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Book 2 speculation *Spoilers*


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Guest Jacob Santos

It needs to be pointed out that, while not exactly or technically gay (since they are obviously saying, "no homo" and hitting the other guy on the shoulder after), many times when you have a large group of men just chilling with no women available, they often "relieve" themselves with each other.

It technically isn't gay, since they aren't making out and cuddling afterwards. It is either have sex with your "bunk" mate (pun intended, even if no pun exists) or masturbate. I don't know about you, but I'll rather masturbate or if the guy is bigger than me and threatening to kill me, then I'll probably accept the rape while crying. Maybe. No, I definitely would be too cowardly to accept death, because my corpse probably would be violated anyway.

This stuff isn't pointed out often times, because it is taboo and some authors assume that you either "get" history and apply it to the historical context or you're better off not knowing the truth.

Something about Brandon's writing, gives me the impression that his stories are the exception and probably not Gundam Wing.

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I remember reading that book two will be set a year or two in the future. SO what would the truthless be doing in all that time.

If most of the leaders of roshar are being killed, dalinor could be able to unite the vorin kingdom and beyonds to deal with the desolations.

Jah keved is about to fall into chaos, I wonder if they will make a power play.It would be a major boon to their war effort if they encourage those shard bearers to join them.

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Okay, since this thread has somewhat become a shipping thread, I'm going to weigh in again. I'm still all for Shallan/Adolin/Renarin with Shallan/Renarin winning. I'd be okay with some bromance from Adolin and Kaladin, but not much, and certainly nothing romantic. Not much farther than Merlin and Arthur from the BBC show.

I have a good feeling that there will be another Kaladin flashback book, remember we haven't seen anything of his days as a slave. I'm pretty sure that's who Tarah was as well - a slave whom he helped to try to escape. It's interesting that her name doesn't ever come up in his guilt list of people who've died because of him. I'd guess that he wanted to stage an escape and she decided to stay behind. Thus he "failed" because he didn't get her out.

I don't really like Kaladin/Shallan. As people have said before, I don't think they'd work well together. Kaladin hates lighteyes, Shallan doesn't seem like the type to fall for him. But then, I don't really ship Kaladin with anyone. For one, he doesn't really seem interested, and then there's the fact that I have somewhat of a major crush on Kaladin myself and can't really see him with anyone. Ah, the fangirl strikes again.

Hmm, I wonder if Syl can sense Shardblades. She seems to have a feeling about them, but I wonder if she could tell that someone, like say Shallan, was carrying one. That'd be interesting. There's not really evidence for it, but there's also no evidence against it, either. It'd certainly be interesting. Syl finds out, tells Kaladin, all of a sudden, Kaladin has to protect Dalinar from a Shardbearer. THAT'D be a Kaladin/Shallan relationship I'd like to see.

I like the idea that Szeth takes the same boat as Shallan and Jasnah. It makes sense, and it'd be interesting. Sounds like a good plot for me.

I don't think Dalinar is going to die. People have mentioned that he probably has a book coming up, so that's a point in his favor. I'm also pretty sure he's got a Radiant/Surgebinder plot going on, and I don't really think Brandon would kill him before that got resolved or just after we got a resolution.

I don't know how I feel about the next book being Shallan's past. I was kind of hoping for Dalinar's. Honestly, I don't think there's much that would be that interesting in Shallan's past other than her father's murder. Even that shouldn't be that surprising. We've already come up with some pretty tenable scenarios for what happened. Maybe her travels while chasing Jasnah would be included, and that might be interesting, but I still think Dalinar would be much cooler. I'm itching to see hot-headed Blackthorn Dalinar, uniting the Alethi Princedoms and meeting the Parshendi for the first time. The Parshendi and that whole mystery is really fascinating, and I'd love to see more of their culture. I don't think we're going to get that with Shallan.

Whew. That was an opinion dump. I really ought to keep up with these threads more closely. It helps that I'm on my third/fourth readthrough (I'm reading aloud to my sister and reading ahead of her on my own at the same time.)

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Personally, my dream for book two is a scene in which Amaram shows up to speak with Dalinar--Kaladin doesn't know about it beforehand, but is standing at Dalinar's side when it happens--a short time later, while Amaram is still present, Szeth shows up--Kal and he start fighting--Jasnah and Shallan arrive at the Shattered Plains--They join the battle with cool new Soulcasting abilities not to mention Shallan's Shardblade--Szeth loses(preferably not dying, but fleeing)--and then the total AWESOMENESS of this meet pretty much ends my world. By that point Mr. Sanderson is good enough to have come up with more awesome plot points that keep things going. Oh, and I'm sure we can throw Hoid and the Honorblade guy (Sorry, it's been FOREVER since I've picked up the book) up there in the battle somewhere.

