. With Vin and Elend he was unable to bring their souls back from the 'beyond'.

Remember that Ruin and Preservation together created the humans on Scadrial. Preservation just had to sacrifice some of his power to give them sentience. IIRC.

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If he changed every feruchemist then how did they breed again? I read and it do say that he changed every feruchemist alive but there are some discrepancies, like synod. They were present before and during final empire, synod is supposedly a secret group of keepers who were feruchemists.

Preservation and ruin didn't created humans, they created life and preservation decided to give sentinent only to humans.

Another reason to believe that a secret group of feruchemists survived at the time of first ascension is the Flower, there were some people who had the knowledge of pre ascension Era greenery and flowers and were able to pass them to future generations.

Thanks to you, I read a lot on coppermind and found out why house tekeil is given so much importance, it is one of the purest bloodlines and it is the one Vin belonged to.

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I think it was that when he changed the Feruchemists he didn't realize that Feruchemancy was hereditary and so he only got rid of the Terrismen that were Feruchemists at the time, not the Terrismen that had it in their bloodline.

The Feruchemists that came up after the ascension are the forerunners of the Synod.


Also have you gone and told Aether that you are Indian? He is compiling a list of where each sharder is from/living at the moment. The list is in community section in the general discussion thread. Under Nationality thread/Sharder Geo-tracking. There are currently 3 Indians on the list.


Edit: Repeated myself I a gumpy.

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