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Personally, my vote is on Shallan being the VP for Book 2.

Shallan's ToDo

Goes to Shattered Plains.

Jasnah immediately finds Dalinar, and thus Team Kalinar (as they will now forever be known to me).

They discuss the nature of fabrials and his visions.

More AWESOME verification and quotations about the true Voidbringers and how they could possibly stop the AWESOMENESS that are the Parshendi.

Kaladin takes a secondary role to Shallan discovering more and more about the Cognitive Realm (Shadesmar) and just whatelse other pure awesomeness Brandon has in store for some sort of MINDBLOWING power combination.

Shallan shows of her MASSIVE ti Shardblade and reasons for killing her father at which point my mind will already have combusted.

Did I mention I like Shallan and Soulcasting?

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Stormlightning, I pretty much want to see Amaram's face when he sees Kaladin again. That blend of shock and horror will just be epic. I don't know if I want Kaladin to be smug about the meeting or furious and attack. Either would make for an awesome scene.

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I am totally looking forward to an eventual confrontation between Kaladin and Amaram that ends up with the latter being pwned. I don't know if it will happen the first time they meet again or later but it's gotta happen, Kaladiin needs to have that confrontation to fully deal with his personal demons, IMO.

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The post is a month old, and in fact is derived from a video that is from mid-November, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here: Right now it seems Brandon is planning the focus characters for the first five as:

1. Kaladin

2. Shallan

3. Szeth

4. Navanni

5. Dalinar

I'm a bit surprised by Navani, same as the posts in that thread, but I'm also surprised that Dalinar is currently considered for book 5, when Brandon had indicated a while back that he was divided on the 2nd book being either Shallan or Dalinar, before finally deciding on Shallan.

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The post is a month old, and in fact is derived from a video that is from mid-November, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here: Right now it seems Brandon is planning the focus characters for the first five as:

I'm a bit surprised by Navani, same as the posts in that thread, but I'm also surprised that Dalinar is currently considered for book 5, when Brandon had indicated a while back that he was divided on the 2nd book being either Shallan or Dalinar, before finally deciding on Shallan.

The order isn't for sure though, just likely. So Dalinar could move up or down as needed. Im just really happy that he will survive till book 5!

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Personally, my vote is on Shallan being the VP for Book 2.

Shallan's ToDo

Goes to Shattered Plains.

Jasnah immediately finds Dalinar, and thus Team Kalinar (as they will now forever be known to me).

They discuss the nature of fabrials and his visions.

More AWESOME verification and quotations about the true Voidbringers and how they could possibly stop the AWESOMENESS that are the Parshendi.

Kaladin takes a secondary role to Shallan discovering more and more about the Cognitive Realm (Shadesmar) and just whatelse other pure awesomeness Brandon has in store for some sort of MINDBLOWING power combination.

Shallan shows of her MASSIVE ti Shardblade and reasons for killing her father at which point my mind will already have combusted.

Did I mention I like Shallan and Soulcasting?

what is this i don't even

I think that we'll be getting the most interesting information from Taln. With all the timeline and history debates, and discussion about the ten orders and such, you'd think having one of the original Heralds as a main character should help.

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While I would like to see Kaladin fight and win against Amaram, I'm not sure that it will happen. For oen thing assuming Dalinar's plan succeeds and he enforces the Alethi Codes of War on the entire army then it will actually be against the codes for them to duel. Also I feel it would be detrimental to Kaladin as he would be giving in to his hate for Amaran, unless they somehow fight and Kaladin has him at his mercy and spares him I suppose. I also have the sneaking suspicion that Amaram isn't really as bad as Kaladin thinks he is, or maybe he's the best of a bad lot. He does after all seem to feel uncomfortable when Tien is nominated to go to war, and I don't think he was comfortable with what he did to Kaladin either - he sounded like he was trying to convince himself that it was right. It's entirely possible he's been feeling guilty since he betrayed kaladin. Then again, it's entirely possible he hasn't :D.

Also, I hope Elhokar isn't there when Szeth appears to kill Dalinar (whenever that is) as it's quite likely everyone will rush to protect Elhokar (including Kaladin probably) as they assume that's who he's after - leaving Dalinar open.

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While I would like to see Kaladin fight and win against Amaram, I'm not sure that it will happen. For oen thing assuming Dalinar's plan succeeds and he enforces the Alethi Codes of War on the entire army then it will actually be against the codes for them to duel. Also I feel it would be detrimental to Kaladin as he would be giving in to his hate for Amaran, unless they somehow fight and Kaladin has him at his mercy and spares him I suppose. I also have the sneaking suspicion that Amaram isn't really as bad as Kaladin thinks he is, or maybe he's the best of a bad lot. He does after all seem to feel uncomfortable when Tien is nominated to go to war, and I don't think he was comfortable with what he did to Kaladin either - he sounded like he was trying to convince himself that it was right. It's entirely possible he's been feeling guilty since he betrayed kaladin. Then again, it's entirely possible he hasn't :D.

Also, I hope Elhokar isn't there when Szeth appears to kill Dalinar (whenever that is) as it's quite likely everyone will rush to protect Elhokar (including Kaladin probably) as they assume that's who he's after - leaving Dalinar open.

I agree that I don't really think they'll be dueling it out, and I agree with FeatherWriter that the most important thing I need to see is an awesome reaction on both Amaram's and Kaladin's faces when they see each other again.

Hmm...I think that most people would go to protect Elhokar in that situation, but I don't really feel like Kaladin feels any reason to do so. I think by the time that he would defend Elhokar, it would have become apparent that he wasn't the target at all. I suspect that if that scenario were the case, he would stay by Dalinar's side unless commanded to do otherwise. Who can say about the rest of the armies, though.

Huh, I wonder how Sadeas will take to an assassination on Dalinar. Would he hold his army back if he has the choice? I don't think so, unless he's completely given up on pretending like he and Dalinar are still on the same side.

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@Odium's_Shard Well... Tanavast (the voice) didn't actually say to trust Sadeas. Dalinar asked if he should trust Sadeas and then the voice said "Yes. ..."

Tanavast was saying yes to his own musings and Dalinar misunderstood.

and can I suggest that you add "Child of one long since departed" after "... Child of Honor" in your signature?

I've been hoping for a very long time that when Amaram's army marches into camp, Kaladin yells something like "Ho, Amaram, how're my shards treating you?" Then Amaram looks over and he looks as if he saw a ghost (Pale face, wide eyes, open mouth, still as a statue, etc.). That would make my day. And then I'd be happy if Kaladin could get the Shards back. Too bad dueling is out of picture. Kaladin could keep the plate and give Moash the sword (he said that he came to the plains for a sword). And a big, heavy spear could be made for Kaladin for while he's in his Plate.

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And @Lantern13 I knew that he wasn't talking about Sadeas. If you actually look at the post it says:

This is why when the voice said to trust him and it wasn't actually talking about Sadeas

*emphasis added

Just sayin'.

And no, I don't think Kaladin wants the Shards personally. That doesn't mean he won't take them for Dalinar because Dalinar has lost a Shard!

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Maybe Amaram will want to fight Kaladin so he can be sure the only person (other than his own advisors) who knows what he did dead - although I have a feeling his words will be as the thousand doves (I love that phrase :D). We know he is subordinate to Sadeas, so perhaps when Dalinar enforces the Alethi Codes of War (which forbid duelling during times of war), Sadeas will maneuver somehow to get Amaram to duel Kaladin and force Dalinar to accept it, undermining Dalinar's position and emboldening his enemies. The fate of the Alethi Codes will literally lie in their hands...

Also, I would like Kaladin to finally remember to tell Sigzil that Hoid has graduated him and he is now a full WorldSinger - although admittedly he did have a lot on his mind, what with almost dying and all :lol:.

EDIT: Also, Kaladin may not go to help Elhokar, in fact he might not even know the significance of The Assassin in White and his link to Elhokar. On the other hand, he may by that time have become friends with Elhokar (it's possible) even if he isn't now, he will after all be in the Royal Guard - their purpose is to protect the King. Dalinar may also order him to do so, he certaintly wouldn't think Szeth was there for him.

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I was thinking Kaladin might want the shardplate because now that he is supposed to protect Dalinar he might realize that the plate will help him protect better. What he didn't want was the sword because that will make him lighteyes (does plate also do that?) and it's what killed all his men. He had no compunctions(?) about the plate, he was just lumping it in with the sword.


I sat and stared at your post for several minutes and I answered in the only way I could wrap my head around what you said. I didn't really know what you meant by your last sentence

this is a great marker for Sadeas' hidden affiliation
unless now I realize that you might have put it in as something the AUTHOR put in as foreshadowing or something, like what he could have done by having Shallan soulcast blood for her first soulcast (if she is in the blood order), even though the soulcasting depends on what gem one has instead of what one's order is. That's the only way I can now think of wrapping my around it.

And ty for taking my suggestion :), although child should be capitalised :P. And if it were me I might look at how long and departed look when capitalised, since one can be construed as the "name" (like tanavast) and departed can be construed and a description (like Honor can be) ;)

(I believe construed is the right word, I don't use it very often and I don't want to look up the definition)

EDIT added something to make what I was saying more easily understood

